[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
The purpose of this Chapter shall be to ensure that recreational vehicle parks are located, developed and occupied in accordance with standards and regulations which will protect the health, safety, general welfare and convenience of the occupants of such parks and the residents of the County.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
As used in this Chapter, unless the context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise, the words and phrases defined in this Section shall have the below indicated meanings; provided that when definitions, rules and regulations defined herein are in conflict with provisions of other City ordinances, the provisions of the recreational vehicle park ordinance shall prevail.
Any vehicle or portable structure having no foundation other than wheels, jacks or blocks and designed or constructed as a self-contained single-family dwelling unit.
A recreational vehicle designed specifically for placement in a recreational vehicle park to be used for transient or recreational housing. Park models are distinguished from standard recreational vehicles by the lack of self-contained holding tanks. For purposes of this Chapter, if a unit is not listed in the latest addition of the National Automobile Dealers Association Recreational Vehicle Appraisal Guide as a park model, it cannot be considered a park model. Park models do not exceed eleven and one-half (11.5) feet in width and contain four hundred (400) square feet or less.
A vehicle or portable structure built and designed to be used for temporary occupancy or travel, recreational or vacation use. Said vehicles contain plumbing, heating and electrical systems which are operated with or without connection to outside utilities. Recreational vehicles include, but are not limited to, campers, motor homes, camping trailers, tent trailers, fifth wheels and travel trailers; tents are excluded. A recreational vehicle shall have a body width of no more than nine (9) feet (excluding sideout) and a body length of no more than forty (40) feet when factory equipped for the road. "Recreational vehicle" means a portable vehicular unit mounted on wheels designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use and of such size or weight as not to require special highway movement permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle and with a living area of less than two hundred twenty (220) square feet, excluding built-in equipment (such as wardrobes, closets, kitchen units or fixtures) and bath and toilet rooms. Such units commonly described as travel trailers, campers, motor homes, converted buses or other similar units, whether they are self-propelled, pulled or can be hauled without a special permit, would be considered examples of recreational vehicles.
A tract or parcel of land upon which two (2) or more recreational vehicle sites are located for occupancy by recreational vehicles as temporary living quarters for recreation or vacation purposes.
A plot of ground within a recreational vehicle park intended for temporary location of a recreational vehicle as a dwelling unit.
A facility used for removing and disposing of wastes from recreational vehicle sewage holding tanks.
An enclosed structure or shelter fabricated entirely or in major part of cloth, canvas, plastic or similar material used for recreational or vacation purposes.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
A recreational vehicle park shall be permitted only upon the issuance of a special use permit. The owner, operator and occupants of a recreational vehicle park shall develop and use the park in strict compliance with the conditions imposed by the permit.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
A recreational vehicle park shall meet the following general requirements (minimum):
No recreational vehicle shall be occupied for more than three (3) days unless the same is parked inside an approved recreational vehicle park.
No recreational vehicle shall be occupied for commercial purposes, except units used for job shacks at commercial construction sites with valid building permits.
No recreational vehicle shall be used as a permanent place of abode or dwelling, except for park management, for indefinite periods of time. Occupancy in a park for more than one hundred eighty (180) days in any twelve (12) month period shall be conclusively deemed to be permanent occupancy. Placement of the unit on a foundation or any action toward removal of wheels of a recreational vehicle, except for temporary purposes of repair, is hereby prohibited.
Except for portable awnings and screens that are attached to and carried with the recreational vehicle, no external appurtenances, such as carports, cabanas or patios, may be attached to any recreational vehicle while it is in a park.
No space within a recreational vehicle park shall be rented for any purpose other than those expressly allowed by this Chapter.
No person, company or corporation shall establish or modify a recreational vehicle park without first complying with the provisions of this Chapter.
No mobile home shall be permitted in a recreational vehicle park.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
All required site improvements and other conditions of the special use permit shall be met before occupancy of any site by a recreational vehicle; provided that completion may be accomplished by phases if such phases are identified and approved in the special use permit.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
The location of recreational vehicle parks shall be reviewed for harmony with adjoining properties. Recreational vehicle parks may only be established on property which meets the following criteria:
Recreational vehicle parks may be permitted only in "C-2" (Highway Commercial) zoning districts.
The minimum site area of a park shall be four (4) acres.
Parks shall be located within two thousand (2,000) feet of a State or Interstate highway.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
The following are minimum design standards for recreational vehicle parks:
Density. The number of recreational vehicles permitted in a park shall not exceed a density of twenty (20) units per gross acre. The special permit may limit density further to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area.
Spacing and site width. There shall be a minimum side-to-side dimension of fifteen (15) feet between vehicles and an end-to-end dimension of twelve (12) feet. Each recreational vehicle space shall have a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet.
Site access. Entrances and exits to the park shall be designed for safe and convenient movement of traffic into and out of the park and to minimize friction with free movement of traffic on adjacent streets. All traffic into and out of the park shall be through such entrances and exits. No entrance or exit shall require a turn at an acute angle for vehicles moving in the direction intended and radii of curbs and pavement at intersections shall be such as to facilitate easy turning movements for vehicles with trailers attached. No material impediment to visibility shall be created or maintained which obscures the view of an approaching driver in the right lane of the street within one hundred (100) feet of the intersection with the park entrance.
Parking. At least one (1) parking space for eight (8) sites shall be provided for visitor parking in the park.
Internal park roads. All internal park roads shall be privately owned and maintained. They shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. Park roads shall have a minimum improved width as follows:
The main or central road through the park shall have a width of not less than twenty-eight (28) feet exclusive of parking lanes.
Roads other than the main road shall have a width of not less than fourteen (14) feet per each travel lane.
One-way roads shall be permitted only where drive-through recreational vehicle spaces are provided. One-way roads shall have a width of not less than twelve (12) feet.
Parking lanes shall have a width of not less than ten (10) feet.
All walkways shall not be less than four (4) feet in width and shall be paved concrete or asphalt.
Open space/recreational facilities. A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the site shall be set aside and maintained as open space for the recreational use of park occupants. Such spaces shall be accessible and usable by all residents of the park for passive or active recreation. Parking spaces, driveways, access streets and storage areas are not considered usable open space. The percentage requirement may be reduced to fifteen percent (15%) of the site if substantial and appropriate recreational facilities (such as recreational buildings, swimming pool or tennis courts) are provided.
Setbacks. No recreational vehicle site shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet from any exterior park property line abutting upon a major street or ten (10) feet from any other exterior park property line. Permanent structures within the park shall have minimum front and rear yards of fifteen (15) feet each and minimum side yards of five (5) feet each. Yard space shall be measured from the wall of the building. Building yard setbacks do not supersede other more restrictive setbacks.
Landscaping/screening. All areas of recreational vehicle parks, including perimeter setback areas now used for roadways, pathways, building maintenance yards and recreational facilities, shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of live vegetative ground cover, lawn, shrubs, trees, flower beds and ornamental shrub beds. All landscaping plans shall be approved in conjunction with the special permit process and shall be guided by the following:
All utility areas of park buildings shall be screened with landscaping, solid fencing or a combination thereof.
All maintenance yards shall be sight screened by a solid fence and various landscape elements.
Landscaping/screening design and maintenance. All landscaping and screening shall be designed and maintained to be aesthetically pleasing to ensure the general welfare of the community is enhanced. All trees, flowers, lawns and other landscaping features shall be maintained by the recreational vehicle park management in a healthy growing condition at all times.
Signs. Signs and advertising shall be prohibited in recreational vehicle parks except:
One (1) freestanding sign.
One (1) identifying sign at each entrance of the park which may be indirectly lighted but no flashing.
Directional and information signs for the convenience of occupants of the park.
Utilities. All utilities within the park shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable State and City regulations, ordinances and codes.
Electricity. Electricity shall be provided to each recreational vehicle site.
Watering station. Each recreational vehicle park shall be provided with one (1) or more easily accessible water supply outlets for filling recreational vehicle water storage tanks.
Sanitary stations. Each recreational vehicle park shall be provided with sanitary dumping stations in the ratio of one (1) for every one hundred (100) recreational vehicle sites or fractional unit thereof. Sanitary stations shall consist of at least a trapped four (4) inch sewer riser pipe connected to the sewage disposal system and surrounded at the inlet end by a concrete apron sloped to drain and provided with a suitable hinged cover and a water outlet, with the necessary appurtenances, connected to the water supply system to permit periodic washdown of the immediate adjacent areas. Suitable backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the water supply lines. A sign shall be posted near the water outlet indicating that: "THIS WATER IS FOR FLUSHING AND CLEANING PURPOSES ONLY, NOT FOR DRINKING."
Solid waste disposal. Tip-proof refuse containers with tight-fitting covers shall be placed throughout the park in convenient locations. Refuse containers shall be located not farther than one hundred (100) feet from any recreational vehicle space. Refuse containers must be screened from public view on three (3) sides. The refuse containers shall be kept in sanitary condition at all times. Garbage and rubbish shall be collected and disposed of as frequently as necessary to ensure that the containers do not overflow. All recreational vehicle parks shall be maintained free of litter and garbage. In addition to the refuse containers placed throughout the park, at least one (1) large (four (4) cubic yards or greater) container shall be located near the management building.
Stormwater drainage. Stormwater detention facilities shall be provided so that all stormwater drainage is contained in the park in any recreational vehicle park that exceeds four (4) acres in size.
Surfacing of sites. All spaces except tent sites shall have a hard surfaced pad (asphalt or concrete) of the same minimum dimensions as the largest unit permitted to occupy that space. Sites used for tents need not be hard surfaced, however, tent spaces shall not be greater than ten percent (10%) of the total number of sites.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
Management buildings, recreational facilities, restrooms, showers, laundry facilities and structures customarily incidental to operation of a recreational vehicle park are deemed to be permitted accessory uses in a recreational vehicle park.
Grocery stores and convenience shops shall be permitted as accessory uses and are subject to the following restrictions:
Such establishments and the parking area primarily related to their operation shall not occupy more than five percent (5%) of the gross area of the park.
Such establishments shall present no visible evidence from any street outside the park of their commercial character that would attract customers other than occupants of the park.
The structures housing such facilities shall not be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any public street and shall not be directly accessible from any public street, but shall be accessible only from a street within the park.
Maintenance buildings, recreation and similar buildings must be permanent structures. Permanent structures do not include recreational vehicles, recreational vehicles on foundations or shipping containers of any kind.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
The owner of a recreational vehicle park shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of the park in strict conformity with the approved plan and conditions of the special use permit as well as all applicable laws and ordinances. Each park shall have a manager available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The grounds of the recreational vehicle park and all buildings and structures shall be maintained in a clean, sightly condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or create a nuisance.
[Ord. No. 4357 §1, 8-15-2005]
The consideration of an application for a recreational vehicle park shall follow this procedure:
The applicant shall make application at least thirty (30) calendar days before the regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which action is desired. Forms shall be provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary. The application will continue through the special use permit process as described below until a special use permit is approved or denied.
The application shall include a three hundred dollar ($300.00) fee and be accompanied by a list of all names and addresses of all owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed development.
The application shall further be accompanied by ten (10) copies of a site plan which shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one hundred (100) feet to the inch and shall be clear and precise. The plan should be prepared by a Missouri registered engineer. If necessary, the site plan can consist of more than one (1) drawing. The site plan shall contain, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
Name of the owner and operator with addresses and phone numbers; and the name of the proposed recreational vehicle park.
Legal description of the subject tract of land.
Name, address and phone number of the person or firm preparing the site plan.
Scale of the drawing and north arrow.
The area and dimensions of the tract of land.
The number, size and location of all recreational vehicle spaces.
The number, size and location of all off-street parking spaces.
The location and width of all streets and walkways.
The location of service buildings, management offices, sanitary stations, recreation areas and any other proposed facilities or structures.
Location of all utility easements (if any).
Specifications of the water supply, sewage disposal, electrical supply and refuse collection systems (may be submitted on separate sheets or pages).
Drainage plan (may be submitted on separate drawing).
Landscaping plan (may be submitted on separate drawing).
Topography at an appropriate contour interval.
Vicinity map indicating the names and locations of all streets and highways within at least a one-quarter (¼) mile radius of the subject area.
Fencing and screening.
Special use permit review. Once a complete application has been received by the City, the consideration of the recreational vehicle park application will be put on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall review the preliminary plan as soon as practicable and:
If the application is satisfactory, the Secretary of the Commission shall forward it to the Board of Aldermen together with the recommendation of the Commission for approval.
If the application is unsatisfactory, the Commission shall give notice to the submitting party, in writing, setting forth the conditions causing the disapproval and the unsatisfactory conditions shall be remedied before further consideration by the Commission.
If the unsatisfactory conditions are not remedied within thirty (30) days of such notice, the Secretary of the Commission shall forward the application to the Board of Aldermen together with the recommendation of the Commission for:
Disapproval; or
Conditional approval based on correction of specific unsatisfactory conditions.
If no recommendation is received from the Commission by the Board of Aldermen within forty-five (45) days of the date of submission of application to the Commission and no adverse report has been given to the submitting party by the Commission, it shall assume to have been approved and the Board of Aldermen may proceed with their review of the application in accordance with these regulations.
The Board of Aldermen shall review the application as soon as practicable after receipt of the report of the Commission. A public hearing will be held to consider the application and to receive comments from interested citizens. The public hearing must be advertised in a local newspaper at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the public hearing.
If the application is satisfactory, the City Clerk, upon direction from the Board, shall thereupon affix a notation of approval, date of approval, the signature of the City Clerk and the seal of the City of Dexter on the plan denoting satisfactory compliance with the requirements of these regulations. The plan shall be returned to the developer who may then proceed in accordance with these regulations.
If the application is unsatisfactory, the Board shall give notice to the submitting party, in writing, setting forth the conditions causing the disapproval and the unsatisfactory conditions shall be remedied before further consideration by the Board.