[CC 1987 §135.010; Ord. No. 95 §1, 2-6-1933]
There is hereby created by and for the City of Hayti, Missouri, the office of "City Collector".
[CC 1987 §135.020; Ord. No. 95 §2, 2-6-1933]
There shall be elected in and for the City of Hayti, Pemiscot County, Missouri, an officer in and for said City to be known as "City Collector".
[CC 1987 §135.030; Ord. No. 655 §II, 1-7-1991]
Pursuant to Section 79.050, RSMo., the elective office of Collector of the City of Hayti, Missouri, shall be for a term of four (4) years.
[CC 1987 §135.050; Ord. No. 95 §5, 2-6-1933]
The City Collector shall perform all duties heretofore provided, to be performed by ex officio Collector, and when the word ex officio Collector appears in the City ordinances shall be taken and construed as City Collector.
[CC 1987 §135.060; Ord. No. 494 §§1 — 2, 9-8-1970]
The City of Hayti shall furnish a suitable office or convenient and sufficient office space in the City Hall for the office of the City Tax Collector and for the convenience of persons having business therewith. The City Collector shall maintain an office at such place provided therefor in the City Hall and shall keep the same open during regular business hours on regular weekdays, so far as practicable.
[CC 1987 §135.070; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §30, 8-14-1930]
The City Collector shall report to the Board of Aldermen at the regular meeting in each month all taxes collected on the real and person delinquent list; also a complete settlement of revenue collected by him/her, from all sources whatever, during the preceding month. In such settlement the Collector shall show from what source each amount or revenue is received and has been collected, keeping each class separate and distinct from all others, so that every settlement may show the amount of revenue the City has received from each and every source. Every such settlement shall be recorded by the City Clerk in a book to be kept for that purpose, which book shall be open for the inspection of taxpayers of this City.
[CC 1987 §135.080; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §31, 8-14-1930]
Immediately after each monthly settlement, as aforesaid, the Collector shall pay into the City Treasury the amount found to be due on such settlement.
[CC 1987 §135.090; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §32, 8-14-1930]
If the Collector shall fail, neglect or refuse to pay into the City Treasury the amount found to be due by him/her on any settlement, or if he/she shall fail to make such settlement within five (5) days after such specified time for such settlements, he/she shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor.
[CC 1987 §135.110; Ord. No. 254 §1, 2-20-1947]
Upon receipt of survey of businesses, occupations, trades and professions from the qualified and Acting City Marshal or employee of said City of Hayti, Missouri, who has made said survey, it shall be the duty of the City Collector to mail to each and every person liable to pay City licenses, as disclosed by said survey, a statement of any and all licenses due and payable said City of Hayti, Missouri, from them, as provided by ordinance, mailed to them at Hayti, Missouri.
[CC 1987 §135.120; Ord. No. 254 §3, 2-20-1947]
It shall be the duty of the City Collector to collect said licenses as due, and should the person, firm, corporation liable to pay such licenses fail so to do after having received statement thereof, then it shall become the duty of said City Collector to file complaint before the Municipal Judge of the City of Hayti, Missouri, charging said person, firm or corporation with violation of the City ordinance of carrying on business without licenses so to do, the complaint shall be filed as said City Collector and not otherwise.
[CC 1987 §135.130; Ord. No. 254 §4, 2-20-1947]
The City Collector failing to comply with this Article shall be liable on his/her bond for any and all licenses uncollected due to his/her neglect, it being understood that the City Collector shall have thirty (30) days in which to make said license collection after statement therefore has been duly mailed and after same has been duly filed in his/her office.
[CC 1987 §135.140; Ord. No. 254 §5, 2-20-1947]
Provided, that should any business discontinue after survey and before forty-five (45) days thereafter, it shall not be considered that City Collector has been negligent in his/her duties as to collection of said license.