[CC 1987 §125.010; Ord. No. 538 §1.a, 11-18-1974]
There is hereby created the office of City Attorney of the City of Hayti, Missouri.
[CC 1987 §125.020; Ord. No. 538 §1.b, 11-18-1974]
The Mayor shall, by and with the consent and advice of the Board of Aldermen, appoint the City Attorney at the first (1st) meeting of the Board of Aldermen in May of each year. He/she shall hold his/her office from the date of his/her appointment until his/her successor is appointed and qualified.
[CC 1987 §125.030; Ord. No. 538 §1.c, 11-18-1974]
The City Attorney shall be a person learned in the law, licensed as an attorney at law in the State of Missouri and enrolled as such and at least twenty-five (25) years of age.
[CC 1987 §125.040; Ord. No. 538 §1.d, 11-18-1974]
The City Attorney shall perform the following duties:
It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prosecute all violations of the City ordinances in the Municipal Court and to that end he/she shall attend the Municipal Court sessions and see that all complaints are properly made out;
The City Attorney shall prosecute and defend on behalf of the City all actions by or against the City and in such cases as the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen shall deem to be to the best interest of the City;
The City Attorney shall represent the City in all cases brought in the Circuit Court and cases brought by appeal from the Municipal Court or otherwise, and in all cases in the Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Missouri;
The City Attorney shall draft all ordinances of the City and all contracts relating to the business of the City and all legal forms to be used in the business of the City and shall perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by ordinance from time to time;
In any complaint made before the Municipal Judge, except when made by an officer of the City in the discharge of his/her duty, the City Attorney may, as in his/her judgment the best interest of the City demand it, require the complainant or the party at whose instance the complaint is made to give security for costs to be approved by the Municipal Judge before proceeding further with the cause;
When any complaint has been filed and whenever the City Attorney has knowledge, information or belief that any ordinance has been violated, it shall be his/her duty to prepare and file with the Municipal Judge a statement or information containing the title of the case, the name of the complainant, and shall clearly state the cause of action or charge against the defendant.
[CC 1987 §125.050; Ord. No. 538 §1.e, 11-18-1974]
The City Attorney may be a non-resident of the City of Hayti and need not be a registered voter of the City of Hayti.
[CC 1987 §125.060; Ord. No. 538 §1.f, 11-18-1974]
The City Attorney may be removed from office as provided by law for the removal of officers of a City of the Fourth Class.
[CC 1987 §125.070; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §52, 8-14-1930]
Whenever the City Attorney shall be unable to attend any court by reason of temporary absence, sickness or other reason, he/she may, with the consent of the Mayor, appoint someone to act in his/her stead during his/her absence or disability.
[CC 1987 §125.080; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §53, 8-14-1930]
If at any time the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall deem it necessary, they may employ additional counsel by ordinance and shall pay such counsel reasonable compensation for any such legal services demanded by the City.