[CC 1987 §451.010; Ord. No. 436 §1, 5-4-1964]
All dogs within the corporate limits of the City of Hayti shall be inoculated against rabies by a duly licensed veterinarian once within every period of twelve (12) months, and all dogs shall, at all times, wear a rabies inoculation tag. Any and all dogs not so inoculated within the period of twelve (12) months and also any and all dogs not wearing a rabies inoculation tag, whether or not so inoculated, shall be subject to the impounding and destruction provisions of Section 210.030 of this Article; and also the owner or owners and the person or persons in control, possession, management or care of any dog not in full compliance with this Section of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[CC 1987 §451.020; Ord. No. 436 §2, 5-4-1964]
A full-time quarantine is hereby declared on all dogs within the corporate limits of the City of Hayti whether or not inoculated every twelve (12) months and whether or not wearing an inoculation tag; and it is hereby declared a misdemeanor for any person or persons owning, controlling, possessing or having the management or care in whole or in part of any dog to fail to confine the same to the premises of such person or persons, or to permit such dog to be elsewhere than upon the premises of such person, unless such dog is continually within the actual physical control of such person by means of a line or leash, not to exceed ten (10) feet in length, so as to effectively prevent such dog from biting, molesting, being with or approaching any animal or person.
[Ord. No. 2011-07 §1, 8-8-2011]
It is unlawful for any person owning or in control of any animal to allow or permit such animal to defecate upon any public property or private property, unless the person owning or in control of the animal immediately removes and properly disposes of all feces deposited by the animal.
This Section shall not apply to any guide or support dog accompanying any blind or disabled person.
It shall be unlawful for an owner to allow the accumulation of animal feces or manure in any open area, run, cage or yard wherein animals are kept and to fail to remove or dispose of feces or manure on a regular basis to avoid offensive odors or unsanitary conditions creating a nuisance as determined by City staff. It is unlawful for an owner to allow pet waste to be deposited, or cause unsanitary conditions resulting from pet waste, on an adjacent property through stormwater runoff or washing off areas where animals are kept.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or handler of any animal to fail to have in their possession the equipment necessary to remove their animal's fecal matter when accompanied by said animal on public property or public easement, or private property of another.
[CC 1987 §451.030; Ord. No. 436 §3, 5-4-1964; Ord. No. 2011-3 §1, 4-11-2011; Ord. No. 2018-06, 9-10-2018]
Any dog found elsewhere than upon the premises of the owner or person in control, possession, management or care thereof, whether or not inoculated or wearing an inoculation tag, is hereby found and declared to be a common and public nuisance and all such dogs shall be seized and impounded by the City of Hayti in a suitable place, the location of which shall be stated by the posting of notice thereof in the office of the City Clerk for the period of thirty (30) days after the enactment of this Chapter and also for the period of thirty (30) days after any change of such place; and each and every dog so seized and impounded shall be held by the City of Hayti for the period of one (1) week and at the end of which period of time every such dog shall be put to death by humane methods or shall be sold by the City of Hayti, unless such dog is redeemed by the owner or some other person in behalf of such owner within said period of one (1) week. Such seized and impounded dogs may be redeemed within said period of one (1) week by the owner or other person in behalf of the owner by paying to the City of Hayti for deposit to the General Revenue Fund, an impounding fee at the rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) for the first (1st) day or part of day, and ten dollars ($10.00) for each additional day or partial day, plus all direct expenses incurred by the City for veterinary or other health care for the animal, to cover the cost of such seizure, impounding and care, provided such dog has been inoculated against rabies within the previous twelve (12) months and is wearing a rabies inoculation tag; and such seized and impounded dogs being redeemed within the period of one (1) week, by payment of the fee herein provided that are not inoculated or are not wearing an inoculation tag, shall also be inoculated and provided with an inoculation tag, within said one (1) week period, at the cost of the redeemer and before release thereof.
[CC 1987 §451.040; Ord. No. 436 §4, 5-4-1964]
The enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter shall be primarily the duty of the Police Department of the City of Hayti, provided however, that the Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, shall have the authority to appoint other persons to assist in the enforcement hereof, at such compensation as may be provided, from time to time, by resolution of the Aldermen.