Uniform Construction Code — See Ch. 1430.
Editor's Note: Former Section 1424.01, 1995 Edition adopted; file copies; purpose, was repealed 6-24-2004 by Ord. No. 384.
Editor's Note: Former Section 1424.02, Conflict of laws, was repealed 6-24-2004 by Ord. No. 384.
[Ord. No. 384, passed 6-24-2004]
The International Plumbing Code is hereby repealed save and except the following provisions:
Section 109, Means of Appeal is amended to read:
109.1 Application for appeal: An owner or other person with a legal or equitable interest in the affected property may appeal to the Board of Appeals from an adverse decision of the code official. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an alternative method or material can be used, consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the public. The appeal shall cite the provision(s) of the Code for which the relief is requested and the reasons supporting the request for relief. The code official shall file a written response to the application for appeal with a copy to the appellant at least seven days prior to the hearing.
109.2 Membership of Board of Appeals: The members of the Township Planning Commission shall constitute the Board of Appeals.
109.3 Hearings: Hearings on the appeals shall occur at the next regularly scheduled Township Planning Commission meeting occurring at least 22 days from the date the application for appeal is filed or at such other time as the Board of Appeals establishes. The hearing procedures shall be established by the Board of Appeals. Recording and transcribing of testimony shall not be required.
109.4 Decisions of the Board of Appeals: The Board of Appeals shall make decisions upon the majority vote of a quorum of its members present and qualified to vote. The Board of Appeals may make its decisions based upon the written application for appeal with or without hearing.
109.5 Administration: The code official shall comply with the decisions of the Board of Appeals.
Section 306.6 Freezing (Amended): The last sentence shall read: Water service pipe shall be installed not less than 36 inches deep.
Section 701.2.1 Public Sewer Connection (Added): When public sewers become available to the premises served, the use of the private sewage disposal system shall be discontinued within that period of time required by law, but such period shall not exceed one year. The building sewer shall be disconnected from the private sewage disposal system and connected to the public sewer.
Section 701.10 Abandoned Systems (Added): All abandoned private sewage disposal systems shall be plugged or capped in an approved manner. All abandoned treatment tanks and seepage pits shall have the contents pumped and discarded in an approved manner. The top or entire tank shall be removed and the remaining portion of the tank or excavation shall be immediately filled.
Section 707.3 Fittings for Change in Direction (Amended): Amend by adding the following: d. No quarter bend or short sweep or long sweep bend in a vertical to horizontal line shall be permitted above the last fixture connection.
Table 713.1(2) Horizontal Fixture Branches and Stacks (Amended): Amend by adding the following: e. Only one fixture unit shall be allowed on each horizontal branch line on 1-1/2 inch diameter pipe. The drain line shall enter the main line separately and be back-vented with a minimum of 1-1/2 inch diameter pipe, if the total length of pipe from the main to the trap exceeds eight feet.
Section 904.6 Toilet Vents (Added): Vent pipe sizing for all toilet vents shall be a minimum of three inches in diameter; branch lines shall be a minimum of 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
Section 1004.14 Inspection of interceptors and separators (Added): The proper official designated by the Township shall have the authority to conduct periodic inspections of interceptors and separators to ascertain whether or not they are being properly serviced and maintained to prevent non-sewage dirt, grease, oil and other waste products from entering the sewer collection system. The Inspector shall inspect each interceptor in commercial establishments with food preparation facilities, and each separator in garages and service stations, on a semi-annual basis (two times a year) unless cause exists to require more frequent inspections. Commercial establishments shall also include, but not be limited to, schools, private clubs, churches and fire houses.