Council generally — See Charter, Art. III.
Council meetings — See Ch. 210.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
A Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be chosen by a majority vote of all members of the Council, and such vote shall be recorded in the minutes.
In the event of illness or other incapacity of the Chairman which necessitates absence for three or more consecutive regular monthly meetings, the Council may, by resolution, declare the position open and the Vice Chairman shall be declared Chairman. A new Vice Chairman shall be elected by a majority vote.
The Chairman of the Council shall:
Preside at all meetings of the Council.
Administer oaths or affirmations as required.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
The minutes of regular and special meetings of the Council shall contain, at the minimum, the date, time and place of convening; a listing of Council members present and absent; an identification of all matters brought before the Council for discussion or action; the resulting vote of all members present on all motions, resolutions or ordinances; and a roll call record of votes cast "aye" or "nay" on all ordinances upon which action was taken.
By motion of the Council, tape recordings or other verbatim transcriptions of the proceedings of any meeting may be taken and be made available and preserved in the same manner as prescribed for minutes.
Copies of the minutes of each meeting shall be provided to each Council member and/or read aloud at the next regular or special meeting, and, following any corrections by the Council, action for approval shall be considered.
Individuals may make arrangements to obtain copies of pages of the minutes, and the Township shall charge for copying cost.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
By resolution at a public meeting the Council may authorize any of its members to attend meetings of municipal organizations and associations or study or training sessions related to the responsibilities of the office of Councilman, or to attend other meetings on official business which are not business meetings of the Township, and may authorize payment of all or any specified portion of the necessary and reasonable expenses incidental to the attendance of such meetings.
Every member of the Council attending any authorized meeting shall submit to the Council an itemized account of the expenses which were incurred.
Verification of expenses shall be in accordance with the current United States Internal Revenue Service regulations for a profit-making organization.
Air travel reimbursement shall be restricted to the cost of a non-first-class rate.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
The proposed agenda for any stated meeting shall be forwarded to all members of the Council and be available to the public three days prior to the stated monthly meeting, if possible, and no less than 36 hours prior to the monthly meetings. In addition, the agenda for stated monthly meetings, adjourned monthly meetings, special meetings and, where possible, emergency meetings, shall be posted for public view in the Municipal Building and copies made available at the meeting. The agenda shall be prepared by the Chairman of Council or his or her designate.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
At the time appointed for any meeting of the Council, the Chairman shall take the Chair and call the meeting to order. If a quorum is present, as provided in the Charter, the Chairman shall proceed with the order of business prescribed for the meeting. If, upon the call of the roll, a quorum is not present, the Chairman shall order a recess for a period of 30 minutes, and if a quorum has not developed by that time, the Chairman shall declare the meeting void.
If the Chairman is not present, then the Vice Chairman shall call the meeting to order.
If the Chairman and Vice Chairman are not present, then the remaining members may select a temporary Chairman.
The Councilman who calls the meeting to order is referred to hereinafter as the "presiding officer."
Unless a majority of the Council votes otherwise, the order of business for each regular meeting shall be as follows:
Roll call.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Reports of Municipal officials, committees or special advisory groups.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Call from the floor.
Before a vote is taken on any item, the general public shall have the opportunity to address the Council on the matter to be voted upon.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
The presiding officer shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of business at each Council meeting and shall preserve order and decorum at such meetings.
The Council, at its organizational meeting, shall adopt rules governing its procedure. The presiding officer shall announce all decisions of the Council and shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject, however, to an appeal by any Council member. Any ruling by the presiding officer may be overruled by a majority of the members present.
Every member of the Council desiring to speak shall address the Chair and, upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine remarks to the question under debate. A member of the Council, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is for the purpose of calling such person to order. If a member of the Council, while speaking, is called to order, that person shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined. When two or more members request the floor at the same time, the presiding officer shall name the one entitled to the floor.
The roll of members shall be called alphabetically, except that the presiding officer shall be called last.
When further clarification is required on rules of order adopted by Council, simplified parliamentary procedure, based on Robert's Rules of Order will apply.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977]
A person shall be provided the opportunity to address the Council on any agenda item. The presiding officer may limit the time each person shall speak, giving equal time to all. Such discussion shall occur prior to the vote on the agenda item.
When a group of persons wishes to address the Council on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the presiding officer to request that a spokesperson be chosen by the group to address the Council and to limit the number of persons addressing the Council on the same matter so as to avoid unnecessary repetition.
[Ord. No. 175, passed 12-17-1987]
The annual compensation for a Council member shall be $2,500.
[Ord. No. 114, passed 12-6-1977; Ord. No. 142, passed 2-7-1985; 1974 Code Sec. 2-13; 1974 Code Sec. 2-14; amended 2-13-2020 by Ord. No. 524]
Appointment. Council shall be responsible for the appointment of administrative committees. Council shall appoint the administrative committees which shall be responsible for the activities of Township departments. Administrative committees shall be accountable to the Council.
Composition. Except in regard to the Fiscal Committee, each administrative committee shall be comprised of three members of Council, one of whom shall be designated Chairman of the committee of Council. The Fiscal Committee shall be comprised of five members of Council, one of whom shall be designated Chairman of the committee of Council. Each Council member shall serve on at least one committee. The Council Chairman may serve as Chairman of any one, but no more than one, of the administrative committees.
Responsibilities. The following is an enumeration of the administrative committees and their respective responsibilities:
The Public Safety Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Police Department. This Committee shall also serve as liaison with the Volunteer Fire Company with regard to its activities.
The Public Works Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Highway Department, the Sewer Department and the Recreation Department.
The Community Development Committee shall be responsible for development of planning, zoning and environmental matters and related activities.
The Administration Committee shall be responsible for the administration of an Administration Department, comprising the Administration Office, the Code Administration Department, the Building Inspector, the Plumbing Inspector, the Code Enforcement and Zoning Officer, the Sewage Enforcement Officer, the Bureau of Fire Prevention and the Township Secretary. The Committee shall also be responsible for the administration of the Township Solicitor, the Township Engineer and the Township Tax Collector. The Committee shall define the responsibilities and accountabilities of all the aforementioned persons and agencies of government.
The Fiscal Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the budget and financial matters. The Fiscal Committee shall be responsible for the development and application of the personnel system.
Department heads and appointed officers. Department heads and appointed officers shall report to appropriate Councilmanic administrative committees, which shall establish the duties of department heads and appointed officers, at such times and in such manner as designated by that committee. Each committee shall undertake and administer any rating system prescribed by Council for determining the efficiency and productivity of departments, department heads and responsible appointed officers.