[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
Subject to Sections 288.12 and 288.13, all periods of service completed by an employee (whether or not consecutive) shall be aggregated in determining his or her service for purposes of vesting and benefit accrual. Service shall be aggregated on the basis that 12 months of service or 365 days of service equal a year of credited service, and 30 days are deemed to be a month in the case of aggregation of fractional months.
[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
If an employee of the employer who is in a class of employees not covered under this plan changes his or her employment status to a classification covered under this plan, his or her prior noncovered service shall be credited for eligibility and vesting purposes. However, such prior noncovered service shall not be credited for the purpose of benefit accrual.
If the employment status of a member changes, such that he or she remains in the employ of the employer but is no longer an employee as defined herein, he or she shall continue to be credited with credited service or vesting. However, he or she shall not be credited with additional credited service for benefit accrual.
[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
If a member receives any benefit payments under the plan pursuant to Section 288.16 or 288.19(b), the benefits payable upon his or her subsequent retirement shall be reduced by the equivalent actuarial value of any benefit payments he or she received prior to his or her return to service.