The provisions of this Article shall relate to the transition from the existing Second Class Township form of government to the form of government provided in this Charter. Where inconsistent with the preceding Articles of this Charter, the provisions of this Article shall constitute temporary exceptions thereto.
The Township shall continue to possess all of the powers now vested in it by law. All powers and functions of Upper Providence Township contained in any and all ordinances, resolutions, bylaws, rules and regulations or portions thereof in force on the effective date of this Charter, and not inconsistent or in conflict herewith, shall be continued in full force and effect, until amended, repealed, superseded or expired by their own terms.
All actions and proceedings of legislative, executive or judicial character which are pending upon the effective date of this Charter shall be maintained, carried on or dealt with by the Township department, office or agency appropriate under this Charter.
In order to establish an orderly procedure for transition from the old to the new form of government provided by this Charter, and insure that all necessary action is taken in order that this Charter will be fully operational on its effective date, a Transition Committee will be formed which shall consist of the elected Government Study Commission Commissioners and Alternates and the Board of Supervisors. When, during the period of transaction, the Township Council is formed, its members shall all become members of the Transition Committee.
It shall be the duty of the Transition Committee to meet within at least ten (10) days from the Municipal Election to be held on November 4, 1975, for the purpose of organization. It will be the duty of the Chairman of the Government Study Commission to call this meeting; and rules and procedures for the operation of this Committee shall be determined at that time.
The function of said Committee shall be to prepare an orderly transition procedure and an Administrative Code.
All meetings of the Transition Committee shall be open to the public.
There shall be an orderly transition to the new Township Council in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
All supervisors in office at the time this Charter goes into effect on January 5, 1976, shall continue in office until their terms have expired. They shall, however, be designated as Council members.
It is the intent of Ohio Charter that during the period of transition, incumbent Supervisors then in office are eligible for re-election for the number of terms and in the manner prescribed by this Charter.
Effective January 5, 1976, anyone who is not an incumbent shall serve a four-year term as prescribed by this Charter.
The Township Auditors and Tax Collector in office on the day before this Charter takes effect shall continue in office for the terms for which they were elected or until their death, resignation or removal. Thereafter, said positions shall be filled and the functions thereof defined as specified in this Charter.
It is the intent of this Charter that during the period of transition, the incumbent Auditors and Tax Collector then in office are eligible for re-election for the number of terms and in the manner prescribed by this Charter.
Rights and Privileges Preserved. Nothing in this Charter, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall affect or impair the rights or privileges of persons who are Township officers or employees at the time of the adoption of this Charter.
Personnel System. An employee holding a Township position at the time this Charter takes full effect, who was serving in the same or a comparable position at the time of the adoption, shall not be subject to competitive tests as a condition of continuance in the same position, but in all other respects shall be subject to the personnel system set forth in this Charter and in the Administrative Code.
All departments, offices, agencies, boards and commissions in existence at the time of the adoption of this Charter shall be continued in full force and effect unless inconsistent with, or superseded or terminated by, this Charter or the Administrative Code.
The Administrative Code shall provide for the orderly transfer of the duties, powers, property and records as required.
An Administrative Code shall be written and adopted in accordance with this Charter and shall include personnel rules and regulations in accordance with this Charter. Said Administrative Code shall be adopted by ordinance in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. The final adoption of the Administrative Code shall occur prior to January 1, 1977.
The effective date of this Charter will be January 5, 1976.
When all provisions of this Article are complete and the transition to the new form of government as prescribed in this Home Rule Charter is accomplished, this Article XIII shall become null and void and need not be included in further printings of this Charter.