[Prior code § 3.01]
Aggregate Tax Stated on Roll. Pursuant to Section 70.65(2). Wis. Stats., the Clerk shall, in computing the tax roll, insert only the aggregate amount of state, county, school and local taxes in a single column in the roll opposite the parcel or tract of land against which the tax is levied, or, the case of personal property, in a single column opposite the name of the person against whom the tax is levied.
Receipts. Pursuant to Section 74.19, Wis. Stats., the Treasurer shall provide a receipt for taxes paid. Pursuant to Section 74.09(3)(g), Wis. Stats., the person to whom the bill is mailed may request that the receipt be mailed to them by providing a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Treasurer with payment.
[Prior code § 3.02]
The calendar year shall be the fiscal year.
[Prior code § 3.08]
As a complete alternative to the requirements established by Sections 61.54 and 61.55. Wis. Stats., Section 62.15 Wis. Stats, shall be applicable to Village contracts.
The authority vested in the board of public works by Section 62.15. Wis. Stats., shall be exercised by the Village Board, or as delegated by the Village Board.
Any class of public construction or any part thereof may be done directly by the Village without submitting the same bids.
[Prior code § 3.09]
Bond Eliminated. The Village elects not to give the bond on the Village Treasurer provided for by Section 70.67(1), Wis. Stats.
Village Liable for Default of Treasurer. Pursuant to Section 70.67(2), Wis. Stats., the Village shall pay, in case the Treasurer shall fail to do so, all state and county taxes required by law to be paid by such Treasurer to the county Treasurer.
[Ord. 214, 2002; prior code § 3.10]
The Clerk-Treasurer may invest any Village funds, not immediately needed, pursuant to Section 66.0603, Wis. Stats.