[Prior code § 14.09.1; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
This chapter shall be known as the "Village of Darien Commercial Property Exterior Maintenance Code."
[Prior code § 14.09.2; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
This chapter is adapted for the purpose of preserving and promoting the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the people of the Village and environs. This includes, among others, physical, aesthetic and monetary values.
It is recognized that there may now be or may, in the future, be commercial buildings, structures, yards, or vacant areas and combinations thereof, which are so dilapidated, unsafe, dangerous, unhygienic, or inadequately maintained so as to constitute a menace to health, safety and general welfare of the people. The establishment and enforcement of minimum commercial property maintenance standards is necessary to preserve and promote the private and public interest.
[Prior code § 14.09.3(A); amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
The purpose of this chapter is to recognize the private and public benefits resulting from safe, sanitary and attractive maintenance of commercial buildings, structures, yards, or vacant areas. Attractive and well maintained property will enhance the neighborhood and Village and provide a suitable environment for increasing physical and monetary values.
[Prior code § 14.09.3(B); amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Every owner or operator shall improve and maintain all property under their control to comply with the following minimum requirements:
Drainage. All courts, yards, or other areas on the premises shall be properly graded to divert water away from any building or structure.
Weeds. All exterior property areas shall be kept free from noxious weeds as required by this code. Where weed cutting is required, the weed commissioner shall perform the weed cutting and process the charge therefor as a special assessment against the benefited property.
Debris. All exterior property areas shall be properly maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free from debris, rubbish or garbage, physical hazards, rodent harborage and infestation, and animal feces. All animal feces shall be removed within 24 hours.
Fences, Walks, and Parking Areas. Fences, other minor construction, walks, driveways, parking areas, and similar paved areas shall be properly maintained in a safe, sanitary, and substantial condition. Approved walks shall provide all-weather access to buildings or structures.
Exterior Surfaces. Exterior surfaces of buildings and structures not inherently resistant to deterioration shall be treated with a protective coating of paint or other suitable preservative which will provide adequate resistance to weathering and maintain an attractive appearance. All paint or other preservatives shall be applied in a workmanlike fashion.
Yard Areas. Yard areas of real estate shall not be permitted to deteriorate or remain in a condition that is not in accord with the following: Yard areas shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, free from any accumulation of combustible or noncombustible materials (which are not used as an integral part of the authorized business carried out on the premises), debris, or refuse. Yards shall not be used to store appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters, water softeners, or building materials not used within five days, or any unsightly bulk items, unless these items are raw materials used in the business carried out on the premises and in properly zoned district.
General Requirements. Every foundation, exterior wall, and roof shall be reasonably weather tight, water tight, and rodent proof and shall be kept in proper repair and shall be capable of affording privacy. Any hazardous sagging or bulging shall be properly repaired to a level or plumb position. All chimneys and breaching shall be so constructed and maintained so as to insure that it safely and properly removes the products of combustion from the building.
Windows and Doors. Every window, exterior door, and basement hatchway shall be reasonably watertight, weather-tight, and rodent proof and kept in proper repair. All door and window hardware shall be installed and maintained in proper working condition.
Outside Stairs and Porches. Every outside stair, every porch, and every appurtenance thereto shall be so constructed as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon, and shall be kept in proper repair and condition and appurtenance thereto shall comply with this code.
[Prior code § 14.09.4; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
No person shall dispose of rocks, trees, stumps, waste building material, or other debris from land development, building construction, street grading, or installation of underground utilities upon surface of any land in the Village, except at approved disposal sites.
No land owner shall allow accumulation of rocks, trees, stumps, waste building materials or other debris from land development, building construction, street grading or installation of underground utilities upon the surface of his land for the period of more than 10 days.
All land filling operations shall be leveled off to permit the mowing of the weeds between June 1st and November 1st. This includes the removal of stones, bottles, wire, and other debris that will interfere with mowing operations.
[Prior code § 14.09.5; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Every owner, operator, or occupant of a commercial property, or part thereof shall maintain that portion of the exterior of the property controlled by him or her.
[Prior code § 14.09.6; amended by Ord. 217, 2002]
Whenever the Building Inspector determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this code or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, he or she shall give notice of such alleged violations to the person or persons responsible therefor and commence an enforcement action pursuant to Section 15.20.100.