[Adopted 3-8-1960 by Res. No. 4775]
[Amended 5-15-2019 by Ord. No. 5-2019]
The City Council of the City of Pittston, in accordance with the Parking Authority Act, Public Law 458, adopted June 5, 1947, and as amended,[1] does declare to establish a Public Parking Authority (Pittston City Parking Authority) comprised of five members appointed by the City Council for five-year staggered terms of office, which will have all the powers necessary to issue revenue bonds, purchase land and provide for the development of off-street parking lots.
In accordance with the Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A,"[2] the City of Pittston hereby delegates and transfers to the Pittston Parking Authority the functions and powers of the City of Pittston to enforce parking within the Downtown of the City of Pittston on an exclusive basis.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is on file in the City offices.
The Pittston Parking Authority has the autonomy and authority to establish, set and fix all rules, regulations and policies concerning parking in the Downtown.
The Downtown shall be defined as the area to include Mill Street and East Frothingham Street and including and between Kennedy Boulevard and Church Street, Foundry Street, Gazette Street, Kennedy Street, Spring Alley, and Spring Court, as per Exhibit B "Map" attached hereto.[3]
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is on file in the City offices.
Editor's Note: Said Act was repealed 6-19-2001 by P.L. 287, No. 22. See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5501 et seq.