The applicant shall provide to the Township
one mylar and one paper clear and legible copies of the record plan,
in addition to providing copy(ies) to the County Recorder of Deeds
Office in whatever format is required by that office. The Township
copies shall be made after recording, and shall be exact copies of
those portions of the approved final plan that the Township requires
to be recorded. Such record plan, at a minimum, shall include all
of the following:
C. Easements, and any covenants that the Township required
to be placed on the final plan;
D. Lot lines and lot dimensions;
E. Water lines, sanitary and storm sewer lines and stormwater
drainage facilities;
F. The required signatures of Township officials and
the County Planning Commission staff and the date of Township approvals;
G. Notations stating whether the streets, any common
open space and other proposed improvements are to be offered or not
offered for dedication to the Township; and
H. Additional information from the complete final plan
that the Subdivision Administrator may require be shown.
[Added 5-1-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-02]
If the Board of Supervisors, based on the recommendation of
the Township Engineer, determines that the final plan does not accurately
depict the location of the development improvements as installed,
the applicant shall provide to the Township plans certified by the
applicant's engineer showing all such improvements as installed. Failure
of the applicant to provide the as-built plans shall constitute a
violation of this chapter and shall be subject to all the enforcement
proceedings contained in this chapter and may result in recision of
approval. The as-built plan shall accurately depict the final constructed
development, indicating which improvements have been installed in
accord with the approved plans and detailing any changes as approved
by the Township.
A. Submission. One legible paper print of the as-built plans and one
compact disk with the plans in PDF format shall simultaneously be
submitted to the Township and one of each to the Township Engineer.
B. Format.
The as-built plans shall be generated using the approved plans
(as revised through construction) with the plan/design figures struck
through with a single line and the as-constructed measurement annotated
immediately adjacent.
All deviations from approved plan data shall be documented by
field measurement by a registered land surveyor, licensed and in good
standing to practice surveying in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
C. Water and sewer. Water and sewer as-built plans shall be coordinated
with the respective authorities.
D. Plan information. The following information shall be shown on the
as-built plans. Deviations from the approved plans shall be subject
to a request from the Township Engineer for calculations sealed by
the applicable qualified professional which document that the as-constructed
condition does not violate the original intent by decreasing flow
capacity or a safety standard below the criteria set by this chapter.
Stormwater facilities, including, if needed, revised topography for basin/BMPs (as defined in Chapter
92, the Chestnuthill Township Stormwater Management Ordinance), basin/BMP berm height and width, outlet structure elevations, emergency spillway elevation and length, basin/BMP volume calculations, storm pipes and inlets (including pipe size, type, slope, inverts, and grate elevations), and location of all BMPs, including snouts, bottomless inlets, depressed landscape islands, infiltration trenches, porous pavement, etc.
Deviations in grade on gravity-dependent improvements (e.g.,
ditches and pipes) to verify that the installed flow capacity meets
or exceeds the design capacity.
Street and traffic signs.
Street elevations, layout, and striping; and if intersections
have been revised significantly, sight distance. Finished roadway
improvements shall be measured at cross-section intervals matching
the design stations and shall include information across the entire
improved section from tie slope to tie slope in order to document
that the design ditch, shoulder and roadway sections have been met.
Parking spaces, including handicapped spaces and access points.
Retaining wall locations and elevations.
Where permanent monuments have been set for a right-of-way or
tract boundary, the four-decimal state plane coordinates and two-decimal
elevation of the center of the monument.
Building locations, with tie distances to property lines.
Any improvement where setbacks from property lines to critical
points (building corners, etc.) have been shown on the approved plans.
Utility location in association with easements (i.e., is the
utility centered on the easement, etc.).
Field changes not otherwise required by this section.
Cross-section plots for any or all stations of the project may
be required at the discretion of the Township Engineer.
Other information as deemed necessary by the Township Engineer,
depending on site conditions.