[Added 4-1-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-03]
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the installation of traffic calming measures on Township-owned roadways. Such measures shall be specifically designed to reduce the speed, but not necessarily the volume of motor vehicle traffic in residential areas, nor is their purpose to move traffic to adjoining roadways. Traffic calming measures shall consist of education, awareness, and enforcement activities.
For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
A committee established and appointed by the Board of Supervisors whose purpose shall be to investigate traffic calming requests in residential neighborhoods and make recommendations to the Board regarding the appropriate course of action, if any. For specific purposes, guidelines, and membership outlined for the NTAC, see Article VIII of this chapter.
A publication issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ("PennDOT") providing guidance for the evaluation, implementation, and installation of traffic calming measures currently in effect and as may be updated or modified from time to time. The current version in effect is Publication No. 383 dated January 2001.
A means or method of reducing motor vehicle speeds on public roadways.
A physical feature installed on or constructed within a public roadway for the purposes of traffic calming. Only those physical features detailed within PennDOT Publication No. 383, Chapters 5 and 6, shall be considered "traffic calming measures."
It is the policy of the Township to consider and, where warranted and practical, install TCMs on streets in accordance with the procedures and criteria listed in the Criteria and Procedure Sections of this article.
The Board of Supervisors may, on its own initiative, upon request from the Police Department or Township Administration, upon recommendation of the Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Committee, or upon written application from residents or affected business owners, consider and implement traffic calming measures where such measures are warranted and practical. The following criteria have been established as means to determine the roadways eligible for selection and where consideration of TCMs are most appropriate, effective, and practical, and the Board of Supervisors and Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Committee shall consider the listed criteria at all relevant times. The criteria listed herein are advisory only. The Board of Supervisors shall have absolute discretion whether to implement TCMs in any location. Likewise, the Police Department shall not be compelled to take any action regarding TCMs absent dual consideration and approval of the Board of Supervisors.
TCMs will only be considered on Township-owned roadways meeting some or all of the following:
A local residential street.
A collector street with predominantly residential land uses.
A street with a legally posted speed limit no greater than 35 miles per hour (MPH).
The minimum length of the street, or portion thereof measured from the nearest intersecting street, shall be at least 1,000 feet.
The average vehicle speed (based upon the 85th percentile of the speeds recorded during the traffic count referenced above) shall not be less than 10 MPH over the legally posted speed limit.
Emergency vehicle access, school bus routes, and routine street maintenance will be carefully considered in evaluating TCMs. Certain TCMs will not be implemented on major emergency response routes or busing routes.
No TCMs will be installed on state, county, or privately owned roadways.
High concentrations of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, such as those near schools, parks and recreational areas, churches and business districts will be carefully considered in evaluating TCMs.
The volume of traffic of a given Township roadway shall be considered, which may be determined by an automated traffic count conducted by the Falls Township Police Department.
The Police Department may analyze the number of accidents on the affected roadways over the most recent three-year period to ascertain the extent to which excessive or unsafe speeds were the major contributing factor.
Applicants may request that a particular roadway be considered for traffic calming. Requests shall be submitted in writing to the Township Manager. Requests shall indicate the specific roadway or section of roadway and the specific nature of the problem or concern.
The Township Manager, in consultation with the Township Traffic Engineer where necessary, shall make the initial determination as to the eligibility of the request based on the criteria established in § 203-56. In particular, the Township Manager shall determine whether the request relates to a roadway that is owned and maintained by the Township.
If the Township Manager determines that the roadway does not meet the eligibility criteria, the Township Manager shall notify the applicant in writing as to the determination.
If the Township Manager determines that the roadway meets some or all of the criteria described in this article, the Township Manager shall notify the applicant in writing as to the determination.
An application, along with all data and information collected for the affected roadway will be forwarded to the NTAC for its consideration and evaluation based on criteria established in PennDOT Publication No. 383 or other criteria as the NTAC may deem appropriate.
In evaluating and making recommendations for TCMs, the NTAC shall consult with the Police Department and the Department of Public Works as necessary.
The NTAC will provide a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding whether or not the installation of TCMs is warranted and consistent with the criteria contained herein.
All NTAC recommendations to install TCMs will be subject to final approval of the Board of Supervisors. NTAC recommendations may include the placement of physical TCMs.
The Board of Supervisors will consider approval of the TCMs through a vote at a public meeting.
Any Board-approved TCMs will be implemented by the Police Department, the Department of Public Works or other appropriate means.
The Board of Supervisors may, on its own initiative, upon request from the Police Department or Township Administration, and/or upon recommendation of the Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Committee, remove any TCMs. The Board of Supervisors shall have absolute discretion whether to remove TCMs in any location. Likewise, the Police Department shall not be compelled to take any action regarding TCMs absent dual consideration and approval of the Board of Supervisors.
The Township may remove a TCM if:
Seventy percent of the property owners submit a written request that the TCM be removed and the Board of Supervisors approves the request;
The TCM has been in place for at least one year; and
The homeowners are made aware that the speeds will increase once the TCM is removed.