[R.O. 2012 §245.010; CC 2007 §240.010; Ord. No. 3899 §1, 5-14-1979; Ord. No. 23-9, 4-10-2023]
The public park of the City of Pierce City shall be closed daily from dusk to dawn.
"Dusk" is defined as the period thirty (30) minutes prior to the official sunset.
"Dawn" is defined as the period thirty (30) minutes prior to the official sunrise.
[R.O. 2012 §245.020; CC 2007 §240.020; Ord. No. 3899 §§2 — 3, 5-14-1979]
No persons shall enter, remain or be upon the grounds or in the buildings of said public park during the times referred to in Section 245.010, except when special permission is granted by the City of Pierce City, Missouri.
The City of Pierce City, Missouri, may grant special permission for persons to be, remain or enter said public park and the grounds and buildings thereof, during said closing hours, when such persons are members of an organized group desiring to conduct activities in said public park, and when one (1) individual, a member of or in charge of such group shall agree to be responsible to determine that the members of said group leave the premises upon the termination of the activities of the said group, and said City determines that the activities of said group will not damage or destroy said facilities. Such special permission shall be granted only upon written application to the City designating the group desiring to use said facilities after closing hours, the activities to be conducted and designating that the members of the group leave the premises upon the termination of the activities of said group.
[R.O. 2012 §245.030; CC 2007 §240.030; Ord. No. 3899 §4, 5-14-1979]
All persons are forbidden to carry or set off any fireworks or similar noise or light displays in the City park. All persons are prohibited from cutting, marking, breaking or climbing upon or in any way defacing the trees, shrubs, plants, turf or any of the buildings, fences, bridges, swings, placards or notices or any structure or property within or upon the park premises. All persons are prohibited from driving and operating automobiles, motorcycles or bicycles at a speed faster than ten (10) miles per hour within the City park. All persons are prohibited from riding or driving any vehicles anywhere in the City park except in the driveways specifically designated for riding or driving. All persons are prohibited from shooting, catching or shooting at or attempting to catch or disturb any water fowl or other birds or animals belonging to, preserved in, or being in or about the City park. All persons are prohibited from lighting or making or using any fires in any places within the City park, except as such places may be designated for fire places by the City. All persons are prohibited from walking or otherwise traveling over and upon any grass, lawn or turf of the park wherever "Keep Off The Grass" signs are exhibited. All persons are prohibited from operating boats with motors upon the lake located in the City park.
[R.O. 2012 §245.040; CC 2007 §240.040; Ord. No. 3899 §§5 — 8, 5-14-1979]
No flowers, plants, trees or shrubs shall be picked, gathered, taken or removed from the City park without the written permission of the City.
No person shall drop, throw or place any waste papers, straw, dirt, weeds, ashes, refuse or other rubbish, whether offensive to health or not, in or upon the park property or the driveways or roadways thereof or any part under the control of the City.
No persons shall be permitted to build or erect any tent, buildings, booths, stands or other structures whether temporary or permanent in the park or upon the driveways or roads under the control of the Park Board without first obtaining written permission of the City.
No persons shall possess or consume any kind of intoxicating liquor as defined in Chapter 600, within the City park or upon the driveways or roadways under the control of the City, except that such possession or consumption is permissible if written permission has been secured from the City, the same to be granted only after written application has been made to the City for such permission.
[R.O. 2012 §245.050; CC 2007 §240.050; Ord. No. 3899 §9, 5-14-1979]
All ordinances of the City of Pierce City, Missouri, where applicable shall apply and be in force in the City public park of the City of Pierce City, Missouri, and the Police Department is authorized and empowered to enforce all ordinances of the City of Pierce City as well as the provisions of this Chapter in the public park as well as in other portions of the City.
[R.O. 2012 §245.060; CC 2007 §240.060; Ord. No. 3899 §§10 — 11, 5-14-1979]
Whenever the word "park" or "parks" appear in this Chapter, it shall be deemed to mean both public parks and public playgrounds and all areas under the control of the City.
When it is provided in this Chapter that written permission or consent shall be had, it shall mean written consent or permission of the City of Pierce City, Missouri.