[Ord. No. 367 §1, 7-26-2003]
Authority. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the use of the City of Forsyth Nature Preserve and Shadowrock Trail in such a manner and such a means as will maximize their use and enjoyment by the public, while conserving the scenery, natural and historical objects and wildlife therein.
Severability. If any Section, clause, provision or portion of this Chapter is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Chapter shall not be affected hereby.
[Ord. No. 367 §2, 7-26-2003]
The following words or terms, as used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings given them in this Section.
Any motorized conveyance including, but not limited to, cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, farm machinery, four by fours, golf carts, minibikes, dune buggies, ATVs or snowmobiles. This shall not include motorized wheelchairs.
All of the land contained within the area designated as the City of Forsyth Nature Preserve by resolution of the Board of Aldermen, City of Forsyth, Missouri.
Any non-motorized conveyance including bicycles, unicycles, roller blades, wheelchairs, wagons and motorized wheelchairs.
Any individual, partnership, corporation or association.
All of the land contained within the area designated as Shadowrock Trail by resolution of the Board of Aldermen, City of Forsyth, Missouri.
That part of the trail constructed for travel.
[Ord. No. 367 §3, 7-26-2003]
The City of Forsyth, Missouri Nature Preserve and Shadowrock Trail shall be open year-round.
The City of Forsyth Nature Preserve and Shadowrock Trail may be closed by order of the Board of Aldermen, City of Forsyth, Missouri, in the interest of public safety.
[Ord. No. 367 §4, 7-26-2003]
No firearms or bow and arrow shall be discharged within the portions of the Nature Preserve and Shadowrock Trail that are within the corporate limits of the City of Forsyth, Missouri. Hunting or trapping of any kind is prohibited within the boundaries of the Forsyth Nature Preserve.
No manner of animal trap shall be set within the nature preserve.
[Ord. No. 367 §5, 7-26-2003]
No person shall disturb, destroy, injure or damage or remove any property within the nature preserve or trail including, but not limited to, vegetation, ruins, wildlife, geological formations or signs or facilities.
Refuse. No person shall burn or dispose of garbage, refuse, litter or trash within the nature preserve or trail. If an appropriate receptacle has not been provided, the person who brought the item onto the nature preserve or trail must haul it away for proper disposal.
Fires within the nature preserve or trail shall only be permitted in areas provided for that purpose. Fires shall be attended at all times. The City of Forsyth, Missouri, Fire Chief may declare a "burn ban" when conditions exist where fires endanger or are likely to endanger any property or any person.
Domestic Animals. Pets will be permitted in the nature preserve and trail. All pets shall be attended and effectively restrained by a leash not to exceed six (6) feet. Such pets will not be permitted to deprive or disrupt the enjoyment or use of any area by another person. Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up any droppings left by their pet.
Horses are not allowed on the trail.
[Ord. No. 367 §6, 7-26-2003]
No motorized vehicles shall be allowed to operate within the nature preserve or upon the trail.
All trail signs shall be obeyed.
While being operated or ridden within the trail, non-motorized vehicles must be under the control of the operator at all times. It is unlawful for any person to operate a non-motorized vehicle within the trail carelessly or heedlessly in disregard of the rights of others or in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger any property or any person.
[Ord. No. 367 §7, 7-26-2003]
It is unlawful for any person to engage in or solicit business of any nature whatsoever within the Shadowrock Trail.
The placing of advertising, decorations or any other device on the trail is prohibited.
[Ord. No. 367 §8, 7-26-2003]
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter or who fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for up to ninety (90) days or both.
Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent employees of the City, County, State or Federal Governments, emergency service providers or approved contractors from performing their assigned duties.