[R.O. 2007 §26-35]
Employees of the City shall be required to work overtime hours only in cases of emergency. Supervisors shall arrange the work schedules of their section so as to accomplish the required work within the standard workday. If it shall prove necessary for any employee to work beyond the hours established for the standard workday, the department head may authorize overtime work.
[R.O. 2007 §26-36]
Employees of the City paid by the hour required by their supervisors to work overtime for extended periods because of extraordinary emergencies may be paid for their overtime work with the approval of the City Manager at an hourly rate equal to one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate of pay.
[R.O. 2007 §26-38]
Employees of the City on an hourly basis of compensation called out on emergency work after hours will be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours' pay as a reporting fee.
[R.O. 2007 §§26-39 — 26-45; Ord. No. 4248 §1, 4-4-1977; Ord. No. 4417 §1, 8-6-1979; Ord. No. 5930 §1, 11-18-1996; Ord. No. 6764 §1, 2-7-2005; Ord. No. 7031 §1, 3-3-2008]
Scope. This Section of this Article shall be applicable to regular City employees, volunteer firefighters, auxiliary Police, City Attorney, Mayor and Councilmen.
Mileage. City employees traveling on official business, exclusive of traveling to and from work, will be reimbursed at the existing IRS rate. Mileage for all travel will be paid for the shortest usually traveled route.
Special Expenses. Employees of the City shall be reimbursed for the actual cost for expenses paid by them from their personal funds, such as registration fees, tuition fees, special tours, convention banquets or similar events scheduled as a part of the convention or course attended. Reimbursement for these items will be at actual cost and employees shall furnish with their travel claim a copy of the agenda or other proof to show that the special expenses claimed are legitimate.
Statement, Report Required. Employees traveling on a reimbursable basis for the City shall keep an accurate record of their expenses and their times of departure to and from destination and time of returns to the City. No reimbursement will be paid without written travel claim signed by the employee.
Status Of Employee While Traveling. Regular pay will continue during an employee's absence from the City on official business. When an employee is away from the job on official City business or is participating in authorized training courses or attending authorized professional conferences and meetings, he/she will be considered as officially working and such time will not be counted against his/her vacation or other authorized leave.
Workers' Compensation Coverage. Employees absent from the City on official business will be covered by Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with State law.
Meals. Employees claiming reimbursement for meals shall fill out a standard statement or report stating the date and time of the trip away from home, purpose of the trip and the statement or report shall be countersigned by the head of his/her department certifying that the trip was necessary that it be made at the time it was made.
State Law Reference — Workers' compensation law, ch. 287, RSMo.
[R.O. 2007 §26-46]
Withholding taxes, employee's retirement contribution and Social Security shall be deducted at each pay period as required by law from each employee's pay.
Cross Reference — As to refund of accumulated member contributions, §120.670(E).
[R.O. 2007 §26-47]
No payroll deductions from employees' pay for contributions to charitable organizations or otherwise shall be made without prior approval of the City Manager and request of the employee. Personal solicitations and collections will only be made after proper clearance with the City Manager.