Editor's Note — Ord. no. 743 §1(A), adopted August 19, 2002, repealed sections 135.010 — 135.030 regarding "requisitions" in their entirety. Former sections 135.010 — 135.030 derived from CC §§5.01 — 5.03 and ord. no. 23, 10-7-74. These sections are reserved for the city's future use.
[CC §5.04; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 743 §1(B), 8-19-2002]
The signed purchase order is the vendor's authorization to ship the equipment, materials or supplies as specified thereon. It constitutes the contract between the City and the vendor. Purchase orders must be clear and concise in order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary correspondence with the vendors. Purchase orders may be signed by the department head for approved budgeted items. Emergency purchases or other non-budgeted purchases may only be signed by the respective department head or City Manager.
The purchase order shall be prepared in three (3) copies from information received from the competitive quotations or the competitive bidding process on all purchases greater that one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or if requested by the vendor. The purchase order will be signed by the respective department head or City Manager and distributed as follows:
Original copy (white) is sent to the vendor;
Second (2nd) copy (orange) is kept in the office of the Finance Officer and filed in an open order file by alphabet for follow-up until the bill has been received; and
The third (3rd) copy (pink) is placed in a record file in numerical order.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 743 §1(C), adopted August 19, 2002, repealed section 135.050 "change order" in its entirety. Former section 135.050 derived from CC §5.05 and ord. no. 23, 10-7-74. This section is reserved for the city's future use.
[CC §5.06; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 743 §1(D), 8-19-2002]
An invoice is the vendor's statement of their charge against the City for materials or services rendered. Invoices are based on orders placed by a City employee and must contain substantially the same information as agreed upon by the employee and the vendor or from the competitive quote or bid process. The invoice will normally be mailed to the department head. In some cases, however, the invoices may be delivered with the goods at the receiving point. In such cases, the department head should attach the invoice to the receiving report and forward it to the Finance Officer.
The department head will then submit the invoice to the Finance Officer after verifying that the materials were received or that services were rendered and then properly coding the invoice with the proper chart of accounts number with the signature of the department head approving said purchase. The invoice will then be submitted for payment.
[CC §5.07; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 278, 10-20-1986; Ord. No. 743 §1(E), 8-19-2002]
The City Code provides that all purchases shall be subject to competitive bidding. However, formal competitive sealed bids shall not be required in the following cases if, in the judgment of the City Manager, a lower price cannot be obtained by requiring competitive sealed bids.
Orders under one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Where the cost of supplies, materials, equipment, contractual labor or services does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and if it is a budgeted item with the approval of the City Manager.
Orders between one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). Where the cost of supplies, materials, equipment, contractual labor or services exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) but does not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and the City Manager calls for competitive quotations, either in writing, by fax or by e-mail. The department head will attempt to procure at least three (3) competitive quotations, if at all possible.
Sole source of supply. Where supplies, materials, equipment, contractual labor or services do not enter into competition with other supplies, materials, equipment, contractual labor or services.
Professional services. Where services of a professional nature, consultant or agent of record are secured.
Other bids. Where the cost for supplies, materials, equipment, contractual labor/services are offered in conjunction with a State or local bid process.
Situations calling for competitive negotiations. Where it can be demonstrated that the City receives the best value on a purchase through informal discussion and bargaining rather than through the conventional bidding process, the department head need not follow the conventional bidding process exclusively. Such purchases shall be documented by the department head and given prior approval by the City Manager. Examples would include, but not be limited to, circumstances where time is a crucial factor, when the procurement involves high technology items or when there is obvious inherent economy in purchasing from a particular vendor.
[CC §5.08; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 743 §1(F), 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 939 §1, 9-21-2009]
All formal sealed bids are to be submitted on a bid form which the City Manager will provide the vendor. Whenever possible, at least three (3) bids shall be solicited on each item subject to competitive bidding.
Notice Inviting Bids.
Newspaper. Notice inviting bids shall be published once in a newspaper or electronic media of general circulation at least five (5) days preceding the last day set for the receipt of proposals. The notice required herein shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or sold, shall state how bid forms and specifications may be secured, and the time and place for opening of bids.
Bidders' list. Sealed bids shall also be solicited from all responsible prospective suppliers who have requested their names to be added to a "bidders' list" which the Finance Officer shall maintain by sending them a copy of said notice. Invitations sent to the vendors on the bidders' list shall be limited to products that are similar in character and ordinarily handled by the trade group in which the invitations are sent.
Bid Deposits. When deemed necessary by the City Manager, bid deposits shall be prescribed in the public notices inviting bids. Unsuccessful bidders shall be entitled to the return of their surety where the City Manager has required such. A successful bidder shall forfeit any surety required by the City Manager upon failure on the part of the vendor to enter into a contract or agreement with the City within ten (10) days.
Bid Opening Procedure.
Sealed bids. Bids shall be submitted sealed to the City Manager and shall be identified as "sealed bid" on the envelope.
Opening bids. Bids shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the public notice.
Tabulation. A tabulation of all bids received shall be forwarded to the City Council for review at a Bid Review Committee meeting and be made available for review upon request.
Rejection Of Bids. The City Council shall have the authority to reject all bids, parts of all bids, or all bids for any one (1) or more supplier or service contractor included in the proposed contract when the public interest shall be served thereby. The City Manager shall not accept the bid of a contractor who is in default on the payment of taxes, licenses or other monies due the City.
Award Of Contract.
Authority. The City Council shall authorize the City Manager to award contracts upon a majority affirmative vote.
Lowest responsible bidders. Contracts shall be awarded to the "lowest responsible bidders". In addition to price, the following shall be considered:
The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract, provide the product or provide the service required;
Whether the bidder can perform the contract, provide the product or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference;
The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder;
The quality of performance of previous contracts or services;
The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract, product or services;
The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract, provide the product or the service;
The quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies, products or contracted services to the particular use required;
The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract;
The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid.
Award to other than lower bidder. When the award is not given to the lowest bidder, a full and complete statement of the reasons for placing the order elsewhere shall be prepared by the department head subject to the approval of the City Manager and filed with the other papers relating to the transaction.
Tie bids.
Local vendors. If all bids received are for the same total amount or unit price, quality and service being equal, the contract shall be awarded to a local bidder.
Outside vendors. Where Subsection 4(a) is not in effect, the City Council has the option to award the contract to one (1) of the vendors whose bid is tied or may divide the purchase among those tying, always accepting the bid or bids most advantageous to the City.
Performance bonds. The City Manager shall have the authority to require a performance bond, before entering into a contract, in such amount as found reasonably necessary to protect the best interests of the City.
Safety training requirements.
The project approved by this ordinance is subject to the requirements of Section 292.675, RSMo., which requires all contractors or subcontractors doing work on the project to provide, and require its on-site employees to complete, a ten (10) hour course in construction safety and health approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or a similar program approved by the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations which is at least as stringent as an approved OSHA program. The training must be completed within sixty (60) days of the date work on the project commences. On-site employees found on the work site without documentation of the required training shall have twenty (20) days to produce such documentation.
The request for bids for this project shall specify the requirements of Section 292.675, RSMo.
The contract awarded for this project shall specify the requirements of Section 292.675, RSMo., and shall include a notice of the penalties for a contractor's failure to comply with that Statute.
Prohibition Against Subdivision. No contract or purchase shall be subdivided to avoid the requirements of this Section.
[CC §5.09; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 743 §1(G), 8-19-2002]
Emergency Situation Defined. "Emergency situations" shall be defined as those in which the operation of the department would be seriously hampered, or when the protection and preservation of public property would not be possible by following normal purchasing procedures.
Responsibility For Emergency Purchases. Emergency purchases will be made only when a situation as defined in Subsection (A) exists. Orders placed which do not meet this requirement will become the responsibility of the individual placing the order.
Requisitioning Emergency Purchases. In every case involving an emergency purchase, the nature of the emergency must be explained in a memorandum from the department head to the City Manager.
Emergency Purchases During Normal Working Hours. The department head will notify the City Manager who may give verbal approval of the transaction and furnish advice as to the best source for the purchase. The City Manager may authorize a purchase order number or verbal authorization based upon the procedure in Subsection (C).
Emergency Purchases Made Outside Normal Working Hours. If an emergency occurs at a time other than during normal working hours, the using department may purchase directly the commodities needed.
At the time of the purchase, the department will secure from the vendor a sales ticket or invoice for the material which will be forwarded to the department head at the earliest convenience possible accompanied by a memorandum justifying the emergency purchase. These documents will be forwarded to the City Manager for final approval and payment.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 743 §1(H), adopted August 19, 2002, repealed section 135.100 "fringe agreement purchases" in its entirety. Former section 135.100 derived from CC §5.10 and ord. no. 23, 10-7-74. This section is reserved for the city's future use.
[CC §5.11; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974; Ord. No. 743 §1(I), 8-19-2002]
A Petty Cash Fund is hereby established by the City Manager in the office of the Finance Officer. The fund and amount shall be designated by the City Manager. Routine purchases of small amounts should be made from petty cash rather than submit an invoice if practical.
The following regulations will apply to all petty cash funds.
Personal checks. No personal checks are to be cashed.
Reimbursement to authorized personnel only. Reimbursement is to be made only to personnel authorized by the department head. It shall be the responsibility of the department head to properly code or classify the item or expenditure and the written approval shall be taken as proper authorization for the Finance Officer to charge that respective department when replenishing the fund.
[CC §5.15; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974]
The following procedures are prescribed for obtaining travel advances or reimbursements:
To obtain a travel advance, the requesting department must complete a form, "Request for Leave of Absence for Attendance at Municipal Meeting or Training Session" in triplicate, and forward the request to the City Manager for approval.
The City Manager will ensure that:
The form is completed, properly coded and approved;
There is sufficient unencumbrance balance in the account to cover the cost; and
There is cash available for the payment.
Upon satisfactory determination of the above, a travel advance check will be prepared and the amount will be set up in the Accounts Receivable - Employees Account.
When an employee returns, he must complete an Expense Report. To complete the report properly, the employee must submit supporting details, including receipts, hotel bills, etc. or attach explanations for cash items shown on the report. After approval of this form by the Department Head and the City Manager, it must be forwarded to the Accounts Clerk for final processing.
The provisions of this Section apply regardless of whether the advance is less than or in excess of the actual amount expended, the balance due the City must be returned with the Expense Report. If the advance is less than the actual expenses, a check will be issued for the balance due to the employee and charged to the appropriate travel account.
Refunds due the City for less than one dollar ($1.00) need not be returned. Refunds due the individual for less than one dollar ($1.00) will not be paid.
[CC §5.16; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974]
Property declared surplus by the Armed Forces is made available to the City of St. John through the Emergency Management Agency from the Federal G.S.A. office and Surplus Property Agency of the State of Missouri. Each request for surplus property must be justified to a Civil Defense Agency by showing how these items are used in the local Civil Defense Program.
Normal purchasing procedures will not be used for the purchase of surplus property.
The Civil Defense Division of the Department of Public Safety receives a list of equipment, including description, cost and coded condition of equipment from State headquarters at Jefferson City.
The Department Head may then order by written memorandum to the Civil Defense Officer items of surplus property which are listed as available or other items needed which may be available. It shall be the responsibility of the Department Head to determine if appropriation balances are available to cover the cost of such ordered surplus property.
Upon his return from Jefferson City, the Civil Defense Officer will distribute copies of the packing slip to applicable using Department Heads. The Department Head shall immediately complete and submit a Purchase Requisition form for the surplus items purchased for his department's use. Upon receipt of the items, the second (2nd) copy of the Requisition will be completed and returned to the Accounting Division along with all packing slips, invoices, etc. to be processed onto a change order.
The Civil Defense Officer will be responsible for the receipt and delivery to using departments of all surplus items.
In order to comply with Federal regulations, all equipment obtained from this source will be utilized by the City and shall not be used for personal use. All motorized equipment must carry the Civil Defense identification. On the reverse side of each invoice are the rules for the acquisition, use and disposal of surplus property. These conditions must be strictly adhered to.
[CC §5.17; Ord. No. 23, 10-7-1974]
Occasionally a department may have materials or equipment which are surplus to their needs or which may have become obsolete. Such property will be disposed of by the City Manager in whatever manner he deems most advisable. The City Manager will be guided in matters of this nature by the Code of the City of St. John covering the use of equipment and supplies.
Periodically the City Manager will request the various department and administrative boards to file a report on any obsolete, surplus, or worn-out material on hand. A composite report of these items will then be made available to Department Heads to determine if they might have use for any of this material or equipment.
Surplus City property, other than real estate, which is to be sold, will be advertised for bids by the City Manager. City Council approval is required by the Purchasing ordinance for all disposal of City property. After approval of the City Council, the property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash.
In advertising and accepting bids for surplus or obsolete property, competitive bidding procedures are followed. If formal bids are requested, they will be opened at the time and place specified in the inquiry. When necessary, a bid surety may be required of prospective bidders. The amount of this surety may be designated by the City Manager. Determination of the highest and best bidder will be made by the City Manager.