[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.540), 5-6-2013]
It is recognized by this Chapter that there is a value to the public in establishing safe and convenient traffic movement to higher density sites, both within the site and in relation to access streets; that there is value in encouraging a harmonious relationship of buildings and uses both within a site and in relation to adjacent uses; further that there are benefits to the public in conserving natural resources. Toward this end, this Chapter requires site plan review and approval by the Commission for certain buildings and structures that can be expected to have a significant impact on natural resources, traffic patterns, adjacent land usage, and the character of future urban development.
The site plan is intended to demonstrate to the Planning Commission the character and objectives of the proposed development in adequate detail for the Commission to evaluate the effect the proposed development would have on the community, and determine what provisions, if any, should be included as part of the plan and be binding on the use and development of the property.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.550), 5-6-2013]
The Building Commissioner shall not issue a building permit for the construction of the following buildings, structures and exterior modifications unless a detailed site plan has been reviewed and approved by the Commission and such approval is in effect:
All uses indicated in Section 405.160 "C-1" District, Section 405.165 "C-2" District, and Section 405.170 "I-1" District.
A multiple-family building containing two (2) or more dwelling units.
More than one (1) multiple-family building on a lot, parcel, or tract of land, or on a combination of lots under one (1) ownership.
A mobile home park in accordance with the provisions specified in Section 405.180 "PD".
A planned district development in accordance with the provisions specified in Section 405.180 "PD".
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.560), 5-6-2013]
Any persons may file a request for a site plan review by the Commission by filing with the Public Works Department the completed application upon the forms provided and payment of the review fee. As an integral part of said application, the applicant shall file at least twelve (12) copies of a site plan.
The City Clerk upon receipt of such site plan, other necessary data, and payment of the required fee shall forthwith transmit the copies to the Commission prior to its next regularly scheduled meeting and the Commission shall undertake a study of same and shall approve or deny the site plan. Written notice will be sent to the applicant stating the time and place of review of the site plan by the Commission.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.570), 5-6-2013]
Every site plan submitted to the Commission shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
The site plan shall be of a scale not to be greater than one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet nor less than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet, and of such accuracy that the Commission can readily interpret the plan, and shall include more than one (1) drawing or specific details where required for clarity.
The property shall be identified by lot lines and location, including dimensions, angles, and size, correlated with the legal description of said property. The site plan shall be designed and prepared by a qualified land planner, registered professional architect, engineer or land surveyor. It shall also include the name and address of the property owner(s), developer(s), and designer(s).
It shall show the scale, north point, boundary dimensions, natural features such as woodlots, streams, rivers, lakes, drains, existing man-made features such as buildings, structures, easements, high tension towers, pipelines, existing utilities such as water and sewer lines, etc., excavations, bridges, culverts, and drains and shall identify adjacent properties within one hundred (100) yards, the respective zoning classification, and their existing uses.
It shall show the existing topography and finished grade line elevations at two (2) foot contour intervals as well as the proposed finished floor elevation for all structures.
It shall show the dimensions of the proposed main and accessory buildings, their relation one to another and to any existing structures to remain on the site, the height of all buildings and structures and the distance from all proposed buildings and structures to the nearest adjacent property line.
It shall show the existing and proposed streets, driveways, sidewalks and other vehicular and pedestrian circulation features within and adjacent to the site; also the location, size and number of parking spaces in the off-street parking areas and the identification of service lands, service parking and loading zones in conformance with the requirements set forth in Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements of this Chapter.
It shall show the location and size of all existing utilities (public and private) serving the property as well as the location and size of all proposed utilities to serve the property. All necessary utilities (public and private) will be available, functioning, and usable at the time any stage of the project or the total project is ready for occupancy.
A landscape plan that meets the requirements of Section 405.350, Screening and Landscaping, shall be included as part of the site plan submitted.
It shall show architectural elevations of all proposed buildings and structures, identifying all materials proposed, as well as floor plans for each.
The locations, height, and intensity of all exterior lighting, including a graphic catalog reference describing the proposed standards.
The location, type, and nature of screening proposed for all trash collection areas.
Any other information deemed necessary by the Commission.
Note: All plans, architectural drawings, renderings or other materials or visual aids either submitted to the Planning Commission or presented at their meeting shall become the property of the City and part of the permanent record of any approval.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.580), 5-6-2013]
The site plan shall be submitted with the application for site plan approval to the Community Development Director who shall institute an administrative review of the site plan by all affected City departments. The results of this review shall be compiled by the Director of Public Works and shall be reported to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration. Upon receiving the site plan application and associated documents, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall complete its review of the site plan and shall render a decision on the application either denying, approving, or approving with conditions. The site plan application, along with the Planning and Zoning Commission's action and reasoning, shall be forwarded to the Board of Aldermen as an informational item.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.590), 5-6-2013]
The Planning Commission shall consider, but not be limited to, the following factors in review of the site development plan:
The conservation of natural resources on the property proposed for development, including: trees and other living vegetation, steep slopes, watercourses, floodplains, soils, air quality, scenic views and historic sites.
The provision of safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian transportation both within the development and the community.
The provision of sufficient open space to meet the needs of the proposed development.
The provision of adequate drainage facilities on the subject site in order to prevent drainage problems from occurring on the subject site or within the community.
The compatibility of the overall site design (location of buildings, parking lots, screening, general landscaping) and the land use within the existing area and projected future development of the area.
The existence and/or provision of adequate community facilities to serve the proposed development (i.e., water, sewerage, schools, streets, etc.).
Conformance of the site development plan with the Comprehensive Plan and any other applicable requirements of the Zoning Code.
Approval Of Site Plan. Upon Commission approval of a site plan, the applicant shall file with the Commission four (4) copies thereof containing all revisions required as the result of the approval process. The Chairman of the Commission shall transmit one (1) copy to the Community Development Director with the Chairman's signature affixed thereto certifying the site plan conforms to the provisions of the Zoning Code as determined and approved by the Commission. If the site plan is denied by the Commission, explanation and notification of denial shall be given to the applicant(s).
Expiration Of Site Plan Approval. The site plan approval shall expire and be of no effect one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of approval thereof, unless within such time a building permit for any proposed work authorized under the said site plan approval has been issued. The site plan approval shall expire and be of no effect three hundred sixty (360) days after the date of its issuance, if construction has not begun and been pursued diligently on the property.
Revision Of Site Plan. Site plan may be amended or revised by the Commission so far as the Commission approved site plan is concerned, for which the Building Commissioner has not issued a building permit, or the work authorized under an issued building permit has not been completed. If the Commission deems that the proposed amendment is substantial, such amendment shall be made upon application and in accordance with the procedure provided herein for an original application.
Site Plan Bond. As a condition of approval of the site plan, the Commission may require a deposit by the applicant with the City Clerk in the form of cash, certified check, or surety bond acceptable to the Board of Aldermen to insure performance of any obligations of the applicant to make improvements shown upon the detailed site plan. The deposit shall be in an amount sufficient to insure completion of the improvements within the time specified by the Commission in accordance with regulations and standards established by the Board of Aldermen. The Clerk shall rebate to the applicant, as the work progresses, amounts of any cash deposits equal to the ratio of the work completed to the entire improvements shown upon the detailed site plan as verified by the Community Development Director.
Violations. The filing of a site plan shall constitute an agreement by the owner and applicant, their heirs, successors, and assigns that if the site plan is approved by the Planning Commission, permits issued for the improvement of such property and activities subsequent thereto shall be in conformance with the approved site plan for the property in question. The approved site plan shall have the full force and effect of the Zoning Code. Any violations shall be grounds for the Building Commissioner to issue stop work orders, withhold further permits, and take all actions necessary for the assessment of all penalties and fines as outlined in Article XI, Administration and Enforcement.