This article shall be known as "the Borough of Brentwood Disruptive
Conduct Ordinance."
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A written report of disruptive conduct on a standardized
form to be completed by a police officer or by the Building Code Official
upon the receipt of a guilty disposition, which shall be maintained
by the Building Code Official.
A letter issued by the Building Code Official advising that
a disruptive conduct report has been filed and referencing the date
and time of the incident, a description of the conduct, and all rights
under this article to appeal of the disruptive conduct determination.
Any natural person on the premises of a rental unit with
the expressed or implied consent of a tenant or occupant.
Any one or more persons, jointly or severally, in whom is
vested all or part of the legal title to the premises or all of part
of the beneficial ownership and a right to the present use and enjoyment
of the premises, including a mortgage holder in possession of a residential
unit. Same as "owner."
Any natural person who resides in a residential rental unit,
with whom a legal relationship with the owner or landlord is established
by a lease or by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
whether or not such natural person has possession of the rental unit.
Any sworn law enforcement officers of the Brentwood Borough
Police Department, the Allegheny County Police Department, or the
Pennsylvania State Police.
Any parcel of real property in the Borough, including the
land and all buildings or appurtenant structures or elements on which
one or more rental units is located.
A written lease or other legally enforceable agreement between
owner and tenant embodying the terms and conditions concerning the
use and occupancy of a specified rental unit.
Any residential rooming unit or dwelling let or leased for rent, and any other-than-owner-occupied residential unit, except as outlined in §
163-12 of the Borough Code.
An occupant of a rental unit with whom a legal relationship
with the owner or landlord is established through a lease or other
enforcement agreement under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Any natural person on the premises of a rental unit solely
for his or her convenience and without the expressed or implied consent
of a tenant or occupant, or who refuses to leave the premises after
being verbally directed as such by a tenant or occupant.