[Ord. No. 95-10 §1, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003]
The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate the size, height, number, location, illumination and construction of signs permitted in the various districts of the City and to alleviate the growth of sign usage that is detrimental to the City of Hollister.
Signs excluded from the regulations below shall be the following:
All signs and sign locations conforming to the regulations in use on March 16, 1995, with the exception of mobile marquee signs, shall be permitted.
Signs not exceeding one (1) square foot in area bearing property numbers, post box numbers, or names of occupants of premises.
Flags and insignia of any government.
Legal notices, identification or directional signs by any governmental body.
Integral decorative or architectural features of buildings.
Signs directing traffic or parking on private property but bearing no advertising matter.
Bumper stickers and signs on business vehicles advertising the carrier's business.
Conditions within the various zone districts which necessitate the regulation of signs include:
Conflicts between traffic control signs and signals and various private signs resulting in vehicular and pedestrian safety problems.
Signs placed in locations or in a matter that create a danger to the public during periods of inclement weather or high winds.
Signs which create a hazard due to collapse, fire, collision, decay, abandonment or other safety considerations.
Signs that obstruct fire-fighting or Police surveillance.
In prohibiting the use of mobile marquee signs, all of the above Subsections (C)(14) may together with the preamble be cited as conditions which necessitate these regulations. Portable signs do not meet wind load requirements of the Building Codes, are a visual hazard, by nature of their design blow over during high winds, and create a safety hazard with underground electrical wiring.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §2, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 00-02, 3-6-2000; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003; Ord. No. 05-23, 8-4-2005; Ord. No. 07-14, 4-19-2007; Ord. No. 11-05, 3-17-2011]
For the purpose of this Chapter, the following words shall be defined as set out herein:
Changing or altering a sign in ways that include changing dimensions, framing, supports, structural components, wiring, lighting, etc. Changing letters on a changeable letter board or marquee, and required routine maintenance where there is no change to the sign (dimensions, structure, lighting, etc.) may not be considered an alteration. Refacing, rewrapping, or repainting a sign face where there is no change to the sign (dimensions, structure, lighting, etc.) is considered maintenance and does not require a permit, except all sign work including refacing/repainting a sign face in the Historic District does require a sign permit approved by the Planning Commission.
[Ord. No. 14-04, 6-19-2014]
A sign constructed of cloth, paper, vinyl or other combustible material.
A freestanding or ground sign identifying the tenants of a multiple-occupancy development where each tenant occupancy has a gross leasable area (GLA) of at least two thousand (2,000) square feet.
For purposes of signage, a lot shall be not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet.
The combination of the building(s) and specific lot and/or property on which they are located.
Any device designed to inform or attract the attention of persons who are not on the premises on which the device is located.
The total surface area of the entire sign, including all parts, except principal supports.
An off-premises sign in excess of one hundred fifty (150) square feet as defined under "Sign, Off-Premises".
A sign intended for attracting customers or clients to any commercial enterprise.
A sign advertising the development or improvement of a property by a builder, contractor, financial institution or other person furnishing materials, services, labor, financing or management to such premises which sign is intended for a limited period of display to be erected on the same lot with the work being done.
A detached sign which is supported by one (1) or more uprights, poles or braces in the ground.
A sign supported by the ground, independently of the principal building or structure, where the bottom edge of the sign is less than four (4) feet from the ground or a ground planter box.
An on-premises sign of no more than twelve (12) square feet in area, not electrically operated or lighted, advertising a temporary sale or announcement
A changeable copy sign, freestanding, ground, projecting or wall. Not allowed as rooftop or mobile.
A sign which is not permanently affixed to a structure or the ground or is designed or constructed to be easily moveable from one location to another without disassembly.
A back-to-back sign, double-faced sign or V-type sign is a sign with two (2) sides or outdoor advertising faces owned by the same sign owner which are physically contiguous or connected by the same structure or cross bracing or located not more than fifteen (15) feet apart at their nearest point. New stacked structures, as defined in 7 CSR 10-6.015(35), are prohibited.
A sign for any enterprise which is non-commercial in purpose.
Any sign located off the premises of the business being advertised.
Any sign advertising any product, service or enterprise located on the premises where the business is located.
A display sign which is attached directly to the wall of a building and which extends more than one (1) foot from the face of the wall.
A sign indicating the availability for sale, rent or lease of the specific building upon which the sign is erected or displayed.
As pertaining to this Chapter, these words shall be synonymous and may be used interchangeably. Their meaning is to restore to a former, better state and resembling the original design and construction as closely as possible when describing a damaged sign or a sign in disrepair.
A sign erected above or on a roof or parapet wall of a building or structure.
A sign advertising the general development, sale and/or subdivision of land, or displayed or erected upon the subject property, as distinguished from a real estate sign.
A sign permanently attached to a motor vehicle which is traveling or lawfully parked on the public right-of-way or lawfully parked on any other premise where the primary purpose of such parking is the display of a sign.
Any sign, except banners, painted on, attached to or erected against the wall or mansard-type of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall and extending not more than one (1) foot from the face of the wall and not to extend above the highest point of the wall.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §3, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 96-20 §3, 6-19-1996; Ord. No. 96-23 §3, 9-10-1996; Ord. No. 97-20 §4, 8-21-1997; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003; Ord. No. 05-04, 2-17-2005; Ord. No. 05-23, 8-4-2005; Ord. No. 06-58, 1-4-2007; Ord. No. 07-15, 4-19-2007; Ord. No. 09-27, 10-1-2009; Ord. No. 18-58, 11-1-2018; Ord. No. 19-16, 5-2-2019]
The sign standard of this Chapter shall be regulated by zone districts as described in the Zoning Code and shown on the City of Hollister Official Zoning Map(s). If this Code is amended to include a zone district not presently included in this Code, no sign shall be permitted unless:
By written interpretation of the Board of Adjustment that the new zone district is similar to an existing zone district; or
By additional sign regulations for the new zone district as are included in the amendment; or
It is a sign that is classified by this Chapter as a sign which is permitted in any zone district.
Further, the City shall be divided into sign zones, as follows:
Property zoned "C-R" Commercial Retail District.
Property zoned "C-1", "C-2" and "C-3" Commercial Districts.
Property zoned "H-1" Historic District.
Property zoned "R-1", "R-2", "R-3" and "R-4" Residential Districts.
Off-premises advertising signs. In Sign Zone 1 locations within six hundred sixty (660) feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way and visible from the main traveled way of any highway which is part of the Federal aid primary highways as of June 1, 1991, and all highways designated as part of the National Highway System by the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 and those highways subsequently designated as part of the National Highway System in this State (U.S. numbered routes and interstates) shall be regulated by the Missouri Department of Transportation. In Sign Zone 2 off-premises signs shall comply with all Sign Zone 2 regulations and only be permitted on property that is zoned "C-3," provided the spacing requirements of one thousand (1,000) feet are met along each route. Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities on the property on which they are located, including products sold, shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions. Each side or face of a multiple-face sign structure shall be considered as one (1) sign for the purpose of determining whether or not it complies with the sizing, lighting, spacing and location requirements of this Code, provided that the total display area of each side of a multiple-sign structure is limited to the area allowed by code for that sign district. The total display area of each side shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or contiguous combination of shapes which will encompass the display(s) of each side. Off-premises signs shall not be permitted in any residential, historic, "C-2" commercial or industrial zone.
[Ord. No. 19-20, 5-2-2019; Ord. No. 21-09, 2-4-2021; Ord. No. 22-11, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-16, 12-1-2022]
Automatic Changeable-Face Signs. A permit may be granted for an automatic changeable facing or projected display that maintains a continuous message without blackness or disruption, provided that:
The static display time for each message is a minimum of eight (8) seconds;
The time to completely change from one message to the next is a maximum of two (2) seconds;
The change of message shall occur simultaneously for the entire sign face;
The outdoor advertising structure meets all other requirements in this Code. Any such sign shall be designed such that the sign will freeze in one (1) position if a malfunction occurs.
The image does not flash or flicker in accordance with this Code.
The image is projected onto a securely fixed, substantial structure and in accordance with the provisions in this Code.
No projected image(s), lighted image(s) or message(s) shall appear to move or be animated. This will include scrolling lighted electronic displays.
Day/night settings are required on all signs covered under this Section. All sign brightness and/or light intensity shall be adjusted in such a manner as to not create a traffic hazard for operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians using public thoroughfares or illuminate/project into any residential zone.
Church Signs. All sign regulations applicable to business establishments shall also apply to churches.
Development Complex Signs (Multiple-Tenant Areas). Multiple-occupancy developments shall be entitled to one (1) freestanding or ground sign meeting the requirements of Section 525.060(E) per street front for business (tenant) identification.
Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities off the premises/property on which they are located shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions.
Freestanding Or Ground Signs.
Clearance. Signs not over a sidewalk, driveway or alley, an area eight (8) feet in height, except for structural members shall be maintained clear of obstruction under any freestanding sign to increase pedestrian safety and to create a clear field of vision to recognize the location of streets and commercial entrances. Signs over a sidewalk, driveway or alley shall be at least ten (10) feet above a sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above alleys and driveways.
Height. Freestanding signs (on-premises or off-premises) may not exceed thirty (30) feet in height from ground elevation.
All freestanding signs (structure, supports or sign face) shall be set back from any public right-of-way at least five (5) feet. Ground signs shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of-way.
Distance Between Signs. There shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet (as measured along street frontage) between signs (freestanding or ground or any combination thereof).
Maximum Area.
The maximum area for a freestanding or ground sign shall be two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
Only one (1) side of any double-facing sign shall be considered in the total sign area permitted for any building, use or lot.
Illumination Of Signs. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shaded, shielded or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not be objectionable to surrounding areas, and the light rays shall not be projected over the property lines into a residential zone except by indirect reflection. Neither the direct nor indirect light from a primary light source of a sign shall create a traffic hazard to operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians on public thoroughfares. No sign is permitted with flashing or rotating lights that would interfere with safe passage of auto traffic. No sign shall be permitted to simulate an emergency vehicle.
Incidental signs are signs indicating services, products, trade information or other information but not including product advertising.
No product or container or incidental sign shall be closer to a public right-of-way line than ten (10) feet.
All incidental signs shall be those that are installed on windows, doors or walls of a structure. Incidental signs' square footage shall be not more than twenty percent (20%) of the allowable area permitted for wall signs.
Miscellaneous Signs
Construction Signs. A maximum area of sixteen (16) square feet for each firm. These signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use of the project or as individual subcontracts expire, whichever is sooner.
Institutional Signs. Signs setting forth the name and announcement of an event for any public, charitable, educational or religious institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to an area of twenty-four (24) square feet are permitted. If ground mounted, the top shall not exceed six (6) feet above ground level. Such signs shall be permitted no more than fourteen (14) days before or forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and the like, when made a permanent and integral part of the structure, shall be permitted.
Portable Signs. A business may have one (1) portable sign on the property the business is located on. The sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. These signs are not to be on the right-of-way.
Private Traffic Direction Signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto a premises or within the premises, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area for each sign, may be permitted. Horizontal signs on and flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards.
Public Interest Signs. Signs publicizing a charitable or non-profit event of general public interest shall be permitted only on private property and shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall be permitted for fourteen (14) days before and forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Public Signs. Signs in the public interest, such as memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and the like, shall be permitted when notification is given to the City Building Official.
Real Estate Signs. Signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of commercial property shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and setback of five (5) feet from the right-of-way. These signs shall either be on the property that is for sale or rent, or clearly be directional and intended to only indicate that a property is for sale or rent down a specific street. No signs are allowed on utility poles, any type of street/public sign pole or on public property. The signs shall be removed within twenty-one (21) days of the sale, rental or lease.
Temporary Signs. Signs not previously identified in this Section but which are temporary in nature, such as grand opening, fire sale, subdivision advertisement, shall be classified by the City Building Official within the standards of signs most similar to the applicant's signs. In the event that a sign or business is substantially damaged through fire, flood, act of God, insurrection, riot or similar emergency, a temporary sign shall not exceed sixty (60) days, unless the period is extended for reasons of continuing hardship at the discretion of the City Building Official and that of the Board of Adjustment.
Off-Premises Advertising Signs. Off-premises signs shall comply with all regulations and are only permitted on property that is zoned "C-3," provided the spacing requirements of one thousand (1,000) feet are met along each route. Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities on the property on which they are located, including products sold, shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions. Each side or face of a multiple-face sign structure shall be considered as one (1) sign for the purpose of determining whether or not it complies with the sizing, lighting, spacing and location requirements of this Code, provided that the total display area of each side of a multiple-sign structure is limited to the area allowed by code for that sign district. The total display area of each side shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or contiguous combination of shapes which will encompass the display(s) of each side.
On-Premise Banners. May be allowed without obtaining a sign permit, provided that:
Banners shall be constructed so that they cannot be a public danger or nuisance during high winds or inclement weather.
Banners shall not be placed in any public right-of-way or obstruct vision to enter or exit a public right-of-way.
Banners shall not be displayed for more than a forty-five (45) day period. After the forty-five (45) day time period a banner shall be taken down for at least thirty (30) days; then it may be replaced.
No business shall display more than two (2) banners at a time.
Banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet.
Banners may appear fourteen (14) days before a public entertainment or event and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Banners existing in violation of this Section shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this revision.
Prohibited Signs. Any sign in violation of any Section of this Chapter shall be removed, altered or repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter from and after May 3, 2019, except as stated in Section 525.010, mobile marquee signs, except as listed below shall be prohibited without the approval of the Board of Aldermen:
Contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal.
Are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal.
Move in any manner, have a major moving part, or swing because of the manner of their suspension or attachment as a result of wind pressure, unless professionally designed to operate in this manner. Not included in this prohibition are signs which are designed to include small, integral parts which flutter due to wind pressure.
Cause odor or sound emission.
Operate or employ any motion picture or video production in conjunction with any advertisements.
Are classified as vehicular signs.
Are attached to utility poles, any street sign, public sign or on public property.
A mobile marquee sign may be permitted for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days in lieu of any sign for a new business which has submitted a sign permit request but which sign is not yet installed. A mobile marquee sign shall be securely mounted or fastened to the ground to prevent the sign from becoming a hazard during windy conditions.
Projecting Signs. A business may have a projecting sign only if it does not have a freestanding or roof sign. Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet above ground level at the sign's lowest point and shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in sign area.
Roof Signs. A premises may have one (1) roof sign only in lieu of a freestanding sign or ground sign. A registered professional engineer shall design all roof sign structures and the plans submitted with the application for permit.
The area of the roof sign shall be assessed against the allowable permitted area for any wall sign on the elevation (side) of the building most closely parallel to the face of the sign.
Maximum height above the roofline shall be ten (10) feet.
Shall be one hundred fifty (150) square feet on one (1) street front elevation for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The maximum area on all other elevations shall be seventy-five (75) square feet for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The area of rooftop signs counts toward the area allowed for wall signs.
Wall Signs. Any commercial establishment may be permitted a wall sign for each elevation (side) of a building. Multiple wall signs may be permitted on a wall, but the aggregate area of all signs on the wall (excluding incidental signs in windows) shall not exceed the area allowed in this Section. Wall signs shall not project more than one (1) foot from the building wall. Any sign painted, affixed or displayed in windows shall be considered as a part of the total signage permitted on a wall. Marquees attached to buildings shall be considered wall signs. Signs may be on the vertical faces of marquees. The bottom of marquee signs shall be no less than eight (8) feet above the grade at any point. No part of the changeable copy shall project above or below the vertical marquee face. Banners shall not be allowed as wall signs.
Sign Area. The total sign area permitted for all wall signs on one (1) wall of the building shall not exceed the size of the wall face times twenty percent (20%), not to exceed one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet. The total sign area for wall signs on all other walls shall not exceed the size of the individual wall face times ten percent (10%), not to exceed nine hundred (900) square feet. "Wall face" shall mean the area determined by multiplying the linear footage of the wall times the vertical height to the top of the wall.
Editor’s Note: Former Section 525.035, Historic District Sign Zone Regulations, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 05-22, 8-4-2005, and as further amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-10, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 19-21, 5-2-2019; Ord. No. 19-58, 9-19-2019; Ord. No. 21-10, 2-4-2021; Ord. No. 22-09, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-17, 12-1-2022]
Automatic Changeable-Face Signs. A permit may be granted for an automatic changeable-facing or projected display that maintains a continuous message without blackness or disruption, provided that:
The static display time for each message is a minimum of eight (8) seconds;
The time to completely change from one message to the next is a maximum of two (2) seconds;
The change of message shall occur simultaneously for the entire sign face;
The outdoor advertising structure meets all other requirements in this Code. Any such sign shall be designed such that the sign will freeze in one (1) position if a malfunction occurs.
The image does not flash or flicker in accordance with this Code.
The image is projected onto a securely fixed, substantial structure and in accordance with the provisions in this Code.
No projected image(s), lighted image(s) or message(s) shall appear to move or be animated. This will include scrolling lighted electronic displays.
Day/night settings are required on all signs covered under this Section. All sign brightness and/or light intensity shall be adjusted in such a manner as to not create a traffic hazard for operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians using public thoroughfares or illuminate/project into any residential zone.
Church Signs. All sign regulations applicable to business establishments shall also apply to churches.
Development Complex Signs (Multiple-Tenant Areas). Multiple-occupancy developments shall be entitled to one (1) freestanding or ground sign meeting the requirements of Section 525.060(E) per street front for business (tenant) identification.
Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities off the premises/property on which they are located shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions.
Freestanding Or Ground Signs.
Clearance. Signs not over a sidewalk, driveway or alley, an area eight (8) feet in height, except for structural members, shall be maintained clear of obstruction under any freestanding sign to increase pedestrian safety and to create a clear field of vision to recognize the location of streets and commercial entrances. Signs over a sidewalk, driveway or alley shall be at least ten (10) feet above a sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above alleys and driveways.
Height. Freestanding signs (on-premises) shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in height from ground elevation.
All freestanding signs (structure, supports or sign face) shall be set back from any public right-of-way at least five (5) feet. Ground signs shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of-way.
Distance between signs. There shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet (as measured along street frontage) between signs (freestanding or ground or any combination thereof).
Maximum Area.
The maximum area for a freestanding or ground sign shall be six hundred (600) square feet.
Only one (1) side of any double-facing sign shall be considered in the total sign area permitted for any building, use or lot.
Illumination Of Signs. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shaded, shielded or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not be objectionable to surrounding areas, and the light rays shall not be projected over the property lines into a residential zone except by indirect reflection. Neither the direct nor indirect light from a primary light source of a sign shall create a traffic hazard to operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians on public thoroughfares. No sign is permitted with flashing or rotating lights that would interfere with safe passage of auto traffic. No sign shall be permitted to simulate an emergency vehicle.
Incidental signs are signs indicating services, products, trade information or other information but not including product advertising.
No product or container or incidental sign shall be closer to a public right-of-way line than ten (10) feet.
All incidental signs shall be those that are installed on windows, doors or walls of a structure. Incidental signs' square footage shall be not more than twenty percent (20%) of the allowable area permitted for wall signs.
Marijuana Dispensary Facility Signs.
[Ord. No. 23-24, 9-7-2023]
A facility shall not display marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, or advertisements for these items in a way that is visible to the general public from a public right-of-way.
Outdoor and off-premise signage shall not display any text other than the facility's business name or trade name, address, phone number and website.
Per State Statute Section 338.260, RSMo., "No person shall carry on, conduct or transact a business under a name which contains as part of the name the words "pharmacist," "pharmacy," "apothecary," "apothecary shop," "chemist shop," "drug store," "druggist," "drugs," "consultant pharmacist," or any word of similar or like import, unless the place of business is supervised by a licensed pharmacist."
In no case shall the facility's sign include or display the words "marijuana" or "cannabis" on any part of the sign face.
Interior signage shall not be visible to the general public.
Shall not utilize images or visual representations of marijuana plants, products or paraphernalia, including representations that indicate the presence of these items, such as smoke.
Miscellaneous Signs.
Construction Signs. A maximum area of sixteen (16) square feet for each firm. These signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use of the project or as individual subcontracts expire, whichever is sooner.
Institutional Signs. Signs setting forth the name and announcement of an event for any public, charitable, educational or religious institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to an area of twenty-four (24) square feet, are permitted. If ground mounted, the top shall not exceed six (6) feet above ground level. Such signs shall be permitted no more than fourteen (14) days before or forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and the like, when made a permanent and integral part of the structure, shall be permitted.
Portable Signs. A business may have one (1) portable sign on the property the business is located on. The sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. These signs are not to be on the right-of-way.
Private Traffic Direction Signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto a premises or within the premises, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area for each sign, may be permitted. Horizontal signs on and flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards.
Public Interest Signs. Signs publicizing a charitable or non-profit event of general public interest shall be permitted only on private property and shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall be permitted for fourteen (14) days before and forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Public Signs. Signs in the public interest, such as memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and the like, shall be permitted when notification is given to the City Building Official.
Real Estate Signs. Signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of commercial property shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and setback of five (5) feet from the right-of-way. These signs shall either be on the property that is for sale or rent, or clearly be directional and intended to only indicate that a property is for sale or rent down a specific street. No signs are allowed on utility poles, any type of street/public sign pole or on public property. The signs shall be removed within twenty-one (21) days of the sale, rental or lease.
Temporary Signs. Signs not previously identified in this Section but which are temporary in nature, such as grand opening, fire sale, subdivision advertisement, shall be classified by the City Building Official within the standards of signs most similar to the applicant's signs. In the event that a sign or business is substantially damaged through fire, flood, act of God, insurrection, riot or similar emergency, a temporary sign shall not exceed sixty (60) days, unless the period is extended for reasons of continuing hardship at the discretion of the City Building Official and that of the Board of Adjustment.
Off-Premises Advertising Signs. No outdoor advertising shall be erected or maintained within six hundred sixty (660) feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way and visible from the main traveled way of any highway which is part of the Federal aid primary highways as of June 1, 1991, and all highways designated as part of the National Highway System by the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995, and those highways subsequently designated as part of the National Highway System in this State (U.S. numbered routes and interstates) shall be regulated by the Missouri Department of Transportation. Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities on the property on which they are located, including products sold, shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions. Each side or face of a multiple-face sign structure shall be considered as one (1) sign for the purpose of determining whether or not it complies with the sizing, lighting, spacing and location requirements of this Code, provided that the total display area of each side of a multiple-sign structure is limited to the area allowed by Code for that sign district. The total display area of each side shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or contiguous combination of shapes which will encompass the display(s) of each side.
On-Premise Banners. May be allowed without obtaining a sign permit, provided that:
Banners shall be constructed so that they cannot be a public danger or nuisance during high winds or inclement weather.
Banners shall not be placed in any public right-of-way or obstruct vision to enter or exit a public right-of-way.
Banners shall not be displayed for more than a forty-five (45) day period. After the forty-five (45) day time period a banner shall be taken down for at least thirty (30) days; then it may be replaced.
No business shall display more than two (2) banners at a time.
Banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet.
Banners may appear fourteen (14) days before a public entertainment or event and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Banners existing in violation of this Section shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this revision.
Prohibited Signs. Any sign in violation of any Section of this Chapter shall be removed, altered or repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter from and after May 3, 2019, except as stated in Section 525.010, mobile marquee signs, except as listed below shall be prohibited without the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
Contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal.
Are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal.
Move in any manner, have a major moving part, or swing because of the manner of their suspension or attachment as a result of wind pressure, unless professionally designed to operate in this manner. Not included in this prohibition are signs which are designed to include small, integral parts which flutter due to wind pressure.
Cause odor or sound emission.
Operate or employ any motion picture or video production in conjunction with any advertisements.
Are classified as vehicular signs.
Are attached to utility poles, any street sign, public sign or on public property.
A mobile marquee sign may be permitted for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days in lieu of any sign for a new business which has submitted a sign permit request but which sign is not yet installed. A mobile marquee sign shall be securely mounted or fastened to the ground to prevent the sign from becoming a hazard during windy conditions.
Projecting Signs. A business may have a projecting sign only if it does not have a freestanding or roof sign. Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet above ground level at the sign's lowest point and shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in sign area.
Roof Signs. A premises may have one (1) roof sign only in lieu of a freestanding sign or ground sign. A registered professional engineer shall design all roof sign structures and the plans submitted with the application for permit.
The area of the roof sign shall be assessed against the allowable permitted area for any wall sign on the elevation (side) of the building most closely parallel to the face of the sign.
Maximum height above the roofline shall be ten (10) feet.
Shall be three hundred (300) square feet on one (1) street front elevation for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The maximum area on all other elevations shall be one hundred fifty (150) square feet for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The area of rooftop signs counts toward the area allowed for wall signs.
Wall Signs. Any commercial establishment may be permitted a wall sign for each elevation (side) of a building. Multiple wall signs may be permitted on a wall, but the aggregate area of all signs on the wall (excluding incidental signs in windows) shall not exceed the area allowed in this Section. Wall signs shall not project more than one (1) foot from the building wall. Any sign painted, affixed or displayed in windows shall be considered as a part of the total signage permitted on a wall. Marquees attached to buildings shall be considered wall signs. Signs may be on the vertical faces of marquees. The bottom of marquee signs shall be no less than eight (8) feet above the grade at any point. No part of the changeable copy shall project above or below the vertical marquee face. Banners shall not be allowed as wall signs.
Sign Area. The total sign area permitted for all wall signs on one (1) wall of the building shall not exceed the size of the wall face times twenty percent (20%), not to exceed one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet. The total sign area for wall signs on all other walls shall not exceed the size of the individual wall face times ten percent (10%), not to exceed nine hundred (900) square feet. "Wall face" shall mean the area determined by multiplying the linear footage of the wall times the vertical height to the top of the wall.
Editor’s Note: Former Section 525.040, General Configuration of Signs, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 95-10 §4, 3-16-1995, and as further amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-11, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 19-22, 5-2-2019; Ord. No. 21-11, 2-4-2021; Ord. No. 22-08, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-18, 12-1-2022]
General Regulations.
All signs in this zone shall be designed in the Old English look by lettering in style that is in the spirit of Old English and approved by the Planning Commission. Sign colors shall not be fluorescent, metal flake, chrome, holographic/reflective or high gloss. Size and attachments of signs in this zone shall comply with regulations pertaining to the Historic District. All signs shall go to the Planning Commission for approval before a permit will be issued. Artist drawing to scale or equivalent shall be submitted. The licensed sign contractor shall submit clear and legible drawings with description, showing a color rendering listing the pantone color numbers that will be used, dimensions, location of the sign which is the subject of the permit and all other signs on the same premises. Signs shall have no moving parts or create the appearance of movement.
All signs shall be permitted through the procedure set forth in Section 525.090 after receiving Planning Commission approval. Sections 525.090 through Section 525.130 of this Chapter shall apply to the Historic District Sign Zone.
All signs and sign locations conforming to the regulations of Chapter 525 and in use at the time of the passage of this Section, with the exception of portable/mobile marquees, shall be permitted as non-conforming signs (see Section 525.110).
Church Signs. All sign regulations applicable to business establishments shall also apply to churches.
Freestanding Or Ground Signs.
Clearance. Signs over a sidewalk shall be at least ten (10) feet above a sidewalk.
Height. Freestanding signs (on-premises) shall not exceed twenty (20) feet from ground elevation.
Freestanding signs shall not protrude into any right-of-way beyond a sidewalk.
Ground signs shall be set back at least five (5) feet from any public right-of-way and shall not be located in the sight triangle of any intersection of street to street, alley to street or driveway to street.
Distance Between Signs. A minimum distance of one hundred (100) feet shall be kept between all freestanding or ground signs.
Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities off the premises/property on which they are located shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions.
Maximum Area.
The maximum area for a freestanding or ground sign shall be one hundred (100) square feet.
Only one (1) side of a double-facing sign shall be considered in the total sign area permitted for any building, use or lot.
Illumination Of Signs. The sign shall be a steady light, no flashing lights, arrows, etc. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shaded, shielded or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not be objectionable to surrounding areas, and the light rays shall not be projected over the property lines. Neither the direct nor indirect light from a primary light source of a sign shall create a traffic hazard to operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians on public thoroughfares. No sign is permitted with flashing or rotating lights that would interfere with safe passage of auto traffic. No sign shall be permitted to simulate an emergency vehicle.
Incidental Signs. Signs indicating times of operation, contact information, and may include product advertising. This type of sign shall be placed on windows or doors and does not require a permit if it is less than twenty percent (20%) of the window area.
Maintenance Of Signs. All signs shall be maintained in good repair and shall be refurbished often enough to be legible or shall be subject to removal at the owner's or lessee's cost.
Miscellaneous Signs. Signs listed in this Section shall be allowed on private property, shall not require a permit, but are subject to the general requirements of this Chapter:
Construction Signs. A maximum of sixteen (16) square feet for each firm. These signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use of the project or as individual subcontracts expire, whichever is sooner.
Institutional Signs. Signs setting forth the name and announcement of an event for any public, charitable, educational or religious institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to an area of twenty-four (24) square feet are permitted. If ground mounted, the top shall not exceed six (6) feet above ground level. Such signs shall be permitted no more than fourteen (14) days before or forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and the like, when made a permanent and integral part of the structure, are permitted.
Portable Signs. A business may have one (1) portable sign on the property the business is located on. The sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. These signs are not to be on the right-of-way; they shall be on the private property on which the business is currently located.
Public Interest Signs. Signs publicizing a charitable or non-profit event of general public interest shall be permitted only on private property and shall be restricted to a maximum area of four (4) square feet in residential zones and thirty-two (32) square feet in business or industrial zones and shall be permitted for fourteen (14) days before and forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Public Signs. Signs in the public interest, such as memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and the like, shall be permitted when notification is given to the City Building Official.
Real Estate Signs. Signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of property shall be a maximum size of eight (8) square feet, and they shall be on the premises for sale, lease or rent. Such signs shall be removed within twenty-one (21) days of the sale, rental or lease.
Temporary Signs. Signs not previously identified in this Section but which are temporary in nature, such as grand opening, fire sale, subdivision advertisement, shall be classified by the City Building Official within the standards of signs most similar to the applicant's signs. In the event that a sign or business is substantially damaged through fire, flood, act of God, insurrection, riot or similar emergency, a temporary sign shall be allowed for a period of time not exceeding sixty (60) days, unless the period is extended for reasons of continuing hardship at the discretion of the City Building Official and that of the Board of Adjustment.
Off-premises signs shall not be permitted.
On-Premises Banners. May be allowed without obtaining a sign permit provided that:
Banners shall be constructed so that they cannot be a public danger or nuisance during high winds or inclement weather.
Banners shall not be placed in any public right-of-way or obstruct vision to enter or exit a public right-of-way.
Banners shall not be displayed for more than a forty-five (45) day period. After the forty-five (45) day time period a banner shall be taken down for at least thirty (30) days, then it may be replaced.
No business shall display more than one (1) banner at a time.
Banners shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet.
Banners may appear fourteen (14) days before a public entertainment or event and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Banners existing in violation of this Section shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this revision.
Prohibited Signs. Any sign in violation of any Section of this Chapter shall be removed, altered or repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter from and after May 3, 2019.
Contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal.
Are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal.
Move in any manner, have a major moving part, or swing because of the manner of their suspension or attachment as a result of wind pressure, unless professionally designed to operate in this manner. Not included in this prohibition are signs which are designed to include small, integral parts which flutter due to wind pressure.
Cause odor or sound emission.
Operate or employ any motion picture or video projection in conjunction with any advertisements.
Are classified as vehicular signs.
Are attached to utility poles or trees on public property.
Are marquee signs, including mobile marquees.
Projecting Signs. A business may have a projecting sign only if it does not have a freestanding sign. Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet six (6) inches above ground level at the sign's lowest point and shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in sign area. Projecting signs shall not project beyond the outer boundary line of the sidewalk.
Roof signs are not permitted.
Wall Signs. Commercial establishments may be permitted a wall sign for each side of a building. Multiple wall signs may be permitted on a wall, but the aggregate area of all signs on the wall (including signs in windows) shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. Wall signs shall not project more than one (1) foot from the building wall. Any sign that is not an incidental sign painted, affixed or displayed in windows shall be considered as a part of the total signage permitted on a wall.
Sign Area. The total sign area permitted for all wall signs on a wall fronting the street shall be the lesser of the following: the size of the wall face times twenty percent (20%) or one hundred (100) square feet. The total sign area for all other walls shall not exceed the size of the individual wall face times ten percent (10%) not to exceed the maximums listed above. "Wall face" shall mean the area determined by multiplying the linear footage of the wall times the vertical height to the top of the wall.
Editor's Note: Former Section 525.050, Regulations Pertaining to Residential Districts, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 95-10 §5, 3-16-1995, and as further amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-12, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 19-23, 5-2-2019; Ord. No. 19-59, 9-19-2019; Ord. No. 21-12, 2-4-2021; Ord. No. 22-10, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-19, 12-1-2022]
Automatic Changeable-Face Signs. A permit may be granted for an automatic changeable-facing or projected display that maintains a continuous message without blackness or disruption provided that:
The static display time for each message is a minimum of eight (8) seconds;
The time to completely change from one message to the next is a maximum of two (2) seconds;
The change of message shall occur simultaneously for the entire sign face;
The outdoor advertising structure meets all other requirements in this Code. Any such sign shall be designed such that the sign will freeze in one (1) position if a malfunction occurs.
The image does not flash or flicker in accordance with this Code.
The image is projected onto a securely fixed, substantial structure and in accordance with the provisions in this Code.
No projected image(s), lighted image(s) or message(s) shall appear to move or be animated. This will include scrolling lighted electronic displays.
Day/night settings are required on all signs covered under this Section. All sign brightness and/or light intensity shall be adjusted in such a manner as to not create a traffic hazard for operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians using public thoroughfares or illuminate/project into any residential zone.
Church Signs. All sign regulations applicable to business establishments shall also apply to churches.
Development Complex Signs (Multiple-Tenant Areas). Multiple-occupancy developments shall be entitled to one (1) freestanding or ground sign meeting the requirements of Section 525.060(E) per street front for business (tenant) identification.
Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities off the premises/property on which they are located shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions.
Freestanding Or Ground Signs.
Clearance. Signs not over a sidewalk, driveway or alley, an area eight (8) feet in height, except for structural members shall be maintained clear of obstruction under any freestanding sign to increase pedestrian safety and to create a clear field of vision to recognize the location of streets and commercial entrances. Signs over a sidewalk, driveway or alley shall be at least ten (10) feet above a sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above alleys and driveways.
Height. Freestanding signs (on-premises or off-premises shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in height from ground elevation.
All freestanding signs (structure, supports or sign face) shall be set back from any public right-of-way at least five (5) feet. Ground signs shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of-way.
Distance between signs. There shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet (as measured along street frontage) between signs (freestanding or ground or any combination thereof).
Directional or other official signs or those advertising the sale or lease of the property on which they are located, or those which advertise activities off the premises/property on which they are located shall not be counted, nor shall measurements be made from them for the purpose of compliance with spacing provisions.
Maximum Area.
The maximum area for a freestanding or ground sign shall be two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
Only one (1) side of any double-facing sign shall be considered in the total sign area permitted for any building, use or lot.
Illumination Of Signs. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shaded, shielded or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not be objectionable to surrounding areas, and the light rays shall not be projected over the property lines into a residential zone except by indirect reflection. Neither the direct nor indirect light from a primary light source of a sign shall create a traffic hazard to operators of motor vehicles or pedestrians on public thoroughfares. No sign is permitted with flashing or rotating lights that would interfere with safe passage of auto traffic. No sign shall be permitted to simulate an emergency vehicle.
Incidental signs are signs indicating services, products, trade information or other information but not including product advertising.
No product or container or incidental sign shall be closer to a public right-of-way line than ten (10) feet.
All incidental signs shall be those that are installed on windows, doors or walls of a structure. Incidental signs' square footage shall be not more than twenty percent (20%) of the allowable area permitted for wall signs.
Marijuana Dispensary Facility Signs.
[Ord. No. 23-25, 10-5-2023]
A facility shall not display marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, or advertisements for these items in a way that is visible to the general public from a public right-of-way.
Outdoor signage shall not display any text other than the facility's business name or trade name, address, phone number, directions and website.
Per State Statute Section 338.260, RSMo., "No person shall carry on, conduct or transact a business under a name which contains as part of the name the words "pharmacist," "pharmacy," "apothecary," "apothecary shop," "chemist shop," "drug store," "druggist," "drugs," "consultant pharmacist" or any word of similar or like import, unless the place of business is supervised by a licensed pharmacist."
In no case shall the facility's sign include or display the word "marijuana" or "cannabis" on any part of the sign face.
Interior signage shall not be visible to the general public.
Shall not utilize images or visual representations of marijuana plants, products or paraphernalia, including representations that indicate the presence of these items, such as smoke.
Off-premises signs shall not be permitted.
Marijuana-Infused Products Manufacturing Facility.
[Ord. No. 23-25, 10-5-2023]
A facility shall not display marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, or advertisements for these items in a way that is visible to the general public from a public right-of-way.
Outdoor signage shall not display any text other than the facility's business name or trade name, address, phone number, directions and website.
Per State Statute Section 338.260, RSMo., "No person shall carry on, conduct or transact a business under a name which contains as part of the name the words "pharmacist," "pharmacy," "apothecary," "apothecary shop," "chemist shop," "drug store," "druggist," "drugs," "consultant pharmacist" or any word of similar or like import, unless the place of business is supervised by a licensed pharmacist."
In no case shall the facility's sign include or display the word "marijuana" or "cannabis" on any part of the sign face.
Interior signage shall not be visible to the general public.
Shall not utilize images or visual representations of marijuana plants, products or paraphernalia, including representations that indicate the presence of these items, such as smoke.
Off-premises signs shall not be permitted.
Miscellaneous Signs.
Construction Signs. A maximum area of sixteen (16) square feet for each firm. These signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use of the project or as individual subcontracts expire, whichever is sooner.
Institutional Signs. Signs setting forth the name and announcement of an event for any public, charitable, educational or religious institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to an area of twenty-four (24) square feet are permitted. If ground mounted, the top shall not exceed six (6) feet above ground level. Such signs shall be permitted no more than fourteen (14) days before or forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and the like, when made a permanent and integral part of the structure, shall be permitted.
Portable Signs. A business may have one (1) portable sign on the property the business is located on. The sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. These signs are not to be on the right-of-way; they shall be on the private property on which the business is currently located.
Private Traffic Direction Signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto a premises or within the premises, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area for each sign, may be permitted. Horizontal signs on and flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards.
Public Interest Signs. Signs publicizing a charitable or non-profit event of general public interest shall be permitted only on private property and shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall be permitted for fourteen (14) days before and forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
Public Signs. Signs in the public interest, such as memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and the like, shall be permitted when notification is given to the City Building Official.
Real Estate Signs. Signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of commercial property shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet and setback of five (5) feet from the right-of-way. These signs shall either be on the property that is for sale or rent, or clearly be directional and intended to only indicate that a property is for sale or rent down a specific street. No signs are allowed on utility poles, any type of street/public sign pole or on public property. The signs shall be removed within twenty-one (21) days of the sale, rental or lease.
Temporary Signs. Signs not previously identified in this Section but which are temporary in nature, such as grand opening, fire sale, subdivision advertisement, shall be classified by the City Building Official within the standards of signs most similar to the applicant's signs. In the event that a sign or business is substantially damaged through fire, flood, act of God, insurrection, riot or similar emergency, a temporary sign shall not exceed sixty (60) days, unless the period is extended for reasons of continuing hardship at the discretion of the City Building Official and that of the Board of Adjustment.
Off-premises signs shall not be permitted.
On-Premise Banners. May be allowed without obtaining a sign permit, provided that:
Banners shall be constructed so that they cannot be a public danger or nuisance during high winds or inclement weather.
Banners shall not be placed in any public right-of-way or obstruct vision to enter or exit a public right-of-way.
Banners shall not be displayed for more than a forty-five (45) day period. After the forty-five (45) day time period a banner shall be taken down for at least thirty (30) days; then it may be replaced.
No business shall display more than two (2) banners at a time.
Banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet.
Banners may appear fourteen (14) days before a public entertainment or event and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Banners existing in violation of this Section shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this revision.
Prohibited Signs. Any sign in violation of any Section of this Chapter shall be removed, altered or repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter from and after May 3, 2019, except as stated in Section 525.010, mobile marquee signs, except as listed below shall be prohibited without the approval of the Board of Aldermen:
Contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal.
Are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal.
Move in any manner, have a major moving part, or swing because of the manner of their suspension or attachment as a result of wind pressure, unless professionally designed to operate in this manner. Not included in this prohibition are signs which are designed to include small, integral parts which flutter due to wind pressure.
Cause odor or sound emission.
Operate or employ any motion picture or video production in conjunction with any advertisements.
Are classified as vehicular signs.
Are attached to utility poles, any street sign, public sign or on public property.
A mobile marquee sign may be permitted for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days in lieu of any sign for a new business, which has submitted a sign permit request, but which sign is not yet installed. A mobile marquee sign shall be securely mounted or fastened to the ground to prevent the sign from becoming a hazard during windy conditions.
Projecting Signs. A business may have a projecting sign only if it does not have a freestanding or roof sign. Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet above ground level at the sign's lowest point and shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in sign area.
Roof Signs. A premises shall have one (1) roof sign only in lieu of a freestanding sign or ground sign. A registered professional engineer shall design all roof sign structures and the plans submitted with the application for permit.
The area of the roof sign shall be assessed against the allowable permitted area for any wall sign on the elevation (side) of the building most closely parallel to the face of the sign.
Maximum height above the roofline shall be ten (10) feet.
Shall be one hundred fifty (150) square feet on one (1) street front elevation for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The maximum area on all other elevations shall be seventy-five (75) square feet for the aggregate of all signs on the roof. The area of rooftop signs counts toward the area allowed for wall signs.
Wall Signs. Any commercial establishment may be permitted a wall sign for each elevation (side) of a building. Multiple wall signs may be permitted on a wall, but the aggregate area of all signs on the wall (excluding incidental signs in windows) shall not exceed the area allowed in this Section. Wall signs shall not project more than one (1) foot from the building wall. Any sign painted, affixed or displayed in windows shall be considered as a part of the total signage permitted on a wall. Marquees attached to buildings shall be considered wall signs. Signs may be on the vertical faces of marquees. The bottom of marquee signs shall be no less than eight (8) feet above the grade at any point. No part of the changeable copy shall project above or below the vertical marquee face. Banners shall not be allowed as wall signs.
Sign Area. The total sign area permitted for all wall signs on one (1) wall of the building shall not exceed the size of the wall face times twenty percent (20%), not to exceed one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet. The total sign area for wall signs on all other walls shall not exceed the size of the individual wall face times ten percent (10%), not to exceed nine hundred (900) square feet. "Wall face" shall mean the area determined by multiplying the linear footage of the wall times the vertical height to the top of the wall.
Editor's Note: Former Section 525.060, Regulations Pertaining to Commercial Districts, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 95-10 §6, 3-16-1995, and as further amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-13, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 19-24, 5-2-2019; Ord. No. 19-45, 8-1-2019; Ord. No. 22-12, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-20, 12-1-2022]
A nameplate sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area per dwelling unit. This sign shall indicate only the name of the occupant and/or include address.
Banners shall not be permitted.
Church signs in residential, floodplain or conservation districts shall be limited to one (1) sign with a maximum sign area of fifty (50) square feet, including marquee, and may be freestanding or ground mounted. All signs shall be at least five (5) feet back from the public right-of-way lines except in the case of a ground sign on a corner lot, in which case the sign shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from any street front property line.
Commercial signs are only allowed on residential property for construction as follows:
Business has a contract with the owner.
Has a current City business license.
Once job is completed, the sign is to be removed.
Home Occupation Signs. Signs not exceeding eight (8) square feet in area for home occupations, attached flat against the building, stationary and not illuminated, announcing only the name, occupation, address and telephone number of the resident are permitted.
Multiple dwellings, one (1) additional sign totaling six (6) square feet in area shall be permitted for identification of the building and names of occupants.
Real estate, home occupation or garage sale signs shall be permitted in a residential district without approval by the Planning Commission.
Subdivision entrance signs, non-advertisement. Subdivision signs shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in length and seven (7) feet in height and maximum sign face area of sixty (60) square feet. The entrance sign shall have a setback of fifteen (15) feet from any street property line.
Editor's Note: Former Section 525.070, Miscellaneous Signs, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 95-10 §7, 3-16-1995, and as further amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-14, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 19-46, 8-1-2019; Ord. No. 21-13, 2-4-2021]
Off-premises non-profit organization/event banners:
Temporary banners may be permitted in conjunction with a special event permit and will be approved and regulated through the special event permit approval process. Banners permitted through the special event permit process will be given priority for location and display dates over temporary banners permitted through the temporary banner permit application process found in Subsection (A)(2) below. All requirements found in the Subsections (A)(35), below, will apply to banners permitted through the special event permit process.
Special event banners may be placed fourteen (14) days before the event being advertised and shall be removed with forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Temporary Banner Permit Application. Application for a permit shall be made to the Building Department or Administration for approval to place off-premises banners, whether they are on private property or off-premises and requesting to be on public property.
Temporary banners may be places seven (7) days before the event being advertised and shall be removed with forty-eight (48) hours afterward.
Locations. Individual banners shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet and six (6) in number. Each application permits one (1) banner per location. Pre-approved locations are as follows:
St. James Street and BB Highway.
Gage Drive at Business 65.
North Birch at Business 65.
Highway 76 and Business 65.
Esplanade at Business 65.
Southtowne Center: corner of Mall Road and Southtowne Boulevard (with permission from business owners).
Banners shall not be allowed in a sight triangle or area that presents a vision obstruction. Those found in violation shall be taken down .
Banners shall not be allowed in any residential zoning district.
Editor's Note: Former Section 525.080, Prohibited Signs, adopted or amended by Ord. No. 95-10 §8, 3-16-1995, was repealed by Ord. No. 19-15, 5-2-2019.
[Ord. No. 22-21, 12-1-2022]
Campaign and ballot initiative signs shall be temporary in nature and shall not be erected earlier than forty-five (45) days prior to an election. Only campaign and ballot initiative signs on behalf of candidates for a Federal, State or local office who represent the district in which the signs are to be displayed, or ballot initiatives which effect the district in which the signs are to be displayed shall be permitted. The signs shall be removed within seven (7) days immediately following any such election. The only permitted exception pertains to signs representing candidates who are selected by their party in a Primary Election and are certified to stand for the next upcoming General Election. Those candidates are permitted to leave their signs in place and remove them within seven (7) days immediately following the General Election.
Only one (1) campaign sign or banner per candidate or ballot initiative shall be displayed at each location, with owner’s consent.
No campaign or ballot initiative signs shall be on west side of Downing Street (railroad side).
On City property, one (1) campaign or ballot initiative sign per candidate or ballot initiative shall be permitted at each of the preapproved locations listed below:
St. James Street at BB Highway.
Gage Drive at Business 65.
North Birch at Business 65.
Esplanade at Business 65.
Southtowne Center: corner of Mall Road and Southtowne Boulevard.
Campaign or ballot initiative signs shall not be allowed in a sight triangle or area that presents a vision obstruction.
Maximum Area.
The maximum area for a campaign or ballot initiative sign shall be three (3) square feet and shall not exceed three (3) feet in height.
The maximum area for a campaign or ballot initiative banner shall be thirty-two (32) square feet and shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
All campaign and ballot initiative signage will be of flat, [two (2) dimensional] construction. No inflatable tube, feather flag or portable, trailer mounted signs (mobile marquees) will be permitted.
No LED, or motion generating signs will be permitted in this Section. See other commercial signs in Chapter 525.
All signs will be securely attached or anchored to a supporting structure or the ground.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §9, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 01-37, 8-2-2001; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003; Ord. No. 19-17, 5-2-2019[1]]
The following regulation shall govern the construction, repair, maintenance, inspection and removal procedure:
A permit for the construction, alteration or repair of all signs shall be obtained from the Building Department after the payment of a fee which shall be the same as set by law for a building permit in City Code Section 500.001, Fees. No person shall erect, construct, repair or maintain any sign upon any property or building without the consent of the property owner or owner's authorized representative. All signs and work on signs requiring a permit shall be done by a licensed sign contractor.
Signs may be inspected periodically by the Building Department for compliance with this and other codes of the City.
Application For Permit. Application for a permit shall be made to the City Building Department and shall be accompanied by such information as may be required to ensure compliance with all appropriate laws and Statutes of the City, including, but not limited to:
Name, address and business license number of the permit applicant and owner of the sign.
Name and address of the owner of the premises where the sign is located or to be located.
Name and address of the licensed sign contractor that will fabricate and erect the sign.
The licensed sign contractor shall submit clear and legible drawings with description definitely showing location of the sign which is the subject of the permit and all other signs on the same premises and those directly adjacent. Drawings showing the dimensions, construction, supports, sizes, materials of the sign, and method of attachment or character of structural members to which attachment is to be made.
Any sign may be required, at the City's discretion, to be designed by a Missouri-registered professional engineer. In such case, that engineer's signature and seal shall be affixed to the submitted documents. Any sign over three hundred (300) square feet in area or thirty (30) feet in height, or both, shall be designed by a Missouri-registered professional engineer, and that engineer's signature and seal shall be affixed to the submitted documents.
The Building Official or his/her authorized representative shall issue a permit for the erection, repair, alteration or relocation of signs within the City when an application therefor has been properly made and the sign complies with all appropriate laws and regulations of the City.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also amended the title of this Section, which was formerly Permits, Inspection, Removal, Safety.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §10, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003; Ord. No. 19-18, 5-2-2019]
Abandoned signs. A sign shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is located when the business it advertised is no longer conducted on the premises. If the owner or lessee fails to remove it, the Building Official shall give written notice to remove it and take actions as described in this Section. Upon failure to comply with this notice, the Building Official or his/her duly authorized representative may have the sign removed at cost to the owner. Where a successor to a business agrees in writing to the Building Official to maintain the sign as provided in this Chapter, the removal requirement shall not apply.
Maintenance. All signs and components thereof shall be kept in good repair and safe, neat, clean and attractive condition.
Removal Of Signs.
The Building Official or his/her authorized representative shall identify and shall order the removal of any signs, at cost to the owner, erected or maintained in violation of this Chapter. The Building Official shall give thirty (30) days' notice in writing to the owner of such sign, or of the buildings, structure or premises on which such sign is located, to remove the sign or to bring it into compliance. When notice is served to remove a sign, it shall be delivered by handing the notice to the person to be served by anyone designated by the Building Official or by leaving the notice at the usual abode of the one to be served with a member of the household over the age of fifteen (15) years. If the address of the person to be served cannot be ascertained, the service of notice shall be by publication. The publication shall contain the full text of the notice and shall be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks on the same day of the week in a newspaper of general circulation published in Taney County and the time specified for a hearing to be held by the Board of Adjustment. Commencement of work to be done or any other adjustment to be made shall begin no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of first notice or publication in a newspaper. Notice given by the Building Official shall state not only the remedial action required to be taken but shall also state that if such action is not taken in the time limit set forth in this Code, the remedial action may be taken by the City, and the cost of correcting the unlawful, dangerous or defective feature or total sign may be assessed against the property on which the sign is located, together with the inspection, collection and incidental costs.
The Building Official or any person so authorized by the Board of Aldermen may remove a sign immediately and without notice to the owner, in the event that the owner cannot be located immediately, in his/her opinion the condition of the sign is such as to present an immediate threat to the safety of the public, all entirely at the property owner's expense.
At the City's discretion, remedial action may be taken on behalf of the City by a company of the City's choice.
Appeals. If a permit is denied by the Building Official, the applicant may appeal the violation notice issued by the Building Official by filing a written appeal in the office of the Building Official within fifteen (15) days of the violation notice. The Board of Adjustment shall speedily hear the appeal in accordance with its usual procedure.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §11, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 00-02, 3-6-2000; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003; Ord. No. 19-19, 5-2-2019]
Any sign on a building or premises not conforming to the provisions of the zone district in which it is located shall comply with all the sign provisions for the zone district in which it is located.
Non -Conforming Signs. Signs existing on May 3, 2019, and not conforming to the provisions of this Chapter but which were constructed in compliance with previous regulations shall be regarded as non-conforming signs. Non-conforming signs which are relocated or substantially destroyed or damaged fifty percent (50%) or more shall comply immediately with all provisions of this Chapter. No sign having been erected in violation of a previous ordinance shall be considered non-conforming. This Section does not apply to mobile marquee signs.
More Than Allowable Number Of Signs Per Lot. In the event that a need for more than the allowable number of wall, freestanding, ground or roof signs per lot is demonstrated, the business and/or property owner shall present a signage plan to the Building Official. The Building Official will then present the request before the Planning Commission at its next regular meeting. The signage plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
A drawing of the proposed signs, with dimensions and sizes of structural supports and engineering specifications, if needed.
A site plan of the property drawn to scale, including location of signs already present on the property, and the properties immediately adjacent. Location of proposed signs; this shall include correct measurements to property lines and to adjacent signs.
A written explanation of the reason for the request.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §12, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003]
The Board of Aldermen may designate a future date special sign districts, such as in conjunction with a plan for downtown/lakefront revitalization, a scenic roadway district, or a planned development for instance.
In such an event the regulations governing all other signs may be set aside and new regulations shall be approved designed to give an attractive, scenic, aesthetic overall view of the part of the City designated such a special district within the basic framework of this Chapter and as set out in Section 525.010, Purpose. A hearing shall be conducted and this Chapter shall be revised at that time.
[Ord. No. 95-10 §13, 3-16-1995; Ord. No. 03-08, 3-6-2003]
Any appeal for exception or variance from this Chapter shall be submitted to the Board of Adjustment in accordance with the provisions that provide procedure and guidelines for appeals.
[Ord. No. 22-13, 7-21-2022; Ord. No. 22-22, 12-1-2022]
The Building Official or designee shall be able to remove campaign and ballot initiative signage forty-eight (48) hours after informing any person, persons, firms, partnership or corporation, or forty-eight (48) hours after attempted, unsuccessful contact with any person, persons, firms, partnership or corporation, found not in compliance with Section 525.085, Campaign and Ballot Initiative Signs.
Any person, persons, firm, partnership, or corporation violating any provisions of remaining signs pertaining to Chapter 525 shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day this Chapter 525 or any part thereof is violated shall be and constitute a separate offense and violations of this Chapter for which they may be punished.