[Ord. No. 302 §54.010, 10-1-1987]
For the purposes of this Article, the terms "business, trade, and occupation" shall be construed to mean all manner of businesses, trades and avocations whatsoever transacted, conducted and carried on for gain, profit or as a means of livelihood in the City of Hollister, Taney County, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.020, 10-1-1987]
The word "person" when used in this Article, shall include any individual, co-partnership, joint adventure, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate, or any other group or combination, acting as a unit and the plural as well as the singular number.
[Ord. No. 463 §54.030, 7-16-1992]
It shall be the duty of every person(s) transacting, conducting, carrying on any business, trade or avocation whatsoever for gain, profit, or as means of livelihood within the corporate City limits to apply to and secure from the City Clerk of said City, a license for transacting, conducting and carrying on such business, trade, or avocation before he, she, they or it shall transact, conduct, and carry on such business, trade or avocation within the corporate City limits.
The City Clerk has the option to send a business application to the Board of Aldermen for their review for approval or disapproval.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.040, 10-1-1987]
All licenses issued hereunder shall show the amount paid for same, the purpose for which issued, the period of duration, and shall otherwise in such form as may be devised by the Mayor of this City, and all such licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.050, 10-1-1987]
Every person to whom a license is issued under the provisions of this Article shall keep the same conspicuously posted in his/her place of business, if he/she has a place of business.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.060, 10-1-1987]
It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to collect all monies for licenses issued under this Article and keep an accurate register of all licenses issued under the provisions of such ordinances, in such a form as will clearly show what licenses are in force, to whom issued, the business for which issued and the amount paid.
[Ord. No. 93-14 §54.070, 5-6-1993]
All licenses, except as herein otherwise provided, granted under the terms and provisions of the ordinance, shall extend for a period of one (1) year from July first (1st) to the thirtieth (30th) day of June following. Business license fees will not be pro-rated, except fees allowed under Chapter 600.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.080, 10-1-1987]
No license granted under the provisions of this Article shall be transferable, and no person having a City license issued hereunder and retiring from the licensed occupation shall have any part of such licensed refunded to him/her.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.090, 10-1-1987]
The payment by any person of any license tax herein provided to be paid shall not authorize such person to engage in the City of Hollister, Missouri, in any other business, occupation, profession, trade or agency for which a license is required, by this or any other ordinances of said City, without first having procured and paid for a license for such other business, occupation, profession, trade or agency, unless expressly permitted so to do by the terms of this or some other ordinances of said City.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.100, 10-1-1987]
No license hereunder shall be issued until the amount of the license tax prescribed therefor shall be paid to the City Clerk or authorized agent, and no such license shall, in any case, be assigned or transferred, an no license issued hereunder shall be held to authorize the conduct of the designed occupation at more than one (1) location in the City at the same time.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.110, 10-1-1987]
Any person who, as agent, servant or employee of any other person, shall knowingly be employed in and assist in the conduct of any business, occupation, profession, trade or agency hereinabove enumerated, upon which a license tax has not been paid, as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Ord. No. 463 §54.120, 7-16-1992]
A "peddler" as used in this Article is defined to be any person(s) soliciting, selling or offering for sale any article, chattel or thing for profit by calling from residence to residence, or selling from wagon or truck within the City limits of Hollister, who has not a regular licensed place of business in said City, or is not a resident of said City.
[Ord. No. 06-56, 12-7-2006]
Non-profit and governmental organizations located within the City limits must register their organizations by applying for a business license with the City.
No business license fee shall be charged to non-profit or governmental organizations.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.130, 10-1-1987; Ord. No. 94-14 §54.130, 4-7-1994; Ord. No. 94-15, 4-7-1994; Ord. No. 04-53, 10-21-2004; Ord. No. 09-31, 1-21-2010]
It shall be unlawful for any person to exercise, carry on, or engage in any of the following occupations, professions, trades, businesses or agencies in the City of Hollister, Missouri, without having obtained a license therefor, as hereinafter provided, and the charge for such license shall be respectively as follows, to wit:
The charge for the license is based on the average number of employees employed by the business during the preceding year. For computation purposes, two (2) part-time employees shall equal one (1) employee.
[Ord. No. 23-18, 6-1-2023; Ord. No. 23-19, 7-6-2023]
0 — 2 employees
3 — 5 employees
6 — 10 employees
11 — 15 employees
16 — 20 employees
21 — 30 employees
31 or more employees
In addition to the above listed fee there shall be a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) administrative fee charged each year.
Each year a forty-five dollar ($45.00) fire inspection fee will be applied. The City of Hollister and Western Taney County Fire will perform one (1) time per year, a courtesy reinspection at no cost to the owner.
Reinspection fee after courtesy inspection: twenty dollars ($20.00).
Any business owner that has not renewed their license by August first (1st) shall be charged an additional ten dollar ($10.00) penalty.
[Ord. No. 01-19, 4-5-2001; Ord. No. 01-34, 7-19-2001]
No business license described in this Chapter shall be issued to or renewed for any such business or activity unless the applicant therefor, at the time of filing the application for issuance or renewal of such license, presents to the City Clerk duly authenticated proof of:
Sales tax license.
The applicant's possession of a Missouri sales tax license; or
Temporary special events sales tax report or permit issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue and verification of the applicant's intent to file such report and remit the sales tax to be reported thereon; or
Document issued and certified by the Department of Revenue or other lawful taxing authority evidencing the applicant's exemption from responsibility for collection and payment of Missouri sales tax.
Fail to pay any other obligation.
No license or permit shall be issued to any applicant who shall have failed to pay any other obligation then due and owing to the City, including, but not limited to, sales tax, personal property tax, inspection fees, utility billings, sewer connection fees, improvement district assessments, or be in violation of any lawfully imposed building, health, safety, fire or zoning code and/or ordinance.
[Ord. No. 13-08, 7-3-2013]
[Ord. No. 332 §54.150, 6-2-1988]
The license of a Merchant, Manufacturer, Contractor or Business may be revoked by the Board of Aldermen or they may refuse to issue a license after public hearing and notice for any one of the following reasons:
Failure to comply with the provisions of this Article, or any other ordinance pertaining to the Business Codes, Building Codes, Fire Codes, Health Codes, or ordinances of the City of Hollister.
Failure to operate the business as required by law.
Creation of a public nuisance.
[Ord. No. 302 §54.140, 10-1-1987; Ord. No. 98-31, 8-6-1998]
Any person(s) violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00), nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense.