[CC 1979 §44.010 — 44.020]
General Provisions. No sign board, sign post or other erection shall be placed upon, over or across any sidewalk or other public thoroughfare of the City of New London, Missouri, unless permission be first obtained from the Board of Aldermen, and hereafter no awning or sign board shall be erected or placed upon or across or over any sidewalk in this City, of either wood, iron or tin, or that shall require any posts for its support, all such awnings now existing, the erection of which would be prohibited by this Section may, if in good repair, secure and safe and not dangerous to persons or property and not in danger of falling, be allowed to remain; but such structures shall not be renewed. All such sign boards and awnings which may hereafter be placed upon or across any sidewalk or other public thoroughfare in this City, and all such now existing which shall hereafter be declared by the Board of Aldermen by resolution to be insecure, unsafe and dangerous to persons and property, or in danger of falling may be deemed to be an obstruction of the street of said City, wherein the same is situated within the meaning of this Section.
Violation. Whoever shall within this City willfully violate the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00).