[CC 1984 §43.010]
No addition to the City, and no subdivision within the City, which shall hereafter be made, shall be regarded as a part of the City until the following conditions have severally been complied with.
Two (2) full and complete plats of such addition or subdivision shall be made out, one (1) of which shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Newton County, and the other filed in the office of the City Clerk.
Said plats shall show that all streets and alleys of the City, which if prolonged in straight lines would occupy any portion of the land in such addition or subdivision, have been laid out the full width and entirely brought the length and breadth of said addition or subdivision.
The plat shall further show that all the said streets and alleys have been dedicated to the public use forever.
All additions shall be laid out so that there shall be an alley not less than ten (10) or more than twenty (20) feet wide between the rear ends of all lots.
The streets in the addition shall be so laid out as to correspond with the prolongations of existing streets, as far as practicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph (4) above.
[CC 1984 §43.020]
Before such addition or subdivision shall be accepted, the Board of Aldermen shall, by ordinance, establish the same and declare it to be a part of the City.
[Ord. No. 410:025, 6-13-2011]
The Subdivision Regulations for the City of Seneca passed on June 13, 2011 by Ordinance Number 410:025 are on file in the City offices.
[CC 1984 §43.030]
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to bind the City to recognize any addition or subdivision heretofore made by any person or persons not in conformity with the above specifications, or to grade, macadamize or repair any street, or sidewalk therein.