[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Unless otherwise expressly stated or the context clearly indicates a different intention, the following term shall, for the purpose of this Chapter, have the meanings indicated in this Section:
Every person engaged in the business of receiving property in pledges or as security for money or other thing advanced to the pawner or pledger, or who purchases personal property and agrees to sell it back, or who makes a display at his/her place of business of the sign of the three (3) balls, or who makes or publicly exhibits any sign offering money to loan on personal property, except negotiable instruments.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
No pawnbroker shall keep his/her place of business open or transact any business therein between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. excepting on Saturday night of each week when he/she may keep his/her place of business open until 12:00 Midnight.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
No pawnbroker shall expose for sale, or sell or dispose of, any article or articles within five (5) days of the time of purchasing the same; provided however, that this Section shall not affect household goods, machinery or building material.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
No pawnbroker shall take, buy or receive any personal property, goods, wares or merchandise, other than agricultural products, of any value from any minor or have in his/her possession any personal property, goods, wares or merchandise so had and obtained without the written consent of such minor's parents or guardians.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Every pawnbroker shall keep at his/her place of business a register in which he/she shall enter, in writing, a minute description of all property taken, purchased or received, including any number that may be in or upon any article, together with the time and name, age, nationality, color and place of residence, giving street and number, if within the City, of the person selling or leaving such property, also the amount paid for or loaned upon such property, the interest charged and the time when loan falls due. Such register shall be kept clean and legible. Such entries shall be made within one (1) hour after the receipts or purchase of such property. Every entry shall be made in ink and shall not in any manner be erased, obliterated or defaced.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
It shall be the duty of every pawnbroker to make out and deliver to the Chief of Police at least once a week a legible and correct copy from the register maintained pursuant to Section 630.050 of all personal property or other valuable things received or deposited or purchased and a description of the persons by whom left in pledge or from whom purchased. No person shall be required to furnish such description of any property purchased from manufacturers or wholesale dealers having an established place of business, or of any goods purchased at open sale from any bankrupt stock, or from any other person having an established place of business. Such goods shall be accompanied by a bill of sale or other evidence of open and legitimate purchase and shall be shown to the Chief of Police, the Chief of Detectives or any member of the Police force when demanded.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Every pawnbroker shall give the Chief of Police of the City notice of all goods to be shipped out of the City, the consignee, the destination, date of shipment and date of loading and give the Chief of Police or any member of the Police force opportunity to examine such goods before or at the time of loading and shipping.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
The register referred to in Section 630.050 shall, at all times, be kept open to the inspection of the Chief of Police or any officer of the Police force of the City, or anyone authorized in writing for that purpose by the Chief of Police, which authority shall be exhibited to the pawnbroker. Every pawnbroker shall also, upon request, show and exhibit to any such person or officer, for inspection, any article purchased, taken or received by him/her.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Every pawnbroker shall give to every person leaving property with him/her a plainly written or printed ticket containing a copy of the substance of all entries required by Section 630.050 to be kept in such register for which no charge shall be made.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Every pawnbroker shall, during business hours, upon the request of any pledger presenting the memorandum or ticket provided for in Section 630.080 or upon the request of any assignee or transferee thereof presenting such memorandum, exhibit to such person the article pledged and described in such memorandum.
[Ord. No. 2003-5, 10-27-2003]
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, every person who shall be convicted of any violation of this Chapter may be fined an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).