[R.O. 2008 §225.320; Ord. No. 2257, 10-12-2004; Ord. No.
2438 §1, 9-28-2010; Ord. No. 2493 §1, 4-9-2013; Ord.
No. 2500 §§1–2, 9-10-2013; Ord. No. 2520 §1, 7-22-2014; Ord. No. 2550 §1, 5-12-2015; Ord. No. 2559 §1, 8-25-2015]
A. Subject to limitations hereinafter set forth, permit and fees, only
the following types of signs shall be permitted in commercial zoning
districts in accordance with the regulations hereinafter prescribed.
B. Regulations pertaining to size, height, and number represent maximums
allowed, unless specifically set forth in a given section. No wall
sign shall project above the roofline of the building to which it
is attached and shall be illuminated with only a steady light. Light
rays shall shine only upon the sign and shall not extend over the
property lines of the parcel on which the sign is located.
C. All signs enumerated in this Article shall require a permit from
the Building Commissioner.
Permitted signs.
All signs permitted in the residential zoning districts or "PRO"
Zoning Districts.
Wall signs.
(1) One (1) sign for each exterior building wall directly
enclosing each business establishment mounted on said building wall.
(2) The permitted sign area shall not exceed the greater
(a) Twenty-five (25) square feet, or
(b) Seven percent (7%) of the exterior building wall
directly enclosing the business establishment.
(3) In no case shall the sign area exceed three hundred
(300) square feet.
(4) A wall sign may not project more than eighteen
(18) inches from the wall surface.
(5) In addition to the permitted wall signs authorized in this Section, a business establishment in excess of twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet, or a tenant space in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet shall be permitted a secondary wall sign. Only one (1) secondary wall sign shall be permitted per business establishment. The secondary wall sign may be placed on any exterior building wall directly enclosing the business establishment and shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet. The design, location, and placement of the secondary wall sign is subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425, Community Design-General of this Title.
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
Attached signs for multi-floor office buildings. Each freestanding, single or multi-tenant office building of three
(3) or more floors of leasable space:
(1) One (1) wall sign not to exceed forty (40) square
(2) Placement along only the building elevation facing
Olive Boulevard.
(3) Restricted to only white channel letters.
(4) Placement, location and design subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425, Community Design-General of this Title.
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
Monument signs.
(1) Conditions.
Continuous Frontage Along Olive Boulevard
Lot Criteria
75 feet
100 feet
200 feet or 3 acres
550 feet
200 feet and 6 or more tenants
Number of monument signs permitted
Size of sign face
6 square feet
16 square feet
25 square feet
25 square feet
40 square feet
Maximum height of sign face
4 feet including support base
5 feet
6 feet
6 feet
8 feet
Building name and up to 3 on-site tenants or no more than 4
on-site tenants
Building name and up to 3 on-site tenants or no more than 4
on-site tenants
Building name and up to 3 on-site tenants or no more than 4
on-site tenants
Building name and up to 3 on-site tenants or no more than 4
on-site tenants
50% dedicated to building or center, remaining to tenant identification
with no tenant exceeding 10 square feet
Length of streetscape edge
Not applicable
35 feet
50 feet
50 feet
75 feet
(2) Design.
(a) A monument sign exceeding six (6) square feet shall
provide a masonry base along the perimeter of the monument sign, in
which the maximum height of the base facing Olive Boulevard may not
exceed two (2) feet.
(b) A monument sign exceeding six (6) square feet shall
have no more than six (6) inches of supporting poles visible.
(c) The exterior sign face may consist of steel, aluminum,
bronze, or plastic. The Commission may consider alternative exterior
materials so long as they material is of a durable and high quality
and the information on the sign is carved into the material or characters
consisting of the same material are fastened with a durable adhesive.
In no case shall soft woods, plywood, or plastic adhesive sheathing
be permitted.
(d) Illumination:
Exterior-only permitted through low wattage architectural lighting.
(ii) Interior-only permitted to illuminate characters
of a monument sign, not the sign face itself.
(e) Streetscape edge:
All monument signs shall provide a landscape base around the
perimeter of the sign pole subject to approval of the Commission.
(ii) A monument sign exceeding six (6) square feet shall provide a minimum ten-foot-wide landscape area containing a landscape wall, designed and planted in accordance with Section
428.330(G) of the Olivette Municipal Code.
(f) Placement, location and design subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425, Community Design-General of this Title.
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
Directional information signs serving to direct traffic or indicate
areas of specific service functions and which contain no name or advertisement
of any kind may be placed on walls or posts subject to the following:
(1) No sign shall be more than three (3) square feet
in area or any part closer than three (3) feet to sidewalk edge or
fifteen (15) feet from roadway, right-of-way and roadway easement.
(2) Post signs may not be higher than three and one-half
(3 1/2) feet nor lower to the ground than twelve (12) inches.
(3) The location and verbiage of such signs is subject
to the approval and interpretation of the Building Official.
(4) Placement, location and design subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425 Community Design-General of this Title.
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
Gasoline and oil service stations may have, in addition to the
wall signage allowed in this Article:
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
(1) One (1) pole sign in lieu of a monument sign, not
exceeding eighty (80) square feet, consisting of not more than forty
(40) square feet per sign face.
(2) One (1) sign which shall contain the actual unit
price being charged (including all applicable taxes) for each type
of gasoline being sold, in block letters and numerals at least ten
(10) inches in height, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area
per sign face, provided that the areas of a pricing information sign
attached to a column sign or monument sign and of the column sign
or monument sign to which the pricing information sign is attached
shall be considered separately for purposes of this Subsection.
(3) Placement, location and design are subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425, Community Design-General of this Title.
Temporary signs as described below will be allowed subject to
the regulations listed:
[Ord. No. 2576 § 10, 3-8-2016]
(1) Banners, in accordance with Section
415.130, announcing a special event with a maximum size of twenty-five (25) square feet attached to the building wall.
(2) Seasonal garden center monument sign, subject to
the following:
(a) One (1) monument sign with a size limitation of
fifteen (15) square feet and an overall base and sign height not to
exceed five (5) feet.
(b) No part of the monument sign may project beyond
a five-foot setback line from the right-of-way, nor shall any part
of said sign obstruct vision at any intersection or vehicular access
(c) Placement, location, materials, design and the length of time the sign may be erected are subject to approval as noted by Chapter
425, Community Design-General of this Title.