[R.O. 1997 § 400.300; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-1, 2-1-1966]
The regulations set forth in this Article, or set forth elsewhere in this Chapter, when referred to in this Article, are the regulations in the "B-2" General Business District. The purpose of this district is to provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for all types of business, commercial, and miscellaneous service activities, but which uses are not characterized by extensive warehousing, frequent heavy trucking activity, open storage of material, or the nuisance factors of dust, odor, and noise associated with manufacturing.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.310; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-2, 2-1-1966]
A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
Any use permitted in the "B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
Amusement place in a completely enclosed building, auditorium or theater; provided, an open air drive-in theater may be permitted in accordance with procedures given in Article XII.
Bottling works, dyeing and cleaning works or laundry, plumbing and heating shop, painting shop, upholstering shop not involving furniture manufacture, tinsmithing shop, tire sales and service, including vulcanizing, but no manufacturing, appliance repairs, and general service and repair establishments, similar in character to those listed in this item; provided, that no outside storage of material is permitted, and further provided that no use permitted in this item shall occupy more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area.
Bowling alleys and billiard parlors.
Drive-in restaurants.
Food storage lockers.
Material storage yards, in connection with retail sales of products where storage is incidental to the approved occupancy of a store, provided all products and materials used or stored are in a completely enclosed building or enclosed by a masonry wall, fence, or hedge, not less than eight (8) feet in height. Outside storage of all materials and equipment shall not exceed the height of the wall. Storage of cars and trucks used in connection with the permitted trade or business is permitted within the walls, but not including storage of heavy equipment, such as road-building or excavating equipment.
Hotels, motels, or motor hotels.
Outdoor advertising sign or structure not in excess of two hundred (200) square feet in area, provided that such area limitation shall not apply to a sign painted on or mounted flat against a wall of a building.
[Ord. No. 3047, 1-7-2020]
Printing, publishing, and engraving.
Public garage.
Wholesale establishment or warehouse in a completely enclosed building so long as the total floor area of the building does not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet regardless of the number of floors in the building.
Usual accessory buildings and uses.
Medical marijuana dispensary facility, entirely within enclosed building, see Article XXIV, Section 400.1030, for additional conditions.
[Ord. No. 3037, 6-18-2019]
Comprehensive marijuana dispensary facility, entirely within enclosed building, see Article XXV, Section 400.1040 for additional conditions.
[Ord. No. 3077, 2-21-2023]
[R.O. 1997 § 400.320; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-3, 2-1-1966]
The parking regulations for permitted uses are contained in Article IX of this Chapter.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.330; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-4, 2-1-1966]
The off-street loading regulations for permitted uses are contained in Article X.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.340; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-5, 2-1-1966]
Height and area regulations shall be as set forth in the chart of Article XI and, in addition, the following regulations shall apply:
There shall be a side yard not less than ten (10) feet in width on the side of a lot adjoining a residential district.
There shall be a rear yard not less than ten (10) feet in depth on the rear of a lot adjoining a residential district.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.350; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-6, 2-1-1966]
Supplementary use regulations are contained in Article XII.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.360; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-7, 2-1-1966]
Supplementary height, area, and bulk regulations are contained in Article XIV.
[R.O. 1997 § 400.370; Ord. No. 1021 Art. 8 § 8-8, 2-1-1966; Ord. No. 1922 § 1, 1-3-1984]
A screening wall not less than six (6) feet in height, constructed of stone, brick, brick-faced masonry, concrete blocks, wood, chain-link fence with slatting so as to block vision, or screening plants to provide a dense screen shall be provided wherever a use permitted in this Section abuts a residential district.