[Ord. No. 484 §1, 7-1-2002]
No person shall permit, cause, keep, maintain or create any nuisance within the City limits as defined by the laws of the State of Missouri, this Code or other ordinances of the City or Foristell.
[Ord. No. 484 §1, 7-1-2002]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the following meaning:
Any unattended vehicle, motor vehicle, trailer, all-terrain vehicle, out-board motor or vessel or parts thereof removed or subject to removal from public or private property as provided in this Chapter, whether or not operational.
Any abandoned property or vehicle, part or parts thereof, situated on public or private property illegally or on any street or highway:
Which does not have displayed thereon a permanent license plate, set of plates or other information indicating current registration by one (1) of the States or territories; or
For which no arrangements have been made for its storage with the owner or occupant of the premises on which it is located; or
The owner of such vehicle has indicated by his words or actions intent to leave the same and no longer claims ownership thereof.
A vehicle or motor vehicle stored on public property without being moved for three (3) days (seventy-two (72) continuous hours).
A vehicle located on public property or right-of-way in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or obstruction to the movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
A vehicle from which the engine, transmission or differential has been removed or that is otherwise partially dismantled or inoperable and left on public property or right-of-way for three (3) days (seventy-two (72) continuous hours).
All inorganic refuse such as, but not limited to, any worn out, cast off or discarded article or material which is ready for destruction or has been collected or stored for salvage or conversion to some other use and any unwholesome or combustible substance or material which creates an obnoxious condition or is injurious to the health or general welfare of the citizens of Foristell.
Junk also includes, but is not limited to, old or scrap copper, brass, tin, lead or other base metals, cordage, rope, rags, fibers, fabrics, batteries, bottles or other glass, bones, paper, trash, rubber, debris, waste or junked, dismantled or wrecked vehicles or parts thereof, iron, steel, and other old or scrap ferrous or non-ferrous material.
Junk also includes, but is not limited to, portions of vehicle hoods, fenders, radiators, rims, motor parts, old or discarded tires, household appliances, furniture, construction debris, plumbing fixtures, discarded, dismantled, wrecked, scrapped or ruined vehicles or motor vehicles or parts thereof.
Anything that is or may create a fire hazard.
A discarded, dismantled, wrecked, scrapped or ruined motor vehicle or parts thereof, an unregistered motor home not connected to water and/or sewer, or a vehicle other than an on-premise utility vehicle which is allowed to remain unregistered for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of discovery.
Any self-propelled vehicle or device not operated exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, except farm tractors and motorized bicycles, and any operational motor vehicle used exclusively in an agricultural zone and not operated on public streets or highways. These exemptions do not permit the creation of junk yards in agricultural zones.
Any two-wheeled or three-wheeled device having fully operative pedals capable of propulsion by human power, an automatic transmission and a motor with a cylinder capacity of not more than fifty (50) cubic centimeters, which produces less than two (2) gross brake horsepower and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not more than thirty (30) miles per hour on level ground.
Any natural person, corporation or other legal entity.
Every way or place in private ownership (not publicly owned and maintained) and used for vehicular travel by the owner(s) and those having express or implied permission from the owner(s) but not by other persons. This includes all streets that have not been accepted by the Board of Aldermen as a City street.
All material that has been dropped or cast aside and left unused, whether organic or inorganic.
The entire width of land between the boundary lines of a public road or State highway, including any roadway.
That portion of a public road or State highway ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder.
All organic refuse, natural matter and material, whether animal, vegetable or mineral, manufactured or natural and all trash and garbage including, but not limited to, rejected or waste household food, offal, swill, ash, yard clippings, sawdust, branches and leaves (including all residue from trees and shrubbery).
Any person or entity that tows, removes or stores abandoned property.
An area with a population of fifty thousand (50,000) or more designated by the Bureau of Census within boundaries to be fixed by the State Highways and Transportation Commission and local officials in cooperation with each other and approved by the Secretary of Transportation. The boundary of an urbanized area shall, at a minimum, encompass the entire urbanized area as designated by the Bureau of Census.
Every device or trailer in, upon or by which any person or property may be transported or drawn upon a highway or otherwise, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracts and any operational motor vehicle used exclusively in an agricultural zone and not operated on public streets or highways. These exemptions do not permit the creation of junk yards in agricultural zones.
[Ord. No. 484 §1, 7-1-2002]
The following are declared to be nuisances affecting health and safety:
All decayed or unwholesome food offered for sale to the public or offered to the public at no charge.
All diseased animals running at large.
Any pond or pool of stagnant water upon any premises. Stagnant water shall be any accumulation found in an improperly drained pool, pond or collector that has not dispersed within five (5) days.
Any foul or dirty water or liquid when discharged through any drain, pipe, hose or spout or thrown, dropped or otherwise deposited into or upon any street, thoroughfare or premises to the injury or hazard to the public.
Any carcass of a dead animal or fowl which the owner or keeper thereof permits to remain within the limits of this City for more than twenty-four (24) hours after death.
Accumulations, wheresoever they may occur, of manure, rubbish, garbage, refuse and human and industrial, noxious or offensive waste, except the normal storage on a farm of manure for agricultural purposes and in accordance with City zoning ordinances.
Privy vaults or garbage cans which are not fly-tight, that is, privy vaults or garbage cans which do not prevent the entry of flies, insects and rodents.
The pollution of any well, cistern, spring, underground water, stream, lake, canal or body of water by sewage or industrial wastes or other substances harmful to human beings.
Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot, or cinders in unreasonable quantities, or the presence of any gas, vapor, fume, smoke, dust or any other toxic substance on, in or emitted from the equipment of any premises in quantities sufficient to be toxic, harmful or injurious to the health of any employee or to any premises, occupant or any other person.
Common drinking cups, roller towels, combs, brushes or eating utensils in public or semi-public places where not properly sanitized after use.
Any vehicle used for septic tank cleaning which does not meet the requirements of this Chapter of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Foristell.
Any vehicle used for garbage or rubbish collection or disposal which is not equipped with a watertight metal body and provided with a tight metal cover or covers and so constructed as to prevent any of the contents from leaking, spilling, falling or blowing out of such vehicle at any time, except while being loaded, or not completely secured and covered so as to prevent offensive odors from escaping therefrom or exposing any part of the contents at any time.
Any deposit, storage, maintenance and/or collection of junk, as defined herein, outside of a residence or a building is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and offensive to the public health, welfare and safety of the residents of the City of Foristell.
Any and all infestations of flies, fleas, roaches, lice, ticks, rats, mice, fly maggots, mosquito larvae and hookworm larvae.
The keeping of any animals or fowl in any area within the City not zoned for agricultural uses except pet cats and dogs, animals in public or licensed zoos and animals in laboratories.
Any stable, animal pen, poultry yard or coop permitted to be in such condition as to become offensive or injurious to the public.
Any cellar, vault, private drain, pool, privy, sewer, cistern or sinkhole upon any premises permitted to become foul, offensive, hazardous or injurious to the public health.
Leg-hold traps placed outdoors on public or private property for the capture of animals.
Any litter allowed to remain longer than seven (7) calendar days in any occupied private property or any open or vacant private property within the City. As used herein, the term "litter" includes garbage, trash, refuse, junk, tree limbs or other putrescible or non-putrescible solid waste.
Any substance, animal, vegetable or mineral, which emits an offensive, noxious, putrid or unhealthy odor.
Any lot or land if it has the presence of junk or debris of any kind including, but not limited to, weed cuttings, cut or fallen trees, and shrubs, overgrown vegetation and noxious weeds that are nine (9) inches or more in height, rubbish and trash, lumber not piled or stacked twelve (12) inches off the ground, rocks, dirt piles or brick, tin, steel, parts of derelict vehicles, broken furniture, any flammable material that might endanger public safety, or any material which is unhealthy or unsafe.
Unlicensed dumps and licensed dumps not operated or maintained in compliance with the ordinances of the City of Foristell and the Statutes of the State of Missouri.
Any discharge into a stormwater system of any waste materials, liquids, vapor, fat, gasoline, benzene, naphtha, oil or petroleum product, mud, straw, lawn clippings, tree limbs or branches, metal or plastic objects, rags, garbage or any other substance which is capable of causing an obstruction to the flow of the stormwater drainage system or interferes with the proper operation of the system or which will pollute the natural creeks or waterways.
Any dead trees, limbs or shrubs hazardous or injurious to the public.
Any trees or shrubbery which interfere with the operation or visibility of a fire hydrant or other utility structure.
Any obstruction, including dirt, mud, snow, ice or filth, caused or permitted on any sidewalk to the danger of the public. Any stones, dirt, garbage, filth, vegetable matter or other articles allowed to remain on or in any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place or on any public premises. (As used herein, public premises shall include any area open to the general public either privately or publicly owned.)
Each act, practice, conduct, business, occupation calling, trade, use of property or thing done or made, permitted, allowed or continued on any property, private or public, by any person or corporation, their agents or servants or other things detrimental or certain to be detrimental to any of the inhabitants of the City of Foristell, or damage or injure any of the inhabitants of the City of Foristell and not herein before specified.
[Ord. No. 484 §1, 7-1-2002]
Any person in physical possession and control of any animal shall remove excreta or other solid waste deposited by the animal in any public or private area not designated to receive such wastes including, but not limited to, streets, parking lots, public parks or recreation areas and private property. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a guide dog accompanying any blind person.