[Ord. No. 508 §1, 11-4-2002]
Purpose. The purpose of the sketch plat is to provide the subdivider an opportunity to consult early and informally with the Planning and Zoning Commission before preparation of a preliminary and/or record plat and before submission of a formal application to the Commission. The intent of this procedure is to assist the subdivider in preparing a plat which will meet the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, the requirements of the Commission and of other public agencies, as well as to identify the improvements and uses of the subdivision and other potential problems involved in the proposed subdivision. The provisions for a sketch plat are intended to decrease costs for the developer and to eliminate inadequate design elements in the early stages of the subdivision development process.
Application Requirements And Processing.
Prior to submitting a preliminary plat for the subdivision of land within the City of Foristell, a developer shall submit eight (8) copies of a sketch plat to the Administrative Official which shall include the following information, all of which may be based on sources of information other than field survey data:
The location of the tract in relation to the surrounding area.
The approximate location of all existing structures within the tract proposed to be retained and wooded areas within the tract and within one hundred (100) feet thereof.
The names of the owners of all property adjoining the tract as disclosed by the most recent County Assessor's record or warranty deed.
All existing streets, roads and approximate location of wet and dry weather watercourses, floodplain areas, sink holes and other significant physical features within the tract and within one hundred fifty (150) feet thereof.
Approximate location of proposed streets and property lines.
A rough sketch of the proposed site plan.
A north arrow and scale.
Direction of and approximate distance to the nearest existing major street intersection.
The Administrative Official and City Engineer shall review and evaluate the sketch plat as soon as practicable and the Administrative Official shall report to the developer an opinion as to the merits and feasibility of the improvements contemplated by the sketch plat. The City Engineer's fees for reviewing the sketch plat shall be reimbursed to the City by the developer.
The Administrative Official shall file a report, including the City Engineer's comments, with the Commission concerning the sketch plat for the Commission's review. The report shall identify all recommendations made to the developer as the result of the review. The Commission will take no action on the sketch plat but may make recommendations regarding the project.
If the sketch plat is for a minor subdivision, the Commission shall review as required in Section 410.060 of this Chapter. All other subdivisions shall follow the preliminary plat and record plat procedures of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 508 §1, 11-4-2002]
Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plat is to provide the Commission with a detailed graphic statement of the proposed improvements to the subject tract of land. The preliminary plat is "preliminary" only in the sense that the Commission may request comments from other individuals or agencies and may require changes towards improving the design or improvement standards presented by the subdivider. Upon Commission approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider is authorized to proceed with site improvement plans for all public facilities in preparation for development.
Application Requirements And Review Procedures. Following Commission review and acceptance of the sketch plat, the subdivider may proceed to prepare and submit a preliminary plat, as follows:
Filing procedures. The developer shall submit five (5) large copies (twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches) and nine (9) small copies (eight and one-half (8½) inches by eleven (11) inches) of the proposed preliminary plat, a complete application form to the Administrative Official at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the meeting at which Commission approval is requested. Administrative fees must be submitted with the application. Fees for City Engineer review will be due upon the City Engineer completing his review of the preliminary plat. See Exhibit B to this Chapter for fee schedule.
Information required. The following information is required for all preliminary plats submitted for approval. The required information may be combined for presentation on one (1) or more drawings or maps. The Planning and Zoning Commission may request that the information be presented on drawings or maps in addition to those submitted in the interests of clarity, speed and efficiency in the review process. In all cases, the preliminary plat subdivision should include:
The name proposed for the tract or such part thereof as is proposed to be subdivided, which shall be original and not a duplication of the name of any previously recorded subdivision or development in St. Charles County and Warren County. The developer shall include a certification from the County Recorder of Deeds office to this effect.
Legal description of the entire site to be subdivided, including approximate acreage of tract in tenths (0.1) of an acre.
A key map showing the tract in relation to the surrounding area.
Graphic scale, date and north arrow shall be indicated on each map or page.
The date of plan submission to the City and the following names and addresses:
The owner of record or owners of the tract(s).
The party who prepared the preliminary plat.
The party for whom the preliminary plat was prepared.
The engineer and land surveyor who will design improvements for and survey the tract or such part thereof as is proposed to be subdivided.
Within one hundred (100) yards of the proposed subdivision, names of adjacent properties, land owners, layout of streets (with names), right-of-way widths, connections with adjoining platted streets, easements and public walkways adjacent to or connecting with the tract, location and size of all existing sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply facilities.
Sufficient existing and proposed contour data at five (5) foot intervals are required (the City Engineer may require smaller intervals) to indicate the slope and drainage of the tract and the high and low points thereof. Contour data shall extend one hundred fifty (150) feet beyond the limits of the subdivision boundaries. U.S.G.S. data is required.
The layout, width of right-of-way and location of existing and proposed streets including additional right-of-way along existing streets. Also include street names, proposed and existing sidewalk locations and width and all public ways or pedestrian walkways, including width, proposed for the subdivision.
The location of existing and proposed property lines, watercourses, sink holes, areas within the tract subject to inundation by stormwater, railroads, bridges, culverts, storm sewers, drainage courses, easements of record, existing buildings including use or other identified improvements that are to remain and significant natural features such as wooded areas and rock formations.
Indicated proposed building lines and setback requirements.
All parcels of land to be dedicated or reserved for public use or for use in common by property owners in the subdivision shall be indicated on the preliminary plat, along with any conditions of any such dedication or reservation.
Designation of utilities to serve proposed subdivision. The developer will insure that the staging of the subdivision will include adequate provision for all utilities and streets for adjacent undeveloped properties.
The existing zoning district for property included in the preliminary plat and all adjacent properties and the political subdivisions of all adjacent properties, delineation of the Floodplain District, if any, the township, range, section(s) and U.S. Geological Survey, school district(s), fire district(s) and any other special districts in which the subdivision is located.
Identification, location and nature of all proposed zoning changes and uses to be included within the subdivision.
Approximate area in square feet of each lot if less than one (1) acre and in acres and tenths of acres if one (1) acre or more in area into which the tract is proposed to be subdivided.
Receipt from the City Clerk showing paid preliminary plat fee.
Preliminary plats for industrial subdivisions shall be required to have covenants attached. These covenants shall include, but not be limited to, delineating who will be responsible for the site improvements: developer and/or prospective owner.
As a part of submittal, a preliminary copy of the trust indentures/covenants/deed restrictions must be provided.
Proposed layout of the public sanitary sewer, stormwater and water systems that will serve the subdivision.
Indicate proposed type of treatment or method of sewage disposal to include name of trunk line, lateral or qualified sewage treatment system as applicable.
Indicate proposed source of water and location of main(s) to be connected to proposed subdivision.
Identify receiving streams and watercourses for stormwater drainage.
Any proposed alteration, adjustment or change in the elevation or topography of any area in a Floodplain District as shown on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's FEMA Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps.
Depict flood hazard boundaries as shown in FEMA maps.
Development of parcels within a floodplain shall require approval of a flood plan study by the Commission.
The results and locations of any tests made to ascertain subsurface rock and soil conditions and the water table.
If the developer intends to subdivide any portion of the parcel into a multiple-dwelling unit subdivision or a subdivision being developed under the Mixed Use Development Districts section of the Zoning Code, then the preliminary plat shall, in addition, include the following information:
Gross area of tract.
Area in street right-of-way.
Net area of the tract.
Maximum number of units allowed.
Maximum number of units proposed.
Parking ratio (parking spaces to dwelling units).
Distance between structures.
A certification by the registered land surveyor or engineer who prepared the plat that the plat is a correct representation of all existing and proposed land divisions.
The City will request comments from the fire protection district prior to preliminary plat approval for proposed developments that have a single ingress and egress and where variances are requested for pavement width reductions, maximum cul-de-sac length, minimum cul-de-sac radius and number of units or lots served on a cul-de-sac.
Review Procedures.
Administrative action. Prior to filing a proposed preliminary plat with the Commission, the Administrative Official, City Engineer, other City departments and other agencies, if any, shall review the preliminary plat with regard to requirements described in these regulations for completeness.
If the preliminary plat is found to be complete by the Administrative Official, he shall thereupon affix a notation of the date and his signature on the plat and a statement denoting satisfactory compliance with the information requirements of these regulations and other applicable regulations of the City.
If the preliminary plat is found to be satisfactory by the City Engineer, he shall thereupon affix a notation of the date and his signature on the plat and a statement denoting satisfactory compliance with the design requirements of these regulations and other applicable regulations of the City.
If the preliminary plat is found to be unsatisfactory by the City Engineer, he shall give notice to the Administrative Official, in writing, setting forth the conditions of non-compliance.
If the preliminary plat is found to be incomplete by the Administrative Official or other City department or to be unsatisfactory by the City Engineer, the preliminary plat will be returned to the applicant. Only a proposal that contains all required information shall be considered a complete preliminary plat and meets City design standards as determined by the City Engineer shall be forwarded to the Commission.
Whenever a preliminary plat includes a proposed establishment of common land and the City Engineer finds that such land is not suitable for common land due to terrain, benefit to a small portion of the lot owners, difficulty of maintenance or any similar reason, the City Engineer's approval may be denied.
The Administrative Official shall submit his/her written report, including the City Engineer's review, to the Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting following completion of the Administrative Official's determination that a preliminary plat is complete. City departments and other agencies shall also submit their written reports to the Administrative Official for inclusion in the Administrative Official's report to the Commission.
Commission action. Within sixty days (60) of receipt of a complete preliminary plat and the recommendations and comments contained in the Administrative Official's report, the City departmental reports and any other agency reports, the Commission shall take action upon the proposed preliminary plat and notify the subdivider in writing of its action. Commission action shall take one (1) of the following forms:
Approval. The Commission may approve the preliminary plat as submitted. Approval shall be valid for one (1) year and the Commission may grant extensions of approval if the developer has applied in writing for such an extension and the Commission determines a longer period should be granted due to unusual circumstances. If an extension is not granted, the preliminary plat approval is null and void. If no record plat of a subdivision for which preliminary approval has been given is approved within said one (1) year period or such longer period as the Commission may allow, a resubmission and review by the Commission may be required upon determination by the Commission. After approval of the preliminary plat, the developer may proceed with the detailed site improvement plans required for all streets, facilities and utilities to be provided and may submit the proposed record plat to the Board of Aldermen for approval in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. In the case of subdivisions being developed by phases, extensions of approval shall be automatic for all phases included in the preliminary plat so long as construction is in progress in any section.
Conditional approval. The Commission may approve the preliminary plat conditionally and require amendments to the plat before granting full approval. If the subdivider does not submit an acceptable amended plat within sixty days (60) of the Commission's decision, the plat shall be deemed to be disapproved by the Commission.
Postponement. The Commission may postpone its decision pending further study of the plat, but in no event shall its decision be postponed more than sixty (60) days after the date of submission of the proposed preliminary plat to the Commission without the written consent of the applicant.
Disapproval. The Commission may disapprove a preliminary plat and shall state in writing its reasons for disapproval. The subdivider must then submit a new preliminary plat if he/she wishes to create the subdivision.
Effect of preliminary plat approval. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Commission does not constitute final acceptance of the proposed subdivision. Preliminary plat approval shall confer upon the developer, for a period of one (1) year from date of approval, the conditional right that the Commission will not change the general terms and conditions under which the approval was granted. The developer is authorized to proceed with the preparation of the record plat and submit it to the Commission and to prepare and submit the required site improvement plans for construction of the required public facilities and utilities for the subdivision. The Commission may extend this one (1) year period if the developer has applied in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior the expiration date of the preliminary plat, for such an extension and the Commission determines an extension should be granted due to documented and unusual circumstances. If the Commission does not grant an extension, the preliminary plat approval is null and void as of its original expiration date.
Period of validity. The final approval of the preliminary plat granted by the Commission shall lapse unless a record plat for the entire subject property or an approved phase of the property (if the property is to be developed in sections) is not submitted to the Commission within one (1) year of the date of approval of the preliminary plat. If no record plat is approved within said one (1) year period or such extended period as the Commission may allow, a resubmission and review by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required.
[Ord. No. 508 §1, 11-4-2002]
Following approval of the preliminary plat and prior to the developer preparing site improvement plans or commencing any work on the site, the developer shall agree to and sign a development agreement with the City. The development agreement shall provide a written record of the developer's commitment to comply with City ordinances, City development standards and such other conditions and performance issues as the City determines necessary. An approved development agreement is required prior to the City Engineer approving the site improvement plans, unless waived by the Board of Aldermen upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
[Ord. No. 508 §1, 11-4-2002]
Purpose. The record plat serves two (2) purposes.
It is a plat of record containing such information as necessary for the public recording and transfer of land including lot lines, easements, restrictions and other details or information as the Board of Aldermen may require.
It is the City's record of the plat review process and serves as a check to assure that subdivision requirements and specifications have been met and those public utilities and other improvements have been or will be installed according to minimum City standards.
Application Requirements And Processing.
The record plat shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat. A record plat shall delineate all developed lots created by the plat except as follows:
If a record plat does not include all property in an approved preliminary plat or all remaining property where previous recorded plats of a portion of the subdivision have been recorded:
In a single-family or multiple-family subdivision, no property may be omitted if a resulting tract is less than ten (10) acres in area or any resulting side of an omitted tract is less than three hundred (300) feet in length, unless such a side is the original boundary of the original legally existing tract. Until subdivided, such omitted tract is developable lot on which no more than one (1) residence may be constructed; or unless the development is a planned development, in which case the omitted property is not developable and does not constitute a lot of record for any purpose under the Zoning Code or until included in a record plat.
In a non-residential subdivision, omitted property is not developable and does not constitute a lot of record for any purpose under the Zoning Code or these regulations until included in a record plat.
The record plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor on quality material, sized according to dimensions required by the St. Charles and/or Warren County Recorder of Deeds. The record plat shall be signed by a registered land surveyor and by the developer prior to filing for approval by the City Engineer.
Filing Procedure. Three (3) copies of the proposed record plat and all required documentation shall be submitted in the form required in this Chapter to the Administrative Official together with the completed application form, required fees and security bond or agreement required for performance guarantee. The Administrative Official shall determine if the submittal is complete and, if so, transmit same to the City Engineer and the Board of Aldermen at least fifteen (15) working days prior to a regular meeting of the Board at which time the record plat is to be considered. If the application is not complete, the Administrative Official shall so notify the applicant in writing and shall indicate deficiencies. The Board of Aldermen shall not accept a proposed record plat for review after the date of expiration of the approval of the preliminary plat or any extensions thereof. See Exhibit B to this Chapter for fee schedule.
Information Required. The record plat shall show and/or be accompanied by the following information:
Name of the subdivision and a description of property subdivided showing its location and area.
Date, graphic scale and north point.
Acreage in plat.
Abstract of title or other certificate establishing ownership interests and proof that proper parties have signed the plat for all land in the subdivision.
An accurate boundary survey with accurate distances and bearings; also showing all section, U.S. Survey and Congressional township and range lines; and the boundary lines of municipalities, sewer districts, school districts, counties and other legally established districts within the subdivision, as well as the name of or description of any of the same adjacent to or abutting on the subdivision.
The lines of all proposed public and private streets, with their widths and names, shall be identified. Private streets shall state: "Maintained by Property Owners".
An accurate delineation of any property offered for dedication to public use.
The line of departure of one street from another.
The boundary lines of all adjoining lands and showing (with dotted lines) the right-of-way lines of adjacent streets and alleys with their widths and names.
The exact location of all lots, lot and block numbers, streets, alleys, building lines and other public ground with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot, interior angles, length of radii, all arcs of all curves and with all other information needed to reproduce the plat on the ground, together with the names of streets.
Building lines, including minimum side and rear yard setbacks, on each lot and easements or all rights-of-way provided for public use, services or utilities, with figures showing their dimensions and listing uses that are being provided.
All dimensions and bearings, both linear and angular, radii and arcs, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, blocks, lots, streets, alleys, easements, building lines and of any other areas for public or private use. The linear dimensions are to be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot.
All survey monuments, together with their descriptions.
Area in square feet for each lot or parcel on the plat or supplemental sheets showing same. The total of square feet for each lot or parcel shall equal or exceed City ordinance requirements.
Certification by a land surveyor that the plat represents a survey made by him/her. (See Certifications Section, Section 410.120(E).)
Accurately note elevations referring to mean U.S.G.S. datum for permanent bench mark(s).
Private restrictions and trusteeships where required by ordinance and their periods of existence. Should such restrictions and trusteeships be of such length as to make the lettering of same on the record plat impracticable and thus necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the record plat.
If the developer places restrictions on any land contained in the subdivision that is greater than those required by the Zoning Code or these regulations, such restrictions or references thereto shall be indicated on the record plat.
A certified copy of all trust indentures/covenants/deed restrictions to be recorded must be submitted as a part of the record plat.
When elderly housing is being developed on site, Elderly Housing shall be indicated in the title.
Zoning district and zoning district boundary lines when proposed subdivision is located in more than one (1) zoning district or planned district and ordinance numbers or date of ordinance when applicable.
Depict flood hazard boundaries as shown on FEMA maps.
Cumulatively, all record plats shall contain enough common land to support the lots platted. All remaining common ground is to be platted with the recording of the final lot, unit or phase of the development.
Dedication of all streets, public highways and land intended for public use, together with lot restrictions signed by all parties who have a mortgage or lien interest including owners.
The developer shall complete site improvements or provide the City with performance guarantees as required by Article V of this Chapter for completion of those improvements to be installed after record plat approval.
Certifications. The following certifications shall be on the record plat:
A certification signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor which contains a legal description of the land included in the plat and all necessary explanations of dimensions and references to monuments to supplement the figures on the plat itself. The certification shall state that a ground survey has been made and that the monuments have been installed or will be installed as shown on the record plat.
A certification signed and sealed acknowledged by all parties having any title, interests in or lien upon the land subdivided consenting to the record plat including dedications of all streets, alleys and public ways and dedication of parks or other public grounds, all is thereon dedicated to charitable, religious or educational purposes, if any, and adjoining easements.
A certification signed by the City and County Collectors stating that there are no regular or special taxes due or delinquent against the property in the plat.
A certification signed by the City Engineer approving the record plat.
A certification for the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be signed by the Chairman.
A certification for the approval of the record plat by ordinance of the Board of Aldermen to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.
Supplementary Information. The following items of supplementary information shall be submitted with and included as part of the record plat:
Guarantee of installation of water and sanitary sewer where these services are to be provided by other than the City of Foristell.
Street lighting contract from the gas or electric utility company. Submittal of contract is optional and is to be accepted in lieu of an increased value for escrow of actual construction costs.
Verification of street names and addresses from the U.S. Postal Service Customer Services Department.
Verification of street names and addresses from the St. Charles and/or Warren County Planning Department and emergency 911 system.
Verification of location of fire hydrants and adequacy of water supply from Wentzville Fire Protection District or the Wright City Fire Protection District.
Highway inspection fees or payment verification from St. Charles and/or Warren County Highway Department(s) of highway inspection fees paid, where applicable.
All required permits and certificates as may be required by other agencies such as: the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the Missouri Department of Transportation, the Corp of Engineers, Warren or St. Charles Counties and others as may have jurisdiction.
All record plat filing and processing fees established by the City.
Any special study or engineering calculations required.
Trust indenture and warranty deed for common land conveyance accompanied by a letter of compliance from an attorney.
Verification of property survey monuments from the City Engineer.
Certificate Of Clear Title. A statement prepared by a duly authorized title company stating that the signatures of all persons whose consent is necessary to the preparation and recording of said plat and to the dedication of the streets, alleys, easements and other public places are clearly shown on the record plat shall accompany the record plat.
Review Procedures. Upon determinations by the Administrative Official that a proposed record plat is complete, he shall forward the record plat, together with the completed application form and security agreements required for performance guarantee and other required information, to the Board of Aldermen for their final review and action. The action taken by the Board of Aldermen shall take one (1) of the forms outlined as follows and shall be transmitted to the subdivider in writing:
Approval. The Board may approve the record plat as submitted. The Mayor shall then certify the Board's approval on the face of the record plat. The City Clerk shall attest to the Mayor's signature.
Conditional approval. The Board may approve the record plat conditionally and require amendments to the plat before granting full approval. If the subdivider does not submit an acceptable amended plat within sixty (60) days of the Board's decision, the plat shall be deemed to be disapproved by the Board and be null and void.
Postponement. The Board may postpone its decision pending further study of the record plat, but in no event shall its decision be postponed more than sixty (60) days after the date of submission of the complete record plat to the Board without the written consent of the applicant.
Disapproval. The Board may disapprove a record plat and shall state in writing its reasons for disapproval. The subdivider may then reapply following established procedures, starting with a sketch plat, preliminary plat and record plat if the subdivider still wishes to create the subdivision.
Acceptance Of Dedications. Approval of the record plat shall not constitute acceptance of items for dedication. Such acceptance requires separate, formal action by the Board of Aldermen.
Filed With Recorder Of Deeds. The approved record plat shall be filed with the County Recorder of Deeds within sixty (60) days from the date of Board approval. If any approved record plat is not filed within this period, the approval shall expire and be null and void.
Filed With City Clerk. Following recording of the record plat, one (1) original copy of the record plat, bearing the St. Charles County and/or the Warren County Recorder's seal, signature and notation as to plat book and page, on drafting film or equivalent as approved by the Administrative Official and one (1) paper copy shall be returned to the City, along with similarly recorded copies of any deed restrictions accompanying it before any manor of permits for construction will issued by the City.
Land Dedications. Any land dedicated to the City of Foristell for park or other purposes in a subdivision shall be conveyed to the City of Foristell free and clear of all encumbrances at the same time the record plat of the subdivision is filed, said deeds to be without restrictions or covenants except a requirement that the land be used for park or other agreed upon purpose and with references to the subdivision, if any, on which the land is shown.
[Ord. No. 508 §1, 11-4-2002]
The requirements of this Chapter do not apply to the following types of land subdivision:
The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining properties for the purpose of adjustments in boundaries, provided all of the following conditions are met:
Additional lots are not thereby created; and
The original lots are not reduced below the minimum size required by Chapter 400, Zoning Regulations; and
A survey of the adjustments to the lot boundaries is recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of the appropriate County (St. Charles or Warren); and
A sketch plat is provided to the Administrative Official prior to the boundary survey being recorded with the Recorder of Deeds. (This sketch plat is not subject to Commission review.)
The boundary survey is provided to the Administrative Official within thirty (30) days of its being recorded with the Recorder of Deeds.
The conveyance of parcels of land or interest therein for use as a right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities or other pipe lines which do not involve any new streets.
The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyance relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use.
Conveyances made to correct description(s) of prior conveyances.
All parcels or tracts of land qualified for platting exemptions shall be subject to the performance guarantee and construction, site plan and building permit requirements of this Chapter.