No person shall connect a private sewage system so that sewage flows into a storm drain intended exclusively for stormwater. The direct connection of any household or commercial stormwater and/or groundwater conveyance system to a municipal stormwater catch basin is prohibited unless the property owner obtains written approval from the municipality that owns the stormwater collection system.
It shall be unlawful to discharge any stormwater (including from within or outside of a private residence or other structures) into the municipal sewer system.
No person shall discharge sewage into a well.
It shall be unlawful to discharge sewage to any natural outlet within the service area of the POTW, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with the state and federal law.
Building permit allowed only when approved wastewater disposal available. No property owner, builder, or developer shall be issued a building permit for a new, modified, or expansion of existing dwelling or structure requiring sanitary facilities unless a suitable and approved method of wastewater disposal is available. All housing construction or building development which takes place after this chapter is enacted shall provide for an approved system of sanitary sewers or other approved system for wastewater treatment. Each new connection to the sewage collection system or expanded discharge is subject to the requirements of Article XII herein.
Private wastewater disposal unlawful. Connection to the sanitary sewers for new construction to be located with the service area of the POTW will be required unless exempted and/or otherwise agreed to by the Town Board.
The owner(s) of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the service area of the POTW, and which has access to a public sewer, is hereby required to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within the time period specified by the Board after official notice to do so, except as otherwise provided in accordance with § 61-12B or 61-14 hereof. Any new or existing building within the service area of the POTW will be required to connect to the system. The Town Board will notify the owners of record of all facilities required to connect to the system of their obligation to connect and the schedule for such connection.
Unless an exemption is granted by the Town Board, at such time that a public sewer becomes available to a property and within the time period specified by the Board, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer, in compliance with this chapter, and any cesspool, septic tank, and similar wastewater disposal facilities shall be cleaned of septage, by a licensed septage hauler, and finally either filled with clean sand, bank-run gravel, or dirt, or removed and properly disposed of. At or about the time that a person connects to a public sewer, the connection to the private wastewater disposal facility shall be broken and both ends of the break shall be plugged, as appropriate.
The use of public sewers shall be strictly limited and restricted, except as provided in § 61-14 above, to receive and accept the discharge of sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes generated on or discharged from real property within the bounds of the service area of the POTW or such other locations as approved by the Town Board.
If the Town Board determines that one or more segments of the municipal sewer system or treatment plant is exceeding its hydraulic capacity at any time; any specific purpose of this chapter is being violated; and/or there are capacity concerns at the sewage treatment plant, the Town Board shall have the authority to limit or deny new connections to the municipal sewer system or treatment plant until the conditions leading to the moratorium are corrected. Such correction may be, but are not limited to:
Construction of new facilities;
Enlarging existing facilities;
Correction of inflow and infiltration; and
Cleaning and repairing of existing facilities.