[CC §24.01; Ord. No. 38, 2-3-1975; Ord. No. 359 §1, 4-3-1989; Ord. No. 492 §1, 6-20-1994; Ord. No. 817 §§1 — 2, 12-20-2004; Ord. No. 825 §1, 3-21-2005; Ord. No. 830 §1, 5-16-2005; Ord. No. 861 §1, 6-19-2006; Ord. No. 987 §1, 7-2-2012]
The International Building Code, 2003 Edition, including Appendix Chapters F, G and J, as published by the International Code Council is hereby adopted as the Building Code for the City of St. John in order to provide the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical elements, components and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use.
The following Sections are hereby amended:
Section 101.1, insert "City of St. John."
Section 105.2, add paragraph 14 which shall read as follows: "Window replacement in which the structural framing opening is not altered in any way."
Chapter 34 is omitted in its entirety.
Section 1905.7, add paragraph 8 which will read as follows: "A base course of 4" of tamped gravel (1.5" minus) is required under all concrete flatwork."
Chapter 7, Fire Resistance Rated Construction, shall not apply to portable carport structures.
The International Residential Code, as published by the International Code Council, 2012 Edition, including Appendices G and H, is hereby adopted as the residential building code for the City of St. John.
[Ord. No. 1042 §1, 9-15-2014]
The following Sections of the 2012 International Residential Code are hereby amended as follows:
[Ord. No. 1042 §2, 9-15-2014; Ord. No. 1137, 11-6-2017]
R302.1, Exterior walls. Add new exceptions "6. Cantilevered manufactured fireplaces; 7. Roof cave overhangs; and 8. Uncovered decks."
R8302.5.1, Opening protection. Delete "equipped with a self-closing device" from this paragraph.
R303.3, Bathrooms. To the last sentence in the Exception paragraph add "or to an attic gable vent or ventilated soffit."
R309.5, Fire sprinklers. After "footnote a" in this paragraph add "and the homeowner has opted to purchase a fire sprinkler system for their residence, as per the Revised Statutes of Missouri 67.281."
R313.2, One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems. Delete the existing requirement in this section and replace it with the following language: "A builder of a one- or two-family dwelling shall offer to any purchaser on or before the time of entering into the purchase contract the option to install or equip the dwelling unit with fire sprinklers, at the purchaser's cost. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no purchaser of a one- or two-family dwelling unit shall be denied the right to choose or decline to install a fire sprinkler in such dwelling or residence being purchased by any code, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, or resolution by any county or other political subdivision.
Table R404.1, Concrete foundation walls. Reinforcing steel bars shall not be required in eight-feet-tall-by-eight-inch-thick unsupported basement walls with less than six (6) feet of unbalanced backfill height in all soil classes.
R405.1, Concrete or masonry foundations. The following subsections of R405.1 shall be amended as follows:
Exception 2 shall be added which shall read "Drains provided as detailed in Section R405.1 are approved as an alternative method to meet the requirements of this Section."
R405.1.2, Soil evaluations. An evaluation of the soil for the presence or absence of ground water is required. The evaluation report shall be based on either a subsurface soil investigation or satisfactory data from adjacent areas together with an inspection of the excavation prior to pouring concrete.
R405.1.2.1, Groundwater present. Provide drain tile, perforated pipe, or other approved foundation drainage systems (such as water channel system) around perimeter of the outside of the foundation and inside the foundation. Drain discharge shall be by gravity to daylight or connected to a basement floor sump.
R405.1.2.2, No groundwater present. Provide drain tile, perforated pipe, or other approved foundation drainage systems (such as water channel system) around perimeter of the outside of the foundation or inside the foundation. Drain discharge shall be by gravity to daylight or connected to a basement floor sump.
R405.1.2.3, Filter membranes. An approved filter membrane shall be placed over the top of the joints/pipe perforations. The tile/pipe shall be placed on two-inch minimum gravel or crushed stone and have six-inch minimum cover.
R405.1.2.4, Drainage system. Drainage system shall discharge by gravity to daylight or connected to an approved sump [fifteen (15) inches in diameter by eighteen (18) inches deep with fitted cover]. A sump pump shall be provided if basement is finished or partially finished with pump discharge by an approved method.
R905.2.8.2, Valleys. Subparagraph 3 of this Section shall be amended as follows: after "valley lining of delete" the word "one" and add the word "two," delete the phrase "smooth roll roofing" and add "No. 15 felt," delete "ASTM D 6380 and at least 36 inches wide (914mm)" and add "ASTM D 226 Type I, ASTM D 4869 Type I, or ASTM D 6757."
Chapter 11, Energy efficiency. Delete Chapter 11 in its entirety and replace it with Chapter 11 of the 2009 International Residential Code.
Table N1102.1, Insulation and fenestration requirements by component. In Climate Zone 4 delete fenestration u-factor of 0.35 and replace it with 0.40; and delete ceiling R-value of 38 and replace it with 30. Add Exception L which shall read as follows: "Unfinished basements may have up to a maximum of 20% of the total basement wall area exposed above the outside finished grade/ground level as uninsulated concrete foundation walls. The foundation wall area above the outside grade/ground level that may be uninsulated is determined by the formula .20 times the basement wall height of all walls (including insulated exterior frame walls for walkout basements and walls common to both basement and attached garages) times the perimeter of these basement walls. In unfinished areas the basement foundation wall insulation shall extend down to the basement floor slab or to a minimum of 24 inches below outside finished grade when the grade is above the floor slab elevation."
N1102.4.2, Air sealing and insulation. Delete Section N1102.4.2 in its entirety.
[CC §24.02; Ord. No. 38, 2-3-1975]
Whenever the word "State" and "Municipality" appear on said documents, the same shall be construed to mean "State of Missouri" and "City of St. John", respectively.
[CC §24.03; Ord. No. 339, 6-6-1988; Ord. No. 905 §§1 — 2, 5-19-2008; Ord. No. 1178, 8-5-2019]
The owner of a building or structure, or any other person, may appeal from a decision of the Building Official refusing to grant a modification of the provisions of the Building Code covering the manner of construction or materials to be used in the erection, alteration, or repair of a building or structure to the Board of Adjustment. Application for appeal may be made when it is claimed that the true intent of the Building Code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the Building Code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction can be used, or when philosophies are not covered by this Code, or if deviation from the provisions of this Code would not be impractical.
[Ord. No. 1178, 8-5-2019]
Plan review and inspection fees shall be set administratively and sha ll be reviewed on an annual basis by the City Council.
Building Permit Fees. All building permits shall be assessed a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) minimum fee, with an additional five dollars ($5.00) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or fraction thereof of construction costs and five dollars ($5.00) for each required inspection. In addition, the applicant shall be required to provide a cash performance bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total project cost or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is greater, which will be returned to applicant at the completion of the project and upon submitting proof of obtaining all required inspections.
Commercial Occupancy Permit Inspection Fee.
If unoccupied prior to inspection, the fee for a commercial occupancy permit shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet of floor space and five dollars ($5.00) for each additional one thousand (1,000) square feet or portion thereof. This fee covers the initial inspection, one (1) reinspection and the occupancy permit. There will be a charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for each additional two (2) reinspections, if needed.
If a person, firm or corporation has occupied a vacant building prior to obtaining an occupancy permit, the fee for an occupancy inspection shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet of floor space, plus five dollars ($5.00) for each additional one thousand (1,000) square feet or portion thereof. This fee covers the initial inspection, one (1) reinspection and the occupancy permit. There will be a charge of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each additional two (2) reinspections, if needed.
[CC §24.27; Ord. No. 38, 2-3-1975; Ord. No. 1014 §1, 7-15-2013]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or imprisonment for ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day's violation shall be considered a separate offense and a misdemeanor.