[R.O. 2013 §  205.300; Ord. No. 08-18 § 1(H), 1-6-2009]
The following penalty provisions shall apply for any violation under Chapter 205 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fayette, Missouri, unless a Section under Chapter 205 already provides a penalty provision within the Section. Any person found to be in violation of the provisions of Chapter 205 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fayette, Missouri, shall be punished in accordance with Chapter 100, Article III, of the Code of the City of Fayette, Missouri; however, the minimum fine for the first offense shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), for the second offense within a twelve (12) month period shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) and for the third and subsequent offenses within a twelve (12) month period the minimum fine shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). The owner of said animal must also show proof of an up-to-date rabies vaccination and purchase a City dog tax tag.