Cross References: As to sidewalks to be kept free of litter, § 230.260; as to subdivision regulations, Ch. 410.
State Law References: Control of streets, sidewalks, § 77.520, RSMo.; changing names of streets, § 77.220, RSMo.; public improvements, §§ 71.290 to 71.367, RSMo.; public works and special assessments, Ch. 88, RSMo.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.010; R.O. 2005 § 19-1; Ord. No. 53.010]
It shall be unlawful for any person to dig up, break, excavate, tunnel, undermine or cause to be made any excavation in or under the surface of any street or alley or public or private property by a mechanical digger or earthmover for any purpose excepting herefrom; however, any manual performed labor by pick and shovel or similar manual performed labor by pick and shovel or similar manual powered equipment on private property, unless such person shall first have obtained an excavation permit from the City of Fayette as provided herein.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.020; R.O. 2005 § 19-2; Ord. No. 53.020]
All applications for permit shall be made at the street offices of the City Collector and approved by the Commissioner and/or City Administrator.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.030; R.O. 2005 § 19-3; Ord. No. 53.030]
Each applicant shall:
Before being granted a City excavation permit and to secure the performance of the requirements of this Article. The amount of the permit shall be:
For excavations up to but not more than one-half (1/2) way into a street: $250.00.
For excavation in the entire street: $500.00.
This permit must be purchased by property owner.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.040; R.O. 2005 § 19-4; Ord. No. 53.040]
Excavation work, either by machinery or manual labor, shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire stations or fire hydrants. Materials or obstructions shall not be placed within fifteen (15) feet of fireplugs.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.050; R.O. 2005 § 19-5; Ord. No. 53.050]
Contractors working on streets or alleys or private roads shall erect proper barriers for daytime use and suitable flares so as to safeguard the flow of traffic.
Contractors crossing sidewalks or normal foot passageways shall erect proper barriers so as to prevent individuals from falling into any excavation the permittee is responsible for.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.060; R.O. 2005 § 19-6; Ord. No. 53.060]
Contractors shall not interfere with an existing utility without written consent of the owner of the utility.
Contractor shall not interfere with existing City water or sewage lines and shall not dig, by machine, closer than three (3) feet to any existing sewer main. The last three (3) feet must be dug manually using extreme caution not to injure in any manner an existing sewer main.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.070; R.O. 2005 § 19-7; Ord. No. 53.070]
Contractors shall at all times make every effort not to interfere or injure any adjoining property and shall take appropriate protective measures.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.080; R.O. 2005 § 19-8; Ord No. 53.080]
It shall be unlawful for the contractor to suffer or permit to remain unguarded at the place of excavation any machinery, equipment or other device having the characteristics of an attractive nuisance likely to attract children and hazardous to their safety or health.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.090; R.O. 2005 § 19-9; Ord. No. 53.090]
Backfilling shall be done to comply with the requirements of the City Street Commissioner.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.100; R.O. 2005 § 19-10; Ord. No. 53.100]
After completion of backfill, inspection shall be made of excavations where City water or sewer lines are involved, and if the Street Commissioner shall require additional work in order to comply with the requirements of Section 510.050 above, the contractor shall cause the said requirements to be properly made.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.110; R.O. 2005 § 19-11; Ord. No. 53.110]
Resurfacing of all streets, alley or traffic passageways excavated by contractor under provisions of this Article shall be made and performed by the City of Fayette under the supervision of the City Street Commissioner.
Contractor shall bear the expense incurred by the City while resurfacing said excavation.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.120; R.O. 2005 § 19-12; Ord. No. 53.111]
Upon completion of the excavation, both fill and inspection by the Street Commissioner, the permit funds held by the City may be returned provided no additional work is required by the City to bring the City property back to the original condition before excavation. The City will withhold any needed funds from the permit if additional work is required.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.130; R.O. 2005 § 19-14; Ord. No. 93-13; Ord. No. 99-03 § 2]
It shall be the duty and financial responsibility of the owners of any tract of land abutting a public street or highway from which a driveway enters upon such tract to maintain such driveway and any culvert installed thereunder in good repair and so constructed as to promote any necessary water drainage and so as not to obstruct nor be of danger to traffic or pedestrians upon said street or highway. The installation of the steel culvert will be accomplished by the City Street Department or by the owner under supervision of the City Street Department. A plastic culvert may be used if approved by the Street Superintendent.
In the event the Street Superintendent or other designated official of the City determines that a driveway under Subsection (A) is in need of repair or reconstruction or installation of a culvert or repair of an existing culvert, the following procedure to obtain compliance with Subsection (A) may be followed:
Notice of such determination may be mailed to an owner of such tract stating the required corrections.
If the required correction is not accomplished within thirty (30) days after the date of mailing the notice, the City may proceed with the City forces or by contract to cause the necessary correction to be made, and the costs thereof shall be charged to the owner of such tract and collected as a special tax bill.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.190; R.O. 2005 § 19-19; Ord. No. 96.000!§ 1]
It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, lessor or occupant of every house or other building, except barns, garages and other buildings which are part of the same property with a numbered house or building, to place on every such building its proper street number either by painting or by affixing such numbers in metal, glass or other form, so that the same shall be clearly visible from the sidewalk. Numbers shall be placed on such houses and buildings within thirty (30) days from the time said owners, agents, lessors or occupants are notified either by mail, publication or telephone of the assignment of numbers to said houses as hereinafter provided.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.200; R.O. 2005 § 19-20; Ord. No. 96.000 § 2]
Numbers shall be assigned to houses and buildings from Church Street and Morrison Street as bases, and in the following manner:
All houses and buildings situated within the first block north of Morrison Street on all intersecting streets shall be given numbers between one hundred (100) and one hundred ninety-nine (199) inclusive; within the second block, numbers between two hundred (200) and two hundred ninety-nine (299) inclusive shall be used, and so on in each succeeding block; and all numbers shall be indicated by adding the word "North" to the name of the street.
In like manner, the numbers between one hundred (100) and one hundred ninety-nine (199) inclusive shall be used in the first block south of Morrison Street on intersecting streets, and each succeeding hundred in each succeeding block; and the word "South" shall be added to the street name.
On streets intersecting Church Street, numbers between one hundred (100) and one hundred ninety-nine (199) inclusive shall be used within the first block from Church Street on either side, and each succeeding hundred in each succeeding block, with the addition of the word "East" or "West" to the street name as the case may be.
Odd numbers shall be used on the east and south sides of the streets and even numbers on the west and north sides, respectively.
Within any block, the houses or buildings nearer the base street shall use the smaller numbers. In assigning numbers to houses and buildings between which one (1) or more twenty-five (25) foot lots lie unimproved, sufficient numbers shall be allowed for later assignment to such vacant lots.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.210; R.O. 2005 § 19-21; Ord. No. 96.000 § 3]
It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assign numbers, as hereinbefore provided, to every house or other building in the City, and to report the numbers assigned to the next regular meeting of the Board. The Board shall at once consider such report, and accept and by resolution approve the same with such revision and amendments as it may deem necessary. A copy of the report as approved shall be filed with the resolution in the proceedings of the Board; a copy of the report and resolution, properly certified, shall be attached to the plat of the City in the office of the Register of Deeds of Howard County and to the plat of the City in the office of the City; and the numbers assigned may be entered upon appropriate blocks and lots indicated on said plats. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk at once to notify the owners, agents, lessors or occupants of such houses or buildings, either by mail, publication or telephone, of the numbers so assigned.
[R.O. 2013 § 510.220; R.O. 2005 § 19-22; Ord. No. 96.000 § 4]
Whenever any house or other building is to be erected hereafter, a number shall be assigned at the time the building permit is granted therefor. On or before the 31st day of January of each year thereafter, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare certificates stating the new numbers assigned during the preceding calendar year, and send one (1) to the Register of Deeds of Howard County for attaching to the plat of the City as aforesaid, and to attach another to the plat in the office of the City. Such numbers may be appropriately entered upon said plats.