The following items shall be included in the SWM site plan:
A. The date of the SWM site plan and latest revision, graphic scale,
written scale and North arrow.
B. The name of the development, the name and address of the owner of
the property, and the name of the individual or firm preparing the
C. The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the
D. A statement, signed by the landowner, acknowledging the SWM facilities
to be permanent fixtures that cannot be altered or removed unless
a revised plan is approved by the Township.
E. The following signature block for the Township:
Warwick Township SWM Site Plan Approval Certification
At a meeting on _____________, 20_____, the Warwick Township
Board of Supervisors approved this project, and all conditions have
been met. This approval includes the complete set of plans and information
that are filed with the Township in File No. __________, based upon
its conformity with the standards of the Warwick Township Stormwater
Management Ordinance.
(Vice) Chairman Signature
(Assistant) Secretary Signature
F. For SWM facilities located off-site;
(1) A note on the plan referencing a recorded stormwater operation and
maintenance (O&M) agreement that indicates the location and responsibility
for maintenance of the off-site facilities.
(2) All off-site SWM facilities shall meet the performance standards
specified in this chapter.
G. A note informing the owner that the Township shall have the right
of entry for the purposes of inspecting all stormwater conveyance,
treatment, or storage facilities.
H. A location map, drawn to a scale of a minimum of one inch equals
two thousand feet, relating the plan to municipal boundaries, at least
two intersections of road centerline or other identifiable landmarks.
I. Existing features.
(1) In areas of disturbance, contours at intervals of one or two feet.
In areas of steep slopes (greater than 15%) and areas undisturbed,
five-foot contour intervals may be used.
(2) The locations of all existing utilities (including on-lot disposal
systems and wells), sanitary sewers, and water lines and associated
(3) Physical features including flood hazard boundaries, wetlands, sinkholes,
streams, lakes, ponds and other waterbodies, existing drainage courses,
karst features, areas of native vegetation including trees greater
than six-inch diameter at breast height, woodlands, other environmentally
sensitive areas and the total extent of the upstream area draining
through the development site.
(4) An overlay showing soil names and boundaries.
(5) All existing man-made features within 200 feet of the development
site boundary.
J. Proposed features.
(1) Changes to the land surface and vegetative cover, including final
proposed contours at intervals of one or two feet in areas of disturbance.
In areas of steep slopes (greater than 15%) and areas undisturbed,
five-foot contour intervals may be used.
(2) Proposed structures, roads, paved areas, buildings and other impervious
and semi-impervious areas.
(3) The location of any proposed on-lot disposal systems, replacement
drainfield easements, and water supply wells.
(4) A note indicating existing and proposed land use(s).
(5) Plan and profile drawings of all proposed SWM facilities, including
BMPs, drainage structures, pipes, open channels, and swales.
(6) Where pervious pavement is to be installed, pavement material and
construction specifications shall be included.
(7) The location of all existing and proposed easements, including drainage
easements, access easements and riparian corridor easements.
(8) A planting plan shall be provided for all vegetated BMPs in accordance with §
(9) The maximum impervious surface coverage for which the SWM facilities
have been designed for each lot on the SWM site plan.
K. The location of all E&S control facilities.