[Added 6-23-2015 by G.O. No. 14-2015]
It is the goal of the City of Yonkers to use best efforts to purchase commodities, services and technologies that are cost effective, which minimize potential adverse impacts on public health and the environment when compared with competing commodities, services or technologies that serve the same purpose. To further that goal, the City's Director of Sustainability, in consultation with the Director of the Bureau of Purchasing, shall develop, establish and implement environmental purchasing standards and an environmentally preferable products program to conserve energy and water; increase the use of recycled and reused materials; reduce hazardous substances, with an emphasis on persistent bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals; decrease greenhouse gas emissions; utilize fuel-efficient or energy-efficient vehicles, lighting, computers, heating, cooling, and fuel sources; improve indoor air quality; promote end of life management and reduce waste.
The Director of the Bureau of Purchasing shall, to the extent practicable and in accordance with the General Municipal Law and City Charter, incorporate the City's environmental purchasing standards for every City procurement. The Director of Sustainability, in consultation with the Director of Purchasing, shall submit an annual report to the Mayor and the City Council by April 1 of each year detailing the City's progress in meeting the purposes of this program.
The Director of the Bureau of Purchasing shall, to the extent practicable and in accordance with the General Municipal Law and City Charter, incorporate the environmentally preferable products standards. The Director of Sustainability, in consultation with the Director of Purchasing, shall submit an annual report to the Mayor and the City Council by April 1 of each year detailing the City's progress in meeting the purposes of this program.
In accordance with the General Municipal Law and the Yonkers City Charter, the Board of Contract and Supply shall consider environmentally preferable products in contracts, whenever feasible and cost effective for the purpose of facilitating the purchase, demonstration and use of new and innovative environmentally preferable products, technologies and services and encouraging environmentally preferable products and sustainable practices in their operations.
The Director of Sustainability shall:
In consultation with the Director of Purchasing, develop, establish and implement (1) environmental purchasing standards and (2) an environmentally preferable products program; the purposes of which shall be to conserve energy and water; increase the use of recycled and reused materials; reduce hazardous substances, with an emphasis on persistent bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals; decrease greenhouse gas emissions; utilize fuel-efficient or energy-efficient vehicles, lighting, computers, heating, cooling, and fuel sources; improve indoor air quality; promote end of life management and reduce waste.
Partner as appropriate with other levels of government or jurisdictions to establish joint environmental purchasing standards, including working with and encouraging state agencies that supervise contracts from which the City purchases goods pursuant to meet or exceed any relevant City environmental purchasing standard.
Monitor compliance by any department, office agency, commission, board or authority of the City with the City's environmental purchasing standards.
Provide guidance to any department office, agency, commission, board or authority on how to ensure that their procurements are in compliance with these standards and encourage them to establish annual environmentally preferable product procurement goals.
Support development of appropriate training and outreach on procuring environmentally preferable products and identification of their fiscal, environmental and health benefits.
[Added 3-9-2021 by G.O. 5-2021]
Electric vehicle (EV) requirement for light-duty vehicles (sedans, vans and SUVs).
The City, including its departments and any entity that utilizes City fueling facilities for its vehicle fleet, shall procure only EV models of light-duty vehicles.
Waivers to this requirement may only granted where an EV option for a given application is unavailable or cost-prohibitive. Requests for waivers, together with the justification for any waiver granted, must be in writing.
EV prioritization for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
The City, including its departments and any entity that utilizes City fueling facilities for its vehicle fleet, shall prioritize the procurement of EV models of medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles when such an option is available for the given application at a cost of purchase and operation comparable to conventional (gasoline or diesel) fuel vehicles and where service levels are not negatively impacted.