[Ord. No. 797 §§1 — 2, 12-8-2015[1]]
There is hereby established a Parks and Recreation Department for the City, which shall consist of a Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Editor's Note: Section 1 of this ordinance amended and replaced former Ch. 235, Parks and Recreation, which comprised Art. I, Baseball and Softball Committee, adopted by Ord. No. 708 Art. I — IV, 4-10-2007, as amended; Art. II, Old Mining Town Days (O.M.T.D.), adopted by Ord. No. 630 §§1-2, 3-26-1996, as amended; and Art. III, Dick Smith Park and Granby Memorial Cemetery, adopted by Ord. No. 596, 5-26-1992.
[Ord. No. 797 §§1 — 2, 12-8-2015]
The objective of the Department shall be to direct, control and manage all parks, parkways, esplanades, playgrounds and recreation buildings and other improvements on park and playground property belonging to or under the control of the City and such other grounds as may be placed under his/her control, from time to time, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and to direct the improvement and maintenance of all such properties.
[Ord. No. 797 §§1 — 2, 12-8-2015]
There is hereby created the office of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation of the City. The Director shall be the head of the Parks and Recreation Department and shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 797 §§1 — 2, 12-8-2015]
The Director shall have authority to prescribe written rules and regulations for the administration of the Department and for the orderly government and use of the parks, provided that such regulations do not conflict with valid laws or ordinances. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be maintained for public inspection in the offices of the Director and the City Secretary. Without limitation, the Director is authorized to include provisions that govern the use of parks by the public and may prescribe such rules and regulations that promote the healthful and generalized use of the parks, including, but not limited to, setting forth rules that limit the possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverages while in the parks. Nothing in this Subsection is intended to limit the ability of the Director to prescribe rules and regulations relating to the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages by City-authorized vendors, park permittees and concessionaires operating within the parks.
The Director shall be authorized to contract referees for athletic contests and instructors for recreation classes. Fees paid to referees or recreation instructors shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen. No such referee or recreation instructor shall be considered an employee of the City.
[Ord. No. 797 §§1 — 2, 12-8-2015]
Parks And Recreation Director. The Mayor, with the consent and approval of the majority of the Board of Alderman, shall appoint a qualified and competent person to fill the position of the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Granby.
Director Qualifications. The Director for Parks and Recreation shall have the following qualifications:
Have a thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, and objectives of parks and recreation administration.
Have a thorough knowledge of a wide variety of recreational activities and participant needs and interest.
Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of parks and recreation facility design and construction, maintenance requirements and operation.
Considerable knowledge of budgeting and proper fiscal management controls.
Considerable knowledge of marketing principles and practices.
Director Duties. The duties for the Director for Parks and Recreation shall be as follows:
Coordinates, supervises and develops the total operation of the Department in order to provide high-quality recreation programs, recreation facilities, and parks.
Coordinates and supervises the program, facilities' planning and aquatic center/sports complex operations of the Department in order to provide recreation programs, recreation facility, park utilization, and special events.
Plans recreation programs; researches and surveys customer interests and trends; develops recreation programs; schedules programs, facilities, aquatic center, sports complex and fields; observes and monitors programs to ensure safe and effective programs.
Inspects parks and facilities; participates in facility planning, monitors construction and maintenance activities of the Public Works Park Division; recommends park equipment replacement and upgrades, orders athletic and recreational supplies and equipment.
Assists in the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities through conferences with the Director of Public Works; determines citizen needs for facilities; prepares grant applications for acquisition and development purposes.
Recommends new and updated policies and procedures to operate, program, and maintain the City's recreation facilities and park properties, including the aquatic complex, sports complex, park pavilions, office operation and other park and recreational facilities.
Plans, organizes, directs, coordinates, and evaluates the parks and recreation programs and special events; schedules necessary staff resources or selects vendors for accomplishment of programs and events; recommends and implements changes as appropriate.
Prepares and administers the annual Department budget; oversees purchasing and revenue collection, along with other functions of the administration office; prepares regular and special reports for the Board of Aldermen upon request.
Supervises all assigned personnel, including seasonal aquatic center/pool, office and event personnel; recruits, selects, trains, and evaluates work performance of personnel; resolves conflicts and grievances.
Promotes park and recreation programs and facilities through various media; writes and prepares quarterly brochures; speaks to civic and interest groups regarding park and recreation programs and special events.
Attends Recreation Board, Senior Commission and Board of Aldermen meetings; prepares agendas and compiles supporting information.
Schedules events, coordinates volunteers, and supervises Departmental staff and offices.
Provides effective and efficient customer services and promotes and maintains responsive community relations.
Evaluates and implements new parks and recreation practices and trends through effective professional development and networking.
Follows safe work practices.
Performs related duties as assigned by the Board of Aldermen and Mayor.
Old Mining Town Days Chairman. The Parks and Recreation Director shall be appointed, by the Mayor, to the Old Mining Town Days Committee and shall serve as Chairman of the Committee.
Director Compensation. The compensation for the office of the Parks and Recreation Director shall be in such amount as established by the Board of Aldermen and approved by the Mayor.
Failure To Perform Duties Of Office. The Parks and Recreation Director or any other designated City employee, who shall willfully and knowingly fail to perform the duty of his/her office, shall be subject to removal from office and in addition thereto his/her bond shall be liable for any loss which may arise by negligence or failure to perform his/her duty.