[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Huron 11-29-1995 by Ord. No. 95-12 (Part 6 of the 1995 Compilation of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created and established a Charter Township of Huron Historical Commission which shall be responsible for the general administration of the Township historical sites and any and all other historical properties, subject to the provisions hereinafter specified. The Commission shall acquire, collect and exhibit in the name of the Township all necessary historical documents, materials, equipment and other things necessary for the effective operation of the Township's historical sites. The acceptance and acquisition of personal property of historical significance of [or] value shall be subject to recommendation by the Commission and approval of the Township Board. Disposal of personal property of historical significance or value shall be subject to recommendation of the Commission and approval of the Township. Acceptance, acquisition, disposal or lease of real property shall be subject to recommendation by the Supervisor and approval by the Township Board. Any property, real or personal, received in trust which is accepted by the Township Board shall be held in the name of the Township, but in conformity with the terms of the trust.
The Historical Commission shall consist of five members who shall be residents, landowners or business owners within the Charter Township of Huron and recommended for appointment by the Supervisor with the approval of the Township Board. Each members shall serve for a term of three years, except the first Board appointed shall consist of two members appointed for a term of one years, two members appointed for a term of two years, and one member appointed for a term of three years.
Any member who misses three consecutive regular meetings, or 25% of all the meetings called in any calendar year, unless such absence shall be excused by the Commission, shall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the Commission may declare the office vacant. Upon such office being declared vacant, the Township Board shall appoint a new member to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.
The Historical Commission shall organize by annually electing a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Auditor and Curator from its membership. It shall adopt its own bylaws and Rules of Procedure as it may deem necessary and proper subject to the approval of the Township Board. It shall hold such meetings, regular or special, as it deems necessary to carry on its work.
All moneys collected or received by the Historical Commission from any source shall be paid forthwith to the Township Treasurer, and such moneys shall be used to offset and defray the expenses of the historical site and Historical Commission in accordance with the annual budget. All moneys received by the Commission shall be held for the exclusive use of the Commission.
The Township Board shall provide for such facilities, equipment and personnel as it deems necessary for the proper management and operation of the Historical Commission and the historical properties.