[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Huron 3-23-1994 by Ord. No. 94-3 (Part 167 of the 1995 Compilation of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health and welfare by assuring the timely and lawful collection of solid waste from owners of private property within the Township; to implement well articulated public policies regarding the recycling and composting of certain portions of the waste stream and collection thereof; and to provide for a reasonable system of user fees to defray the cost incurred by the Township in administering the system.
Findings. The Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Huron finds that regulation of the collection and disposal of solid waste is necessary to protect the public health and safety; that, under current circumstances, it is feasible to implement curbside pickup and disposal of residential recyclable materials, compostables and solid waste, and that such implementation will be most efficiently accomplished by the Township entering into a contract for provisions of such services; and that, at this time, it is not feasible to require separation of recyclable materials and compostables from other solid waste for persons using commercial receptacles for collection of their solid waste.
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the interpretation of this chapter:
Solid waste, but excluding unacceptable waste.[1]
Bones, offal, fats, rawhides, and other inedible trimmings from animal carcass used or to be used in the manufacture or processing of inedible products.
The residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, refuse, wastewater sludge or other combustible materials.
The duly elected or acting Clerk of the Charter Township of Huron.
A building or portion thereof where solid waste material resulting from the operation of mercantile enterprises, commercial business or manufacturing operations is disposed of.
The miscellaneous solid waste material resulting from the operation of a business enterprise or institution.
Leaves, grass clippings, brush, wood debris under six inches in diameter, vegetative pruning, garden waste, yard waste, Christmas trees and wreaths.
Nonhazardous wastes generated from construction and demolition activities, including but not limited to concrete, asphalt, wood, metal and plaster.
The collection of solid waste which has been placed for pickup in appropriate solid waste receptacles at the side of a public or private road adjacent to the abutting private property.
Either the material recovery facility (MRF) or the landfill; or when used in the plural, means both the MRF and the landfill.
Rejected food wastes, including waste accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter used or intended for food or that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable.
Any material or substance which, by reason of its composition or characteristics, is:
Toxic or hazardous waste, as defined in either MCLA § 324.11501 et seq. (Act 451 of 1994, Part 115), Solid Waste Management, or Section 6(e) of the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2605(e), or any laws of similar purposes or effect, and/or any rules, regulations or policies promulgated thereunder;[2]
Special nuclear or by-product materials within the meaning of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
Any waste managed under MCLA § 324.11101 et seq. (Act 451 of 1994, Part 111), Hazardous Waste Management.[3]
Any other materials which the state department of natural resources or any governmental agency or unit having appropriate jurisdiction shall determine from time to time is ineligible for disposal in the landfill, whether by reasons of being harmful, toxic, dangerous or otherwise determined unsuitable.
Nonhazardous wastes generated by industrial users, which due to their size or composition require special handling and/or disposal procedures, including but not limited to foundry sand, incinerator/boiler bottom ash, fly ash sludges, scrap pallets and other wastes from manufacturing processes which require special handling and/or disposal procedures.
A material recovery facility.
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, company or organization of any kind.
Any area used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, separately or in combination, to which a separate street address, postal address or box, tax roll description, or other similar identification has been assigned or is in use by person having control of the area.
Any person, persons, firm, partnership or corporation to whom has been issued a private collector's license. This term shall not refer to the Charter Township of Huron's contractor.
Commingled and/or presorted materials that are designated to be separated from solid waste prior to the collection of solid waste from a site of generation and delivered to the MRF, including but not limited to plastics, glass, cans and newspapers.
Nonputrescible solid waste, excluding ashes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste, including paper, cardboard, metal containers, wood, glass, bedding, crockery, demolished building materials or litter of any kind that may be a detriment to the public health and safety.
Any premises in the Township in or on which solid waste or recyclable materials is generated by any person.
Compostables, garbage, rubbish, recyclables materials, ashes, incinerator ash, incinerator residue, street cleanings, municipal and industrial sludges, arid solid commercial and industrial waste, animal waste, but does not include human body waste, liquid or other waste regulated by statute, ferrous or nonferrous scrap directed to a scrap metal processor or to a reuser of ferrous or nonferrous products, or animal by-products.
A container which may be an integral part of a truck or other piece of equipment used for the transportation of solid waste.
A preprinted sticker provided by either the Township or the collector for the purpose of identification of large volumes of recyclable material which cannot fit in the provided recycling bin.
Large household appliances, such as stoves, refrigerators, television sets, dryers, washing machines, or the equivalent in size, discarded house furnishings and furniture, plumbing materials, large crates, tools, tires, machinery, or parts thereof and similar items (excluding construction and demolition debris).
A preprinted sticker sold by the Township which evidences payment for the collection and disposal of special refuse.
The duly elected or acting Supervisor of the Charter Township of Huron.
The Charter Township of Huron.
The Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Huron, the legislative or governing body of the Township.
A private individual, firm, partnership or corporation collecting and disposing of municipal solid waste pursuant to a duly authorized and executed agreement or contract with the Charter Township of Huron, to provide such services at a certain rate or price.
See "compostables."
Editor's Note: The original definition of "Act 641" (Act No. 641 of 1978), which previously followed this definition, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The operation and administration of this chapter shall be under the direction of the Township Board.
Enforcement. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of the Township, through his or her proper agents and officers, to enforce the provision of this chapter, and to make rules and regulations for the administration of the same.
Police powers. The Township Ordinance Officer and those assistants and employees designated in writing by the Ordinance Officer shall be authorized to issue warning violations and bring court complaints, civil or criminal, for violations of the provisions of this chapter. When enforcing the provision of this chapter, the assistants and employees shall be and are hereby constituted Ordinance Officers and shall have all the powers conferred upon Ordinance Officers by the general laws of this state.
Authority of Township to contract for solid waste collection. Whenever in the judgment of the Township Board such action may be necessary or advisable, they may determine to have the Township enter into a contract or contracts with such persons as they may deem best able to collect solid waste, separated between recyclable and nonrecyclable materials, in the Township in accordance with the best interest of the Township and its citizens. The contract shall be for such terms as they may determine, but not to exceed in any instance six years. The Township Board may authorize the making of one or more contracts and if they determine it necessary, may limit such contract to a certain part of the Township, or to certain types of premises, such as residential, commercial, industrial and the like.
Contract award by Board; basis. The contract or contracts shall be awarded on a competitive basis, and the Board shall be responsible for the control of letting and making such contract or contracts. The procedures established by the Township policies and all ordinances in connection with the awarding of contracts shall be observed.
Contract bond requirements. Each person entering into a contract with the Township for the collection and disposal of solid waste shall furnish the Township with a performance bond in an amount established by the Township Board and in such form as may be approved by the Township Attorney, which bond shall be signed by an approved corporate surety authorized to do business in this state, and which bond shall be conditioned on the satisfactory performance of all obligations assumed under the particular contract, and further conditioned on the due observance during the term of the contract of all laws of the state or ordinances of the Township and all legal rights of all persons who are served by or injured by the contractor.
Contract insurance requirements.
Each Township contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of the contract, owner's and contractor's protective public liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance, in the name of the Township, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 single occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate combined single limit.
Such insurance includes motor vehicle exposure and specific coverage, by endorsement, as required by the Township.
Each Township contractor shall deposit with the Clerk certificates of insurance indicating this coverage prior to the execution of the contract.
The Township may require of Township contractors other bonds and insurance, including workers' compensation insurance, to insure the Township that the obligations of the contractor will be sufficiently performed and/or discharged and to protect the Township in the event that they are not.
Contract not assignable. No contract issued, granted or entered into, to any Township contractor under the provision of this chapter, shall be transferable, assignable or sublet without the express permission of the Township Board in the form of a resolution, unless otherwise provided in the contract.
Collection frequency and extent. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and other ordinances, and except in the case of an emergency arising from an act of God or under circumstances over which the Township contractor has or had no control, solid waste shall be collected, removed and disposed of no less frequently than once each week from premises to be served by the Township contractor.
User charge.
If the Township enters into a contract pursuant to this section, a user charge shall be established by resolution of the Township Board and imposed on all residents of the Township to be served by such contract, reasonably calculated to defray the cost of each resident, and the Township Board has the discretion to include said charge as part of said residents' rubbish/recycling billing.
Charges herein specified shall constitute a lien on the property served and benefited. In addition to other remedies provided, the Township shall have the right to discontinue garbage, rubbish and recyclables collection to any user for the nonpayment of charges and rates as herein specified when due.
The charges assessed are ordered to be set aside as collected into a separate depository account to be designated by the Township Board to make payment for contractual services entered into by the Township Board for collection and disposal of garbage, rubbish and recyclables.
Collections. All solid waste and recyclable materials from a site of generation intended for removal from the premises shall be placed in one or more containers described in Subsection B of this section, and shall be placed at the curbside in front of the premises or, in the case of an adjacent through alley, at the edge thereof. Such containers shall be placed at that location prior to 7:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for collection from the premises, but in no case shall any containers be placed at the curbside or edge of the alley, as the case may be, prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the scheduled collection day. Such containers shall be placed in such a way as not to obstruct vehicles, and such containers shall be readily accessible for collection. Containers shall not be placed on front porches, side drives or yard prior to placement for pickup.
Containment. Between collections of solid waste and recyclable materials by the waste hauler, each person who is an owner, lessee or occupant of any site of generation shall store such materials as follows:
Receptacles. Every owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using any building, house or structure for any purpose whatsoever where refuse accumulates shall provide and maintain standard refuse containers of sufficient number and size, as hereinafter specified, in order to store such refuse tending to accumulate on such premises. Refuse containers that deteriorate or otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this section may be claimed as refuse and shall be collected as refuse by the waste hauler.
Domestic refuse containers. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee receiving domestic refuse collection service shall provide for the storage of garbage with a sufficient number of portable metal, synthetic or plastic containers of not more than thirty-gallon capacity, waterproof and verminproof, with handles so that such containers can be conveniently emptied.
Recyclable materials. Recyclable materials other than yard waste shall be stored in recycling bins.
Storage of containers. All refuse containers shall be located within private property lines and not in the alley, or upon public property. No person shall disturb the contents of waste receptacles or bundles, nor shall persons leave receptacles or contents thereof in a condition other than this section provides. All receptacles must be maintained in a sanitary condition.
Separation of waste material for collection. Solid waste from commercial or other nonresident establishments shall not be mixed with domestic garbage, but shall be stored in receptacles provided by each individual establishment.
Residence and commercial business on same parcel of property. In the instance that a residence and a commercial business share the same parcel of property, the owner may produce evidence to the Township billing department of the rental of a dumpster unit for the parcel. If such evidence is produced, the fee for rubbish collection shall be waived until the situation changes.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than Township street cleaners, solid waste haulers or other authorized persons to interfere with solid waste placed in the streets, alleys, and public places of the Township for collection by solid waste haulers, or to interfere in any way with solid waste receptacles in the Township.
General rule and effective date. Commencing July 1, 1995, it shall be unlawful for any person who owns, possesses, controls, supervises or occupies private property within the Township which has available curbside collection of solid waste to commingle recyclable materials with other solid waste or to place it out for collection other than as provided in this section.
Recyclable solid waste. All recyclable material shall be separated from other garbage and refuse and grouped together and placed for collection. Recyclable material shall consist of and be contained as follows:
Bottles, jars and containers. Brown, green and clear glass bottles, jars and containers; ferrous and nonferrous cans and bottles; and polyethylene terephtalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene plastics (HDPE) as listed in Act 451 of 1994, MCLA § 324.16101 et seq., whether or not labeled in accordance with said Act, are recyclable and shall be rinsed and cleaned of all contents and shall be placed together in a recyclable container and placed out for collection. Labels shall be removed from all metal cans, tops shall be removed from all containers, and containers shall be flattened when possible.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Newsprint. All newsprint shall be bundled or bagged and placed out for collection. Newsprint shall not be mixed with any other solid waste. Newsprint shall be kept dry when possible.
Compostables. Commencing September 1, 1995, compostables shall be placed in approved bags and placed out for collection for the period of time from April 1 through November 30 of each and every year.
Corrugated cardboard. All corrugated cardboard (which includes cereal boxes) shall be clean, flattened, bundled and placed out for collection. Bundles shall be no more than three feet by three feet, and plastic inserts shall be removed from cereal boxes.
Batteries. Household batteries will be accepted but must be contained in plastic bags and placed in a recycling bin. Auto batteries will only be accepted at the dropoff center.
Christmas trees. Christmas trees may be placed at regular pickup locations for free collection from December 26 until January 14 of each year.
Telephone books; magazines. Telephone books and magazines shall be kept dry and separate from other printed matter.
Placement for collection. Recyclable materials shall be made accessible for collection in the same location as nonrecyclable solid waste.
Time for placement. All recyclable refuse shall be placed for collection at the same time as other solid waste is placed for collection, but no sooner than 5:00 p.m. the previous day.
Donation to others. Nothing in this chapter is intended to prevent any person from donating or selling recyclable materials to any person, club, business, civic organization, charitable organization or any other organization.
Providing storage containers. The solid waste hauler shall provide one in-home recycling container to each customer for the storage of recyclables.
Commencing July 1, 1995, it shall be unlawful for any solid waste hauler to accept from private property within the Township, which has available curbside collection of solid waste, recyclable materials commingled with other solid waste, and to transport recyclable materials to a disposal area other than a licensed facility for their processing. The solid waste hauler shall establish and implement a recycling program consisting of weekly curbside collection of recyclables, transportation and delivery to a materials recovery facility designated by the Township. The curbside collection of recyclable material shall include the following:
Collection of recyclables. The waste hauler shall collect all recyclable materials as defined in this chapter and shall be responsible to deliver all recyclable materials other than compostables to a material recover facility (MRF). All compostables collected for the period of time from April 1 through November 30 of each and every year shall be delivered to a composting facility. Recyclable materials shall not be disposed of in a disposal area, as defined in MCLA § 324.11501 et seq. (Act 451 of 1994, Part 115), Solid Waste Management, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No solid waste shall be collected from persons or property within 500 feet of a residential unit between the hours of 5:00 p.m. of one day and 7:00 a.m. of the next succeeding day unless the Township Supervisor has issued written authorization for such collection after having duly considered the means and location of such collection and determined no offensive noise or nuisance will be occasioned to adjacent residences.
Every person who owns, possesses, controls, supervises or occupies private property within the Township shall be responsible for placing and keeping solid waste arising from the use or occupation of such property in receptacles designed and constructed for such purpose and which prevent the emission of odors and the broadcasting of pieces. Further, such receptacles shall be impervious to weather, safe from destruction by animals and hygienic, provided plastic bags with a thickness not less than 1.5 millimeters shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section.
Rubbish that is larger than can be conveniently contained in receptacles shall be securely tied in compact bundles not to exceed 65 pounds in weight and placed in a location convenient for collection. Parts of trees shall not exceed four feet in length, nor shall they exceed three inches in diameter.
Solid waste resulting from the operation of commercial, industrial or other business enterprise may be placed and kept in commercial receptacles of a size and construction to facilitate pickup by a solid waste hauler. Such commercial receptacles shall be constructed of substantial metal, shall be watertight and shall have tight-fitting covers.
Solid waste resulting from the usual routine of housekeeping and residential living may be placed and kept in portable receptacles of substantial metal or plastic construction with handles and a tight-fitting cover. Plastic bags of sufficient thickness to meet the purposes of this section may be used in place of metal or plastic portable receptacles for such domestic solid waste. No single receptacle or bag shall weigh more than 65 pounds when filled.
In the case of a building housing more than four families, the receptacles shall be provided by the owner of the premises and shall be commercial receptacles unless the curbside collection of solid waste is available.
It shall be the duty of the owner, contractor or other person responsible for construction work to remove from the premises within a reasonable time after the completion of such construction work all surplus construction material and building refuse materials.
Yard waste may be stored for composting purposes in a manner which will not harbor rodents, subject adjacent property owners to an unreasonable offensive odor, or become a public nuisance. Individual backyard compost systems are encouraged, but must be located in a rear yard as defined by the zoning ordinance and be at least 30 feet from any dwelling including the dwellings of neighboring properties. Garbage is not allowed in the compost system.
Depositing. No person shall deposit, sort, scatter, throw, drop or leave, or cause to be deposited, sorted, scattered, thrown, dropped or left, any waste, rubbish, or garbage as herein defined on any public place in the Township.
Use of public receptacles. Public receptacles are for use of pedestrians only, and shall not be used by vendors or by occupants of adjacent premises. Newspapers, handbills and wastepaper or other litter shall not be scattered or thrown upon public or private property, but shall be deposited in private or public receptacles.
Duty of property owners to keep premises and adjoining public property free from litter. It shall be the duty of the owner or person in control of any premises, vacant or occupied, to keep his premises, sidewalks and adjoining public property between the center of the street and center of the alley free of litter at all times. All litter removed shall be placed in proper receptacles or removed to an approved disposal location.
Responsibility in multiple dwellings. In every multiple dwelling occupied by four families and over in which the owner does not reside, there shall be a responsible person designated as such by the owner. This person and the owner shall be severally and jointly responsible for maintaining the entire premises, including the yards and 1/2 of the alley, street and any easement adjoining such dwelling, free of all litter.
Dumping on property.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, leave, throw, dump or deposit, or cause or permit to be placed, left, thrown, dumped or deposited, any unacceptable bulk items, construction materials, demolition debris, municipal solid waste, recyclables, special refuse, yard waste and residential, commercial, or industrial solid waste, unusual or special manufacturing or trade wastes, or any noxious thing, on or along any public highway, street, alley or public place, or on any lot or land either public or private, or in any nonportable rear load receptacle (dumpster) unless the solid waste is generated on the same premises, or on waters adjoining a public highway or street.
Any person maintaining, or living in, a household, or any person engaged in any commercial or manufacturing enterprise or activity on any lot or land, may place or deposit any such refuse or thing specified in Subsection E(1) above in a suitable receptacle or special container as is provided for in this chapter and in accordance with any and all applicable state and federal regulations, on a lot or land privately owned, preparatory to being removed therefrom.
Dumping in public water. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any litter in the waters of the Huron River, or any stream, drain or drainage ditch running into the Huron River, whether from the shore or from any watercraft in passage or moored.
Every person who owns, possesses, controls, supervises or occupies private property in the Township shall cause all solid waste to be collected from such property. If the collection is to be provided by the Township pursuant to contract, such person's responsibility shall be to place such solid waste at its usual collection point. Every such person shall limit the time when receptacles are placed on public property or private property beyond the front line of any residence to the period of 5:00 p.m. of the day prior to the regularly scheduled solid waste collection day and 12 hours following the act of collection by the solid waste hauler.
Burning. It shall be unlawful for any person to burn garbage or rubbish any place within the Township other than in incinerators located inside of the buildings and approved by the appropriate Township regulatory body. It shall be unlawful for any person to burn leaves and yard waste any place within the Township.
Safety. No person shall deposit, spill or leave any matter or thing whatsoever on either public or private property or cause the same to be done which may result in injury or damage to person, animal or property.
Scattering. It shall be unlawful for any person to scatter or leave any matter or thing whatsoever on either public or private property or cause the same to be done, which will result in or contribute toward any unsightly conditions within the Township.
Dumping. No solid waste shall be kept in open containers or piled, placed, dumped or disposed of on any land within the Township.
Accumulation of solid waste or filth. It shall be unlawful for any person owning, renting, controlling, using or occupying any building or private premises in the Township to permit the accumulation thereon of, and that person shall remove and keep clear therefrom, all filth, solid waste, bulk items, special refuse or other unsightly, offensive or unsanitary matter, articles, or materials or accumulation that would pose a health hazard, subject adjacent property occupants to an unreasonably offensive odor, or become a public nuisance. The accumulation of filth, solid waste, bulk items, and/or special refuse in excess of seven days shall be prima facie evidence of posing a health hazard and creating a public nuisance. Such person shall properly stack or store any lumber, wood, masonry, etc., so as to prevent the harboring of rodents.
Deposits in receptacles belonging to other person. It shall be unlawful for any person other than employees of the department of public works, Township waste hauler or other authorized persons to disturb, collect or in any other manner interfere with solid waste placed in the streets, alleys and public places for collection.
Prohibited waste. It shall be unlawful to place in any container or receptacle any material that might endanger the collection personnel, or to deposit or deliver any hazardous waste or any such waste or recyclable to a disposal site which would be detrimental to the normal operation of collection, recycling or disposal. For example: gaseous, solid or liquid poison, dead animals, ammunition, explosives, inflammable liquid, undrained garbage of a liquid or semiliquid nature whether in containers or not, concrete, dirt, auto or equipment parts, or any material that possess heat sufficient to ignite any other collected materials. No motor vehicle shall be abandoned at any site or dumped anywhere.
Nuisance. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance, and the motor vehicle, or other type of conveyance, which was used in committing such nuisance, shall be seized by the police and shall be impounded and held until such time as the nuisance shall have been abated by cleaning up and removing from the Township or property, disposing of all such material constituting such nuisance. All charges or expense incurred by the police in abating such nuisance shall be paid to the Police Department, including towage and storage of any such vehicle, before such vehicle will be released to its rightful owner.
Reasonable and ordinary quantities of commercial solid waste to the extent of 240 gallons per week, from any establishment or business as hereinafter described, will be collected at a uniform charge by the waste hauler. When, however, in the opinion of the Township Supervisor or agent, any person operates any mercantile, manufacturing trade or food establishment or other place of business where a large quantity of commercial waste is produced as an incident to the conducting of such establishment or business, and produces and accumulates quantities of solid waste in excess of the limits herein set forth, the Supervisor shall require the proprietor, manager, agent or person in charge of a commercial establishment, professional office, church or any other nonresidential occupancy and multiple dwelling (building housing more than four families) to remove such commercial waste by hiring or contracting for such removal at its own expense and in such manner as not to violate any of the provisions of this section and other ordinances of the Township in abating a nuisance. If such person fails or neglects to remove such excess commercial waste, the supervisor may contract for the removal of such excess waste, and shall charge the cost thereof to such person. If payment therefor is not made when billed, the expense of disposing of such excess waste will be charged to the owner of the real estate in accordance with the law. Apartment buildings with more than four families shall constitute commercial activities for the purpose of collection of waste. All receptacles shall be kept clean and in good repair.
Any establishment or business, as described, that belongs to the Township-contracted rubbish collection program shall adhere to all requirements of this chapter concerning curbside recycling collections.
Vehicles or trailers conveying solid waste must be of such construction and so operated that contents shall not spill upon the public streets or alleys or otherwise create a nuisance.
Every vehicle conveying solid waste shall be loaded and operated in a manner which will prevent a litter nuisance. The load shall be covered with a tarpaulin or other material when necessary to prevent contents from blowing off, spilling or otherwise creating litter.
The Township will operate a dropoff recycling center on the first Saturday of each month during posted hours. Residents may drop off recyclables into properly designated containers at no charge. Residents using the dropoff center shall be responsible for using it according to posted rules and keep the site clean from litter.
The same items as are collected at curbside will be collected at the dropoff center. In addition, the following items may also be taken to the dropoff center:
Used motor oil.
Auto batteries.
The Township Ordinance Officer is hereby authorized and empowered to notify, in writing, the owner, proprietor, occupant, agent and/or tenant(s) of any premises, to remove solid waste, yard waste, special refuse and/or recyclable (waste or recyclables) which has accumulated on such premises and not disposed of in compliance with this chapter (unless the same is on the abutting public property, or public rights-of-way, in which no notice is required). Such notice shall be hand delivery or first-class mail, addressed to said owner and/or tenant(s) at the last known address.
If wastes are not removed from the premises within six days after the date of mailing of such notice, or if the wastes are on abutting public property or public rights-of-way, the Township Ordinance Officer is hereby authorized and empowered to contract the solid waste hauler to cooperate and assist in the collection of solid waste for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the public health hazard; provided, the Township shall pay the reasonable and customary charges of such hauler related to providing required collection and the Township shall be entitled to receive full reimbursement of such charges from the person who owns, possesses, controls, supervises or occupies the aforesaid particular property.
When the Township Ordinance Officer has effected the removal of such waste or has paid for its removal, the actual cost thereof shall be charged to the owner(s) of the premises and forwarded to such owner(s) by the Township, and said charge shall be due and payable upon receipt.
Where cost of removal is not paid by an owner(s) after the removal of such waste as set forth in the preceding subsections, then the Township Ordinance Officer shall deliver to the Township Clerk a copy of all said statements which are delinquent more than 60 days. The Clerk shall present all such statements to the Township Board. The Township Board shall audit, and if correct, it shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to certify them forthwith to the Township Treasurer. All expenditures represented by said accounts shall be severally spread upon the tax roll next in preparation, levied on the land on which such expenditures were made, made a lien and collected in the same container as other taxes.
No solid waste hauler shall collect from residential customers less frequently than weekly (legal holidays, strikes and acts of God excluded).
No solid waste hauler shall dispose of collected solid waste other than at Township approved disposal areas or facilities licensed pursuant to MCLA § 324.11501 et seq.; provided that recyclables shall be transported to a materials recovery facility designated by the Township; provided further that compostables shall be transported to composting facilities and shall not be transported to any sanitary landfill for disposal.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Each solid waste hauler shall designate an employee or agent to regularly answer all complaints made, and to properly dispose of same.
Solid waste transporting units used by the solid waste hauler in the collection and disposal of solid waste under the provision of this chapter shall have, on both sides thereof, the name of the solid waste hauler in plain, unobscured letters which are visible to members of the community.
Each solid waste hauler shall collect solid waste by emptying the contents of the receptacle into the solid waste transporting unit and returning the receptacle to the place on the customer's property from which it was removed, replacing the cover. All receptacles shall be handled and emptied so that no garbage is spilled on the premises of the customer nor in any street area.
The solid waste hauler shall so load the solid waste transporting unit that as soon as any compartment of the solid waste transporting unit is filled, the same shall be immediately covered with a metal cover.
Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or any other legal entity which violates or fails to comply with any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined not more than $500, or imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Every act or violation and every day upon which such violation shall occur shall be considered a separate offense.
The repeal provided for herein shall not abrogate or affect any offense or act committed or done, or any penalty or forfeiture incurred, or any pending litigation or prosecution of any right established, or occurring prior to the effective date of this chapter.