[Amended 8-8-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016, approved 11-8-2016, effective 1-1-2017]
There shall be a County Sheriff elected from the County at large. Her term of office shall be for four (4) years, beginning with January 1 following her election. At the time of her election and throughout her term of office she shall be a qualified elector of the County, and hold no other public office. Commencing January 1, 1996, she shall not hold the position of chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer or other comparable office of a County political party committee. She shall have been a resident of the County continuously for at least one (1) year preceding her election. The compensation of the Sheriff shall not be increased or decreased during her term of office.
The Sheriff shall have and exercise all powers and duties now or hereafter conferred or imposed upon him or her by any applicable law, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
Be the head and chief administrative officer of the Office of Sheriff;
Organize and maintain a trained and operational law enforcement staff to protect and otherwise serve the needs of the County and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies within and outside the County in furtherance thereof;
Manage the County Correctional Facility and provide for the care and custody of persons committed to the Sheriff's custody by competent courts or by intergovernmental agreement;
Manage the Department of Natural Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Services within the Office of Sheriff and assist the County Executive and County Legislature in developing and implementing disaster preparedness programs and coordinating emergency response functions and such other functions and related duties as shall be authorized or required pursuant to provisions of the New York State Executive Law and other law;
Perform the civil duties specified in applicable law;
Organize the Office of the Sheriff into such administrative units as may be required; and
Perform such other duties as may be required by the County Executive or the County Legislature.
The Sheriff shall appoint an Undersheriff, Deputy Sheriffs, such assistants and employees of the Office of Sheriff within appropriations made therefor. Such Undersheriff, Deputy Sheriffs, assistants and employees shall serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff, subject to applicable law.
The Sheriff shall designate in writing, and in order of succession, the Undersheriff, Deputy Sheriffs and Assistants who shall serve as Acting Sheriff in the event of the Sheriff's absence from the County or inability to perform and exercise the powers and duties of her office. Such designation shall be filed with the County Clerk and the Clerk of the County Legislature and may be revoked at any time by the Sheriff filing a new written designation and order of succession. The Acting Sheriff shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Sheriff. The provisions of Section 30 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York relating to the creation of a vacancy in public office shall remain applicable notwithstanding the Sheriff's designation of an Acting Sheriff pursuant to this section.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the powers and duties of the office of Sheriff, as provided by the New York State Constitution and other laws.