[Ord. No. 2024-04, 2-26-2024]
The Mayor with the approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen shall appoint a Chief of Police who shall perform all duties required of the Marshal by law and any other Police Officers found by the Board of Aldermen to be necessary for the good government of the City. The Chief of Police shall be twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
The POST commission shall establish minimum standards for a Chief of Police training course which shall include at least forty (40) hours of training. All Police Chiefs appointed after August 28, 2023, shall attend a Chief of Police training course certified by the POST commission not later than six (6) months after the person's appointment as a Chief of Police.
A Chief of Police may request an exemption from the training in Subsection (A) of this Section by submitting to the POST commission proof of completion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's national academy course or any other equivalent training course within the previous ten (10) years or at least five (5) years of experience as a Police Chief in a Missouri law enforcement agency.
Any law enforcement agency who has a Chief of Police appointed after August 28, 2023, who fails to complete a Chief of Police training course within six (6) months of appointment shall be precluded from receiving any POST commission training funds, State grant funds, or Federal grant funds until the Police Chief has completed the training course.
While attending a Chief of Police training course, the Chief of Police shall receive compensation in the same manner and amount as if carrying out the powers and duties of the Chief of Police. The cost of the Chief of Police training course may be paid by moneys from the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission Fund created in Section 590.178, RSMo.
State Statute Reference: See Section 590.033, RSMo.
The Police of the City may be appointed in such numbers, for such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance. They shall have power to serve and execute all warrants, subpoenas, writs or other process and to make arrests in the same manner as the Marshal. They may exercise such powers in areas leased or owned by the municipality outside of the boundaries of such municipality. The Marshal and Policemen shall be conservators of the peace and shall be active and vigilant in the preservation of good order within the City.
The Board of Aldermen of the City may by ordinance enter into a contract or agreement with any other political subdivision for the provision of police services by one political subdivision to another on request as provided for in Section 70.815, RSMo. The terms "Chief of Police," "Police," "Police Officer" and "Police Department," as used herein, shall refer to Law Enforcement Officers of the contracting entity.
[Ord. No. 2024-02, 2-26-2024]
Persons licensed and commissioned as Law Enforcement Officers within the City shall have six hundred (600) hours of POST certified basic training.
Persons licensed and commissioned as "Reserve Peace Officers" shall have one hundred twenty (120) hours of POST certified basic training. [Reserve Peace Officer — a Law Enforcement Officer who regularly works less than thirty (30) hours per week.]
The basic training of every Peace Officer, shall include at least thirty (30) hours of training in the investigation and management of cases involving domestic and family violence. Such training shall include instruction, specific to domestic and family violence cases, regarding: report writing; physical abuse, sexual abuse, child fatalities and child neglect; interviewing children and alleged perpetrators; the nature, extent and causes of domestic and family violence; the safety of victims, other family and household members and investigating officers; legal rights and remedies available to victims, including rights to compensation and the enforcement of civil and criminal remedies; services available to victims and their children; the effects of cultural, racial and gender bias in law enforcement; and State Statutes. Said curriculum shall be developed and presented in consultation with the Department of Health and Senior Services, the children's division, public and private providers of programs for victims of domestic and family violence, persons who have demonstrated expertise in training and education concerning domestic and family violence, and the Missouri coalition against domestic violence.
State Statute Reference: See Section 590.040, RSMo.