[Ord. No. 2008-01 § 1, 2-12-2008]
As authorized by and in accordance with Sections 335.020 and 335.030 of this Title, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection or other location designated herein before proceeding.
Street Corner and Direction of Traffic
Northwest corner of Ada and Wilson Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Ada, Offutt and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Southeast corner of Ada and Wilson Street for northbound traffic
Southwest corner of Atchinson and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Southwest corner of Ausman and Water Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Cherry and Sloan Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Cherry and Sloan Streets for eastbound traffic
Southwest corner of Daisy and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Dallas and Cherry Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Dallas and Cherry Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Dallas and King Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Dallas and King Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Dallas and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Dallas and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Dallas and Sheridan Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Dallas and Sheridan Streets for northbound traffic
Southwest corner of Elm and Washington Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Elm and Water Streets for westbound traffic
Northeast corner of Florence and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Northeast corner of Grant and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Grant and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
East corner of Hickory Street and the entry to the Football Pit for northbound traffic traveling on Hickory Street
[Ord. No. 2008-12 § 1, 11-20-2008]
Northwest corner of Hickory and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Highland Street and Kennedy Drive for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of High School Parking Lot Drive for southbound traffic
Northwest corner of North Hillcrest Drive and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of South Hillcrest Drive and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Hope and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southwest corner of Hull and Taylor and Water Streets for eastbound traffic
Southwest corner of Iris and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Jackson and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Jackson and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Jackson and Washington Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Jackson and Washington Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Kennedy Drive and the City Limits for westbound traffic
Southeast corner of the City Limits and Kennedy Drive for northbound traffic crossing Kennedy Drive
Southwest corner of Kennedy Drive and Water Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of King and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of King and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Macadee and Sloan Streets for westbound traffic
Northwest corner of Main and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Main and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Southeast corner of Maple Terrace and Sycamore Drive for Northeast Bound Traffic
Southwest corner of Oak and Water Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Offutt and Main Streets for westbound traffic on Offutt Street
Southeast corner of Pine Valley Road and Sycamore Drive for northbound traffic
Northeast corner of Polk and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Polk and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northeast corner of Railroad and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Railroad and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Railroad and Sloan Streets for southbound traffic
Northeast corner of Railroad and Water Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Railroad and Water Streets for eastbound traffic
Southwest corner of Rose and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Shelton and Florence Streets for southbound traffic
Northwest corner of Shelton and Grant Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Shelton and Grant Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Sheridan and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Sheridan and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Sherman and Dallas Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Sherman and Dallas Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Sherman and Polk Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Sherman and Polk Streets for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Sloan and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Sloan and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northeast corner of Sloan and Sheridan Streets for westbound traffic
Southwest corner of Sloan and Sheridan Streets for eastbound traffic
Southwest corner of Sycamore Drive and South Hillcrest Drive for eastbound traffic
Northwest corner of Taylor Street and Kennedy Drive for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Walnut and Offutt Streets for northbound traffic
Southwest corner of Walnut and Railroad Streets for eastbound traffic
Northeast corner of Washington and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Washington and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Water and Main Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Water and Main Streets for northbound traffic
Northwest corner of Water and Railroad Streets for southbound traffic
Southeast corner of Water and Railroad Streets for northbound traffic
Editor's Note: See also Schedule IV, Through Streets.