[Ord. No. 2005-09, 6-8-2005]
For this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
Any vehicle or portable structure capable of being towed by a private vehicle and intended for the recreational purposes or for temporary living quarters.
Any vehicle or portable structure having no foundation other than wheels, jacks or blocks and designed or constructed as a self-contained single-family dwelling unit.
[Ord. No. 2005-09, 6-8-2005]
No person shall occupy any mobile home or camper trailer on any premises within the City limits outside a mobile home park or camper trailer park. The parking of an unoccupied mobile home/camper trailer in a yard, other than "for sale" on commercial zoned land, shall be prohibited. Camper trailers shall be permitted in a rear or side yard; provided that, there shall be no living quarters or business conducted in such trailer, while so parked. No camper trailer shall be permitted in a mobile home park; and no mobile home shall be permitted in a camper trailer park.
[Ord. No. 2005-09, 6-8-2005]
The Board of Alderman would like to permit residents to have visitors in camper trailers. Residents may have a camper trailer up to seven (7) days total, in any calendar month, in which visitors occupy, on their property.
[Ord. No. 2005-09, 6-8-2005]
The penalty for this Chapter shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day for every day such violation exists, chargeable to the landowner and/or mobile home/camper trailer owner.