[Adopted as § 2.05(7) of the former City Code; amended by Ord. No. 96-8; Ord. No. 02-47]
The Park, Recreation and Forestry Commission shall consist of seven members. Six members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Common Council. One member shall be an Alderperson appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Common Council. All members of the Commission shall be qualified electors of the City and shall serve as members of the Commission without compensation.
The terms of office for each member of the Commission shall be three years, except that the Aldermanic member of the Commission shall be appointed annually by the Mayor. All terms shall commence effective May 1 of the year of appointment.
The duties of the Commission shall be as follows:
There shall be a President and Secretary elected at the first meeting after April 30 of each year. The Commission shall hire a properly qualified director as may be required to conduct a comprehensive park, recreation and forestry program.
The Commission shall review, recommend and implement policies, rules, regulations and budgets (subject to Common Council approval) relating to park, playground, recreational and cultural facilities or functions and develop an urban forestry program.
The Commission shall exercise broad responsibility for the development and improvement of park, playground, recreational and cultural facilities or functions to better serve the City. Special attention shall be given to long-range planning and programming. Further, the Commission shall promote the general beauty of the City and its approaches.
The Commission is authorized to create and appoint advisory groups to make studies and to disseminate information on all of its activities. Such groups shall serve without compensation.
The Commission shall transmit to the Common Council full and complete annual reports of department activities, and also such additional reports as the Commission deems in the public interest.
Exemptions-granting authority to Parks Director. Upon Park, Recreation and Forestry Commission approval, the Director of Parks or his or her designee may implement exemptions related to the enforceability or applicability of City ordinances affecting parks, recreation or forestry uses, interests or operations upon demonstrated management needs, safety concerns or reasons of the general public good or benefit.
[Added 1-6-2015 by Ord. No. 14-36]
Any such exemptions shall not affect the force or effect of ordinances in this or any other chapter except as narrowly described by written memorandum for specifically defined purposes and times; any conflict nevertheless arising by way of an exemption implemented pursuant to this subsection in light of the meaning or effect of a City ordinance shall result in the City ordinance serving as authoritative and controlling.
Any such exemptions shall be approved only upon consultation with any other directly or indirectly impacted City department, unit or official. All due and careful attention is to be given to the uniform and equal affording of exemptions as well as the minimizing of any risk attendant to the implementation of exemptions. Exemptions implemented under this subsection shall have no fiscal impact.