[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Employees shall be in attendance at their work in accordance with these rules and general departmental regulations. All employees shall submit weekly attendance time sheets to be kept on file by the City Clerk in the regular personnel files. If an employee is unable to work his/her scheduled shift, the employee is required to contact the department head and City Clerk prior to or within one (1) hour after the time set for beginning his/her daily duties. Employees with no set time for beginning daily duties are required to notify the Mayor or City Clerk in time to find someone to cover their duties on days they must be absent.
Tardiness. Employees are expected to get to work on time. We have a business to run that involves the citizens of this City and we cannot do that without employees arriving on time. A five-minute grace period will be offered. Habitual lateness is discouraged and can negatively affect an employee's appraisals and is considered grounds for dismissal. Any hardship of an employee that will affect getting to work on time should be brought to the attention of the supervisor and/or Mayor as necessary so that proper adjustments can be made for the employee as deemed appropriate by the Mayor. Tardiness and payroll are figured on fifteen-minute intervals [i.e., six (6) minutes to fifteen (15) minutes late will be figured as fifteen (15) minutes; sixteen (16) to thirty (30) minutes late will be figured as thirty (30) minutes]. After the first five-minute grace period, tardiness will be billed against the employee's personal leave, compensatory time or vacation. If hourly workers are requested to work overtime, any overtime worked for the week will be adjusted by the amount of tardiness and/or absence figured against that employee for that week.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Bereavement Leave. A full-time employee may be granted up to three (3) working days, with pay, for the purpose of attending the funeral of spouse, child, mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-mother, step-father or any relative residing permanently with and dependent upon said employee. Bereavement leave shall not be deducted from either vacation or sick leave.
Military Leave. Employees may receive a leave of absence and reinstatement for any uniformed service duty. The City follows all requirements of the Federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994.[1] Any full-time employee will be compensated for the first ten (10) working days of the leave at their normal rate of compensation. The remainder of the leave will be uncompensated. You may view your rights under the Federal Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act in the City Clerk's office.
Editor's Note: See 38 U.S.C. § 4301 et seq.
Jury Duty Leave. A full-time employee may be granted leave, with pay, when required to be absent from work for jury duty or as a trial witness. Compensation for such leave shall be limited to the difference between pay received for this service and normal compensation.
Medical Leave. A full-time employee is entitled to take eight (8) work weeks of unpaid leave in a given twelve-month period for the following reasons: a) the birth of a child and to care for such child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care; b) the serious health condition of a spouse, son, daughter or parents; and c) the employee's own serious health condition which prevents the employee from performing his/her own job. All full-time employees, after twelve (12) months of service, are eligible to request medical leave. The City will continue to provide health insurance benefits for the full period of the approved medical leave.
Absence With Leave. The Mayor may grant a full-time employee, with approval of the Board of Aldermen, a leave of absence, without pay, for a period up to three (3) months. The employee is responsible for full payment of his/her health insurance benefits.
Work-Related Injury Or Illness Leave. The City provides coverage for work-related illness or injury under the Missouri Division of Workers Compensation. Payments for lost time are two-thirds (2/3) of your average weekly pay, up to a maximum set by State law. Payments are not made for the first three (3) regularly scheduled workdays unless you are unable to work more than fourteen (14) days. The employee is required to report his/her injury immediately to the department supervisor, City Clerk or Mayor. A delay of more than thirty (30) days in reporting an accident may result in loss of right to compensation benefits. The City will arrange for all medical treatment, unless in an emergency situation. Light-duty return-to-work authorizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Mayor must approve any light-duty assignments.
Absence Without Leave. Absence of an employee from duty, including any absence for a single day or part of a day, that is not authorized by specific grant of leave of absence under the provisions or these rules shall be deemed to be absence without leave. Any such absence shall be without pay and may be subject to disciplinary action.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
There is no provision for snow or other inclement weather leave and employees are expected to come in to work regardless of weather conditions, or if in the opinion of the employee it is too dangerous to travel, a vacation day may be used. Generally considerable latitude is granted regarding tardiness caused by weather conditions.
As a general rule, City Hall never closes due to weather conditions. Should City Hall or any office of the City need to be closed because of the extreme weather, heating failure or some other mechanical problem, employees would be notified by a supervisor or through the media.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
The standard workweek for non-exempt employees shall be five (5) days, forty (40) hours. A lunch break of one (1) hour must be taken if an employee works eight (8) consecutive hours in one (1) twenty-four-hour period. The lunch break cannot be used at the beginning or end of the workday, which would alter the normal/scheduled start or stop time of the employee.
This includes using compensatory time in conjunction with the one-hour lunch break at the beginning or end of the workday, which would alter the start or stop time of the employee. The Mayor or his/her designee may grant exceptions to this policy. Lunch breaks could fluctuate depending upon job assignments.