[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
The Board of Aldermen may create a vacancy by establishing a position with a job description. Any vacancy shall be advertised in a local newspaper for at least two (2) weeks. Written job applications will be accepted by the City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Appointments to positions with the City shall be made on the basis of ability, training and experience. The City of Maysville does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by law. All other qualifications being equal, preference will be given to residents of the City of Maysville.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall establish reasonable minimum standards as to character, intelligence, and ability to meet the public and physical condition as necessary for satisfactory job performance. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen may require such qualifying examinations as they may deem necessary. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall be responsible for all appointments and employment procedures. (See RSMo. 79.230.)
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Accuracy of the information on applications for employment may be verified, including background checks, employer and salary inquiries and references. This information will not be available for review by the applicant/employee.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Each employee receiving an appointment or a promotion to a new position must serve an introductory period of six (6) months before the appointment or promotion shall be considered completed. During the employee's six-month introductory period, the employee's work habits, abilities, attitude, promptness and other pertinent characteristics will be observed and evaluated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. If the introductory employee fails to meet required standards of performance, such employee may be dismissed, or introductory period extended, or if he/she is a promoted employee, the employee may be restored to the position from which he/she was promoted or to a comparable position.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
It is the duty of every employee to attempt to correct any faults in performance when called to his/her attention and to make every effort to avoid conflict with the City's rules and regulations. It is the duty of the Board of Aldermen or Mayor to discuss improper or inadequate performance with the employee in order to correct the deficiencies and to avoid the need to exercise disciplinary action. Discipline shall be, whenever possible, of an increasingly progressive nature, the steps of progression being: verbal warning, written warning, suspension, with or without pay, or termination of employment. There may be circumstances when one (1) or more steps are bypassed due to employee problems that are serious enough to justify suspension or termination.
The City is setting out some of the following grounds for demotion, suspension or termination of any employee: conviction of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude, acts of incompetence, absence without leave, acts of insubordination, intentional failure or refusal to carry out instructions, misappropriation, destruction, theft or conversion of City property, refusal or neglect to pay just debts, employee subsequently becomes physically or mentally unfit for the job, acts of misconduct while on duty, willful disregard of orders, habitual tardiness and/or absenteeism, falsification of any information required by the City, failure to properly report accidents or personal injuries, neglect or carelessness resulting in damage to City property or equipment, repeated convictions during employment on misdemeanor and/or traffic charges, violation of drug-free workplace policy. Nothing in this Subsection is meant to alter the Board of Aldermen's rights to impose discipline under Section 79.240, RSMo.
A written notice shall be given to each employee stating the reasons for the disciplinary action and the date it is to take effect. The notice is to be given to the employee at the time such action is taken and in any event not later than three (3) working days from the date of action. A copy of the notice, signed by the employee, will be placed in the employee's file and shall serve as prima facie evidence of delivery.
An employee may be suspended, reduced in pay or class or removed at any time by the majority vote by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
An employee who desires to terminate his or her service with the City shall submit a written resignation to the Mayor with a copy to the City Clerk, at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the final day of work. The written resignation shall state the reason(s) for leaving. Under extenuating circumstances, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen may agree to a shorter period of notice. Failure to comply with this rule may be a cause for denying future employment by the City. The City undertakes to give notice of intent to terminate an employee's position fourteen (14) days in advance of the termination date except in the case of emergency or termination for extreme cause.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
City employees shall not be appointed, retained or discharged by reason of their political party or political activity. City employees shall not be coerced to take part in political campaigns, to solicit votes, to levy, contribute or solicit funds or support for the purpose of supporting or opposing the appointment or election of candidates.
Employees are expected to exercise their right to vote, but shall not actively support or oppose the candidacy of any person during working hours or while using City-owned premises, equipment or vehicles.