Pursuant to the authority contained in § 5-418 of the Transportation Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, there is hereby created and established the Wicomico County Airport Commission to serve in an advisory capacity to the Airport Manager and the Wicomico County Executive.
The Wicomico County Airport Commission shall consist of eight members, one of whom shall be a member of the City Council of the City of Salisbury and appointed by said Council; one of whom shall be a member of the County Council of Wicomico County and appointed by said Council; one of whom shall be the President of the Worcester County Commissioners or his designee; and a Chairman and Vice Chairman to be appointed, as are the remaining members of the Wicomico County Airport Commission, by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council of Wicomico County. The members of the Wicomico County Airport Commission shall serve without compensation.
Three members of the Wicomico County Airport Commission shall serve for initial terms of one year, two members shall serve for initial terms of two years, and thereafter the members of the Wicomico County Airport Commission shall be appointed for terms of two years, or until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. Members of the Wicomico County Airport Commission shall be eligible for reappointment.
Vacancies occurring in the Wicomico County Airport Commission shall be filled for the unexpired terms by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council.
The County Executive shall have the authority to remove any member when, in his discretion, the best interest of the community shall be served thereby.
The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Wicomico County Airport Commission. The Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the Chairman's absence or incapacity.
The Wicomico County Airport Commission shall convene at regular meetings at least once each month and shall have such special meetings as the Chairman shall convene or upon the request of at least three members of the Commission, directed to the Secretary thereof.
The Wicomico County Airport Commission will have available to it the resources and services of the County whenever possible.
The Wicomico County Airport Commission shall act in an advisory capacity and shall review and make recommendations to the Airport Manager and the County Executive with respect to the following:
All matters concerning comprehensive planning, as well as the formulation of plans for aviation and related services.
The creation of a comprehensive plan identifying acquisition, development and rehabilitation projects to support the function and operation of the airport.
The utilization of all available facilities to provide aviation services.
All matters relating to planning, development, operation, management, fees, budgeting, staffing, and maintenance of the airport with the goal of having the airport operate as a self-supporting enterprise.