In any district where so permitted, the Planning Board may issue a special permit for an automobile wash subject to provisions of §
155-60 and subject to the following conditions:
A. The minimum lot size for automobile wash facilities shall be one
acre, and such lot shall have street frontage of at least 150 feet.
B. All washing and machine-drying operations shall be conducted within
a building.
C. The building exit for automobiles that have completed the washing
and machine-drying process shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet
from the nearest point of any street line.
D. No washing, vacuuming, steam-cleaning, waxing, polishing nor machine-drying
operation nor building within which such operations are conducted
shall be permitted within 100 feet of a residential building located
in a residential district.
E. All lot lines abutting residentially zoned property shall be screened
by means of a solid masonry wall, opaque fence or evergreen hedge
or earthen berm of a design and height acceptable to the Planning
Board. Such screen shall be maintained in good condition throughout
the life of the use.
F. All entrance and exit lanes and parking areas shall be surfaced with
an asphalt or Portland cement pavement so as to provide a durable
and dustless surface and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose
of all drainage water therein in a manner that does not adversely
impact adjacent properties, uses and abutting roadways. Water recycling
shall be addressed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board and any
appropriate agencies.
G. Any lighting used shall be arranged so as to avoid being directed
onto abutting roadways and adjoining premises in residential districts.
H. All operations shall be conducted completely within the lot lines
of the property.
I. Parking and stacking space.
(1) One parking space shall be provided for every two employees.
(2) Stacking spaces.
In addition, off-street stacking spaces provided for waiting
vehicles shall not exceed the following requirements:
Conveyor-type car wash: three off-street stacking spaces per
washing lane.
Drive-through-type car wash: five off-street stacking spaces
per washing lane.
Self-service-type car wash: three off-street stacking spaces
per washing bay.
For purposes of this subsection, an "off-street stacking space"
shall mean an area measuring 18 feet in length by nine feet in width
and located in such a manner as to provide an unimpeded egress from
the space toward the automobile wash facility.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments are owner-occupied and are subject to provisions of §
155-60 and the following conditions:
A. Each establishment shall be limited to 10 guest rooms.
B. Each establishment must meet all applicable zoning requirements.
C. The proprietor may serve breakfast only to guests. A public dining
room and bar are expressly prohibited.
D. Parking lots shall not be located closer than 15 feet to any residential
property line and shall be buffered from adjacent residential properties.
E. A bed-and-breakfast will be permitted only if it is compatible with
its immediate neighborhood.
F. Parking requirements shall conform to §
155-56 of this chapter.
G. The Department of Health shall certify that the water supply and
sewage disposal system is adequate for the maximum occupancy of the
proposed facility.
New cemeteries shall be subject to provisions of §
155-60 and the following regulations:
A. No interment shall take place within 75 feet of any street right-of-way
or property boundary. Such seventy-five-foot buffer area shall be
suitably landscaped as to screen the cemetery from view insofar as
is practicable.
B. All cemeteries shall be subject to site plan approval.
Auto body shops, motor vehicle service facilities/convenience stores and motor vehicle repair facilities shall conform to the requirements of §
155-60 and the following special standards:
A. The lot on which an auto body shop, motor vehicle service facility,
convenience store or motor vehicle repair facility is located shall
have an area of not less than 20,000 square feet and a frontage of
not less than 125 feet on a street right-of-way line.
B. No pumps, lubricating and other dispensing devices, and other accessory
services, shall extend within 50 feet of any property line, 60 feet
of any street right-of-way line or 20 feet of any building on the
lot, and they shall be located and accessed on the side or rear of
the station unless deemed impracticable by the Planning Board.
C. All motor fuel shall be stored in underground tanks in conformity
with the latest edition of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention
and Building Code. Such tanks shall be located not less than 50 feet
from any property line or street right-of-way line. Facilities shall
be provided to prevent corrosion of underground tanks and piping in
order to prevent the release of flammable substances. All vents and
fill pipes for underground storage tanks shall be located at least
20 feet from any building.
D. There shall be no outdoor display or storage of inventory, accessories,
motor vehicles, trailers, boats or farm equipment unless permitted
and approved by the Planning Board through the special use permit
E. When located adjacent to residential districts, the area required
for setback from a property line shall be provided with fences, walls,
embankments or evergreen shrubs or trees, to a height and design acceptable
to the Planning Board so as to screen the structure from adjoining
F. All repair, lubrication, painting and other service work shall be
performed indoors. All vehicles awaiting repair shall be stored indoors
or within a fenced or landscaped enclosure conforming to the setback
required for buildings.
G. No facility used for the sale of gasoline and other automotive fuels
nor the access drive leading to any such facility may be constructed
or erected within 1,000 feet, in any direction, of an existing motor
vehicle service facility providing gasoline sales or any site that
has been granted approval for such use.
H. To enhance the streetscape, auto body shops, motor vehicle service
facility, convenience stores and motor vehicle repair facilities should
be located and oriented toward the front of parcels, with canopies
and parking located on the rear and side of structures. Canopies and
buildings should be integrated with the use of similar rooflines,
color, materials and layout.
Notwithstanding the use permitted in any district, the following
regulations shall apply to the keeping of animals in any district:
A. In the absence of a special use permit and site plan approval as
specified in this chapter, the keeping of large animals, such as horses,
ponies, cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, etc., shall require at least one
acre of open space for each animal, unless contiguous open space in
excess of seven acres is used for such maintenance, in which event
this requirement shall be inapplicable.
B. The keeping of small animals, such as raccoons, mink, rabbits, birds,
snakes, geese, ducks, chickens, monkeys, dogs, cats, etc., in a total
number of more than 10 on one lot containing less than two acres shall
be prohibited in the absence of a special use permit and site plan
approval as provided below.
C. The Planning Board may issue a special use permit for the keeping
of animals upon lots containing less than the minimum area set forth
above, subject to site plan approval, provided that the applicant
shall meet all conditions and satisfy the criteria applicable, and
provided further that the Planning Board shall find that adequate
open space and facilities for the proper care of such animals are
available and will be established and that the keeping of such animals
will not interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of the property
of others.
D. Buildings, pens or other structures housing animals or portions of
buildings used for that purpose shall not be located in any required
yard and in no case shall such structures be located 75 feet from
any lot line, road or highway. No manure may be stored within 250
feet of any property boundary line or watercourse.
E. Fences for keeping of animals shall be located a minimum of four
feet from any lot line, road or highway.
F. No person shall keep animals upon property in any manner which shall
knowingly interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of the property
of others.
A special use permit may be granted for the establishment of a stable used for boarding or for instruction in riding. Such establishments may be used for the boarding and training of horses subject to §
155-60 and when the following conditions are met:
A. The minimum lot size shall be seven acres.
B. The use of the property shall be limited to the keeping of one horse
per each 1/2 acre of lot area.
C. No building in which animals are housed, riding ring, corral, fence
or manure storage area shall be located within 200 feet of any lot
line or street right-of-way, watercourse or wetland.
D. No horses shall be housed in any building used as a primary residence.
The Planning Board may, as part of the special use permit, allow a
residence in such a structure for a caretaker only. The dwelling unit
must create no health hazard and shall meet all applicable building,
housing and sanitary codes.
E. Front, rear and side yard areas shall be landscaped, and screening
shall be provided, where necessary, to harmonize with the character
of the neighborhood.
F. The property shall be so maintained that it will not create a nuisance.
[Amended 12-2-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
A. Multifamily dwellings are permitted in the PH, BH and HR District with a §
155-60 special permit approval and in the TC District with §
155-59 site plan approval.
B. Standard. In addition to those imposed in the site plan or special
permit process, multifamily dwellings shall meet the following requirements:
Density. The maximum number of dwelling units per lot in each
zone are as listed as follows:
PH Zone: four dwelling units per 45,000 square feet if it is
served by central water and sewer, otherwise one dwelling unit per
each 45,000 square feet of lot area.
BH Zone: four dwelling units per 45,000 square feet if it is
served by central water and sewer, otherwise one dwelling unit per
each 45,000 square feet of lot area.
HR Zone: eight dwelling units per acre.
Town Center: 12 dwelling units per acre.
Parking. All parking shall be provided in paved off-street areas according to provisions in §
155-56, with the addition of one visitor parking space per each two units. No parking lot should be closer than 25 feet to the front of any building nor 10 feet to the side or rear of any building. Parking shall be placed to the rear of each building. Parking or storage of unregistered vehicles shall be prohibited.
Lot specifications. Setbacks, building area coverage and frontage
requirements Schedule B, Schedule of Area and Bulk Regulations.
Open space. Usable open space, excluding parking, must be available
for tenants. This open area must be a minimum of 150 square feet per
bedroom for adaptation of existing structures and at least 40% of
the gross lot area for new structures.
Water and sewer facilities. Where connections to the existing
central water and sewer facilities are feasible, such connections
shall be required. Where connections are not feasible, the developer
shall demonstrate that on-site water and septic facilities will adequately
accommodate the proposed density or centralized water and sewer facilities
shall be required of the developer. If centralized water and/or sewer
facilities are required, the developer shall provide assurance of
adequate long-term management and maintenance satisfactory to the
Town. In addition, water systems shall be designed to provide for
satisfactory firefighting capacity.
Design. The architectural design of new multifamily dwellings
shall be harmonious with the character of immediately surrounding
areas as determined by the Architectural Review Board.
Recreation fee. A recreation fee will be charged on a per unit
basis for all new rental units as provided for in the current fee
schedule. On-site dedication of land or construction of recreational
facilities may be required in addition to a recreational fee.
Buffer areas. When necessary to ensure compatibility with the
surroundings, buffer strips shall be provided. Consisting of trees,
hedges, dense plantings, earth berms and changes in grade, these buffers
shall be used, in particular, to separate the more dense character
of multifamily housing from less intensely developed land uses and
to maintain a natural interlude between multifamily structures.
Screening. Parking lots must not be located closer than 15 feet
to any residential property line and shall be sufficiently screened
to make them fit harmoniously with the community. Plantings shall
be of such type, height and spacing as, in the judgment of the Planning
Board, will effectively screen the activities on the lot from view
of persons standing on adjoining properties. The plan and specifications
for such planting shall be filed with the approved plan for the use
of the lot.
The front or rear of any building shall be no closer to the
front or rear of another building than 50 feet. The side of any building
shall be no closer than 40 feet to the side, front or rear of any
other building.
No structure shall exceed 150 feet in length.
No nonresidential uses shall be permitted in a multifamily residential building, except for a residential sales or rental office associated with the project. Mixed use establishments as permitted in the PH, BH or TC Districts may provide residential dwellings in accordance with the defined densities in §
The Planning Board may approve by special permit the use of a site in the C-2 District and by site plan approval in the C-3 District for the establishment of a self-storage center, pursuant to §
155-60 of this chapter and the following requirements:
A. Only "dead" storage activities shall be permitted. Retail activities,
store fronts and office activities shall be prohibited within the
self-storage center, except that one office for the operation of the
center and limited retail sales of products and supplies incidental
to the principal use shall be permitted within the office area. The
following are also prohibited: auctions, garage sales, flea markets,
hobby shops, service and repair of motor vehicles, boats, etc., the
operation of power tools, spray-painting equipment, kilns or other
similar equipment storage, including cars; outside storage shall be
prohibited. Motor vehicle parking shall be for customers and employees
only, while they are on the site. Motor vehicles shall not be parked
or otherwise stored outside within the center. Operating hours shall
be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
B. There shall be a minimum lot area of two acres.
C. The site shall be located on a state highway.
D. Setback requirements shall be as follows:
(1) Front yard, with no parking or access to storage doors: 30 feet.
(2) Where the site faces an interior industrial park road: 20 feet.
(3) With parking and/or paved access to storage doors: 75 feet, except
the Planning Board may permit the self-storage center to be constructed
with a front yard setback of not less than 40 feet if, in the opinion
of the Planning Board, the self-storage center can be suitably screened,
by use of fences, natural planting, natural topographical features
or existing buildings, to the extent that the storage doors will not
be visible from the road. Notwithstanding the above, the setback requirements
for a site shall be the same as required by the district in which
it is located.
(4) Side and rear yards as required by the respective zoning districts.
E. Where a lot is adjacent to a residential area, screening shall be
provided as in the C-3 Zoning District.
F. Maximum coverage, height and number of stories shall be as permitted
by the respective zoning districts.
G. Any lighting shall be shielded from direct light onto the established
uses and away from adjacent property, but it may be of sufficient
intensity to discourage vandalism and theft. However, access and lighting
shall not be permitted on a side facing a residential area, unless
a sufficiently high landscaped berm or buffer area can be provided
to completely shield the building and lighting from residences.
H. No loading docks or permanent materials-handling equipment shall
be permitted. Storage of gasoline and similar petroleum products,
radioactive materials, explosives and flammable or hazardous chemicals
shall be prohibited, and the operator of the self-storage center shall
include a provision to this effect in any lease used to rent the storage
I. Off-street parking shall be provided, and there shall be one parking
space per 3,000 square feet of storage area. In addition, the owner
shall submit a plan which establishes that in the event of a change
of use of the site from self-storage to a permitted use, provision
can be made for parking according to the requirements in the zoning
district in which the site is located, which parking shall be shown
on both the areas the owner intends to pave as well as on areas not
J. Construction material shall be suitable for withstanding considerable
impacts, and satisfactory provisions for continuous maintenance of
the site and buildings shall be submitted to the Planning Board for
K. No further action shall be taken on a proposal for a self-storage
facility until a sketch plan, together with site-specific architectural
drawings, has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board.
L. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a site plan conforming
in all respects to the appropriate provisions of this chapter shall
be submitted to the Planning Board for approval.
M. A sign shall be required, indicating the name and telephone number
of the manager of the self-storage center.
N. The Planning Board may impose such other conditions as it shall deem
necessary to provide for the orderly development of the site.
[Amended 12-2-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Unregistered motor vehicles, including but not limited to campers,
trailers, motorcycles, ATVs and popups, may be stored in the R-45,
R-135, R-90, PH, BH and SC Zones in accordance with the following
A. One operable unregistered motor vehicle may be located on or next
to the driveway when it conforms to the required yard setbacks.
B. Unregistered motor vehicles for sale. No motor vehicle for sale may
be left in a required yard overnight except when placed on the driveway,
but in no case shall it be put within the right-of-way of a public
C. Watercraft, as defined in Chapter
149, shall be considered motor vehicles and may not be stored outdoors unless on a registered trailer.
It is the policy of the Town of Beekman to preserve open space
and to encourage flexibility for development that is screened from
public view. Accordingly, it may be desirable in appropriate circumstances
to locate development on rear lots without requiring compliance with
the otherwise applicable road frontage requirements set forth in the
Schedule of Area and Bulk Regulations, in accordance with the following conditions:
A. Rear lots are allowed in the R-90 and the R-135 Districts and may
be approved where they will not endanger public health and safety
and will advance the purposes of this chapter, including the preservation
of natural and scenic resources.
B. The minimum width between the lot lines containing the driveway to
the rear lot must be not less than 40 feet wide along its entire length.
C. At least 100% of the required minimum lot area for a rear lot shall
be contained in the area of the rear lot which does not include the
area of the minimum accessway to the lot (i.e., 40 feet times the
length of the accessway).
D. No two accessways to rear lots may abut. The Planning Board may waive
this requirement and allow no more than two abutting accessways to
rear lots when such lots are three times the minimum lot size requirement
for the zoning district, and in which case the two rear lots shall
be served by a common driveway.
E. A driveway entrance must be a minimum of 20 feet, at its closest point, from another existing or proposed adjacent driveway on the same side of the road, except as allowed in Subsection
F below.
F. The requirements in Subsections
D and
E above shall not apply at the closed end of a cul-de-sac, in which case the Planning Board may approve such accessway locations as it finds will meet the objectives of this chapter.
G. Any authorized rear lot must have at least the minimum lot width
specified for the zoning district at the building line established
on the subdivision plat.
H. In considering the best use of land in a subdivision, the Planning
Board may limit the number and location of such rear lots and the
length of the accessways, and shall require such other changes in
design and layout of the subdivision so that the rear lots will be
in keeping with the Town of Beekman Comprehensive Plan.
A special use permit may be granted for the establishment of a charitable foundation facility. Such facility may be used exclusively to accommodate the administrative operations of foundation staff, as well as to provide for consultations with those assisted by the organization. The facility shall be nonresidential, except that the foundation may establish a caretaker residence within a detached accessory structure. The issuance of the permit is subject to §
155-60 of this chapter and the following conditions must be met:
A. Minimum lot size: five acres.
B. Maximum site coverage by all impervious surfaces including buildings:
C. Maximum site coverage by buildings: 5%.
D. Minimum setback of parking area(s) from any lot line: 60 feet.
E. Minimum front yard: 100 feet.
F. Minimum side yard: 80 feet.
G. Minimum rear yard: 80 feet.
H. Site plan review shall be coordinated to obtain the recommendations
of the Architectural Review Board pertaining to the site plan and
building details.
I. Site design, landscaping and all buildings shall harmonize with the
natural and built environs in the vicinity of the site.
J. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment or materials.
K. The living space dedicated to the caretaker residence, if any, shall
not exceed 1,500 square feet.
L. The maximum number of foundation executives and staff present at
the site at any one time shall not exceed 10.