Street numbers shall be designated to lands fronting upon the
public streets, avenues and highways within the Borough of Demarest
as shown and indicated on the Official Assessment Map of the Borough
of Demarest.
The owner or owners of each and every dwelling house or store
which now fronts upon the public streets, avenues and highways in
the Borough shall cause, within 90 days after the passage of this
chapter, the proper street number to be placed in figures in a conspicuous
manner on the front of such dwelling house or store so as to be plainly
visible from the street.
The owner or owners of every dwelling house or store erected
within the Borough of Demarest after the passage of this chapter shall
cause the proper street number to be placed thereon within 30 days
of the completion of the dwelling house or store in the manner provided
Upon the dedication and acceptance of new streets within the
Borough, street numbers shall be assigned and allotted to the lands
fronting on the new streets by the Borough Engineer and shall be placed
upon the revised Assessment Map of the Borough.
The Borough Engineer shall have the power and duty of correcting
any street numbers that may be erroneously assigned or allotted and
shall, upon written request, certify the street number to the owner
or owners of the lands within the Borough. The Borough Engineer shall
also have the power and duty of changing any street numbers upon authorization
by the Mayor and Council of this Borough.
[Amended 4-18-1983 by Ord. No. 562; 7-15-1991 by Ord. No. 703]
Any owner of lands within the Borough of Demarest violating
any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof,
be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 or to imprisonment in the
county jail for not more than 90 days or to a period of community
service not exceeding 90 days, or all of the above, in the discretion
of the Judge imposing the same. Every day during which such violation
continues shall constitute a separate offense.