[Added 10-18-2004]
Land development projects are permitted in all zoning districts and shall be referred to the Planning Board for approval in accordance with the procedures of Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, including those for appeal and judicial review. Article X, Development Plan Review, § 400-99, General criteria and standards, shall apply to land development projects.
The minimum area for a land development project shall be governed by the zoning district.
The uses permitted within the land development projects are those uses permitted in the Use Matrix for the zoning district of the parcel(s).[1] Mixed uses and multi-use projects shall consist of compatible uses that create a coordinated site. All mixed or multi-use projects, whether permitted by right or special use permit, shall also be reviewed by the Zoning Board for a special use permit in order to determine if the project meets the criteria of a coordinated site of compatible uses, except for special management districts with a specifically designed use matrix.
Editor's Note: The Use Matrix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The ratio of residential to nonresidential uses is not regulated, unless specified by the zoning district.
The density for residential and nonresidential uses shall be governed by the dimensional regulations for each zoning district and special use permit criteria.
Roads and associated infrastructure within land development projects shall be privately owned and maintained, unless specifically requested to be accepted by the Town.
Buffers within land development projects shall be, at a minimum, to the extent required by this chapter, as provided for in Article II. The Planning Board may require additional vegetated buffers to protect abutting properties or to protect visual features.
Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, Article XIII, Physical Design Requirements and Public Improvement Standards, shall apply to land development projects.