[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Avon 5-7-2019 ATM by Art. 8. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Junk, scrap metal and secondhand dealers — See Ch. 138.
Streets, sidewalks and public property — See Ch. 205.
Board of Health rubbish pickup and removal contracts — See Ch. 300, § 300-5.1 and § 300-5.2.
No person shall throw, place or deposit in any manner upon any way or public property any refuse, discarded materials of any kind and nature or paper, except in proper containers for the immediate removal therefrom. Police officers and health officers of the Town shall also enforce the provisions of MGL c. 270, § 16.
No person as owner or as one in control of the premises shall place rubbish upon the sidewalk in a manner blocking pedestrian traffic.
No person as owner or as one in control of the premises shall place rubbish on the curbside for pickup in advance of 24 hours prior to a scheduled pickup.