In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the Bylaws have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code.
Article/Section from Bylaws
Location in 2019 Code
Prior Amendments
Art. II
Sec. 1 - 5
Ch. 84
9-16-2015 STM, Art. 11
Sec. 6, Finance Committee
Ch. 7, Art. II
Art. III, Town Elections
Ch. 19
Art. IV, Town Reports
Sec. 1 - 4
Ch. 72, §§ 72-1 - 72-4
2-10-1986 STM, Art. 1
Sec. 4-33, Residency Requirements - Boards, Commissions and Committees
Ch. 7, Art. I
Art. V, Financial Regulations
Sec. 1 - 6
Ch. 30
5-5-2015 ATM, Art. 34 and Art. 35
Sec. 7, Capital Planning and Outlay Committee
Ch. 7, Art. III
Sec. 8
Ch. 72, § 72-5
Art. VI, Town Officers: Duties and Authority
Sec. 1, Board of Selectmen
Ch. 55, § 55-1
1980 ATM, Art. 30
Sec. 2, Town Counsel; Special Counsel
Ch. 55, § 55-2
Sec. 3, Gas Inspector
Ch. 55, § 55-3
Sec. 4, Wiring Inspector
Ch. 55, § 55-4
Sec. 5, Council on Aging
Ch. 7, Art. IV
Sec. 6, Personnel Board
Sec. 7, Police Department
Ch. 23, § 23-1
Sec. 8, Fire Department
Ch. 23, § 23-2
Sec. 9, Collector of Taxes
Ch. 55, § 55-5
Sec. 10, General Bylaw Committee
Ch. 7, Art. V
Sec. 11, Building Inspector
Ch. 55, § 55-6
Sec. 12, Committee Reports
Ch. 72, § 72-6
Art. VII, Police Regulation
Sec. 1, Discharge of firearms, fireworks
Ch. 140
Sec. 2, Fundraising
Ch. 184, Art. I
5-6-2014 ATM, Art. 9
Sec. 3, Sales
Ch. 184, Art. II
Sec. 4, Parades, music
Ch. 134
Sec. 5, Loitering
Ch. 165
Sec. 6, Public drinking
Ch. 107
Sec. 8, Refuse and litter
Ch. 196, § 196-1
Sec. 9, Private drains
Ch. 205, § 205-1
Sec. 10, Winter parking ban
Ch. 226, Art. I
Sec. 11, Markings
Ch. 205, § 205-2
Sec. 12, Coasting
Ch. 205, § 205-3
Sec. 13, Transportation of buildings
Ch. 205, § 205-4
Sec. 14, Parking of commercial vehicles restricted
Ch. 226, Art. II
Sec. 15, Swimming pool regulations
Ch. 209
Sec. 16, Abandoned or junk vehicles
Ch. 222, § 222-1
Sec. 16A, Unregistered motor vehicles
Ch. 230, § 222-2
Sec. 16B, Violations
Ch. 230, § 222-3
Sec. 17, Burglar alarm systems, registration and regulations
Ch. 103
Sec. 18, Fire lanes
Ch. 226, Art. III
Sec. 19, Secured key access for Fire Department
Ch. 115, Art. I
Sec. 20, Handicapped parking regulations
Ch. 226, Art. IV
Sec. 21, Unauthorized use of water supply
Ch. 235
Sec. 22, Rubbish collections
Ch. 196, § 196-2
Sec. 23, Public consumption of marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol
Ch. 171
Sec. 23, Scrap metals recycler/junk dealer license
Ch. 158
5-6-2014 ATM, Art. 18
Sec. 25, Pawnbrokers
Ch. 179
5-6-2014 ATM, Art. 26
Art. VIII, Regulation of Dogs
Ch. 126
Art. IX, Environmental Regulations
Sec. 1, Underground storage tanks
Ch. 201
Art. X, Regulating the Security and Maintenance of Abandoned and Dilapidated Buildings Within the Town of Avon
Ch. 115, Art. II
11-8-2010 STM, Art. 19
Art. X, Wetlands Protection
Ch. 239
Art. XI, Yard Sales Regulations
Ch. 247
Art. XI, General Provisions
Ch. 1
5-3-2016 ATM, Art. 11
Personnel Bylaw
Ch. 61
5-1-2012 ATM
Zoning Bylaw
Ch. 255
5-12-1987 ATM; 5-5-1992 ATM; 10-11-1995 STM; 2009 ATM; 2010 ATM; 1-26-2017 STM, Art. 3; 5-2-2017 ATM, Art. 7; 5-1-2018 ATM, Art. 6